25 research outputs found


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    The paper outlines a design process flow diagram (methodology) that highlights the challenges of engineering design and allows both engineers and students to focus on the development of a creative, effective and profitable solution to meet particular life objective and additional criteria. A case study related to a recreational vehicle is also presented to validate the methodology. Therefore, to reach the objective of weight reduction for the structural subsystem in a hybrid roadster project, a methodology that allows the optimization of the design parameters according to several types of design criteria has been developed

    Développement de méthodologies de conception et validation pour le développement de produits et composants structuraux

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    Le présent projet de recherche est dédié à la formalisation et à l'intégration des méthodologies de conception et validation à la phase de conception détaillée, afin de favoriser les échanges de connaissances entre les acteurs impliqués dans le processus de développement de produits. La conception détaillée implique des interactions entre trois éléments : la géométrie, les matériaux et les chargements. Conséquemment, dans le cadre de cette thèse qui intègre plusieurs articles, les liens entre ces trois éléments seront formalisés au niveau des méthodologies de conception. Plus spécifiquement, les méthodologies de conception proposées seront centrées sur la phase de conception détaillée. En effet, dans la littérature existante, peu d'articles s'attardent à décrire les processus itératifs selon lesquels un concept est développé en produit dans le respect des critères de conception mentionnés dans le cahier de charges et tout en gardant le lien avec les connaissances disciplinaires et les outils d'assistance actuels. Il faudra donc envisager des méthodologies de conception détaillée qui cibleront plusieurs critères de conception et qui s'adapteront à divers types de produits. À l'étape de conception détaillée, dans le cadre du processus de développement de produits, il faudra également intégrer l'optimisation et la validation de produits. Les activités d'optimisation permettent de trouver une ou plusieurs combinaisons de paramètres maximisant ou minimisant un critère de conception donné, tandis que les activités de validation fournissent une rétroaction au concepteur, afin de vérifier l'exactitude des calculs réalisés et l'atteinte de tous les critères de conception. L'application d'une décomposition des étapes représente une stratégie qui sera utilisée pour le développement de méthodologies de conception et de validation de produits. Les sous-étapes qui en résulteront seront plus faciles à accomplir et à gérer. Qui plus est, les sous-étapes peuvent interagir entre elles, donc les concepteurs doivent s'assurer que la solution obtenue suite à une étape ne viole pas les hypothèses ou les contraintes d'une autre sous-étape complémentaire. La méthodologie de conception et de validation de produits structuraux, qui en a résulté suite à ce programme de recherche, a été appliquée en milieu industriel dans le but de prouver sa contribution au développement de ce type des produits. Un des gains les plus importants apportés par cette méthodologie c'est qu'on a réussi à réduire le nombre d'itérations au niveau de l'étape de validation expérimentale tout en assurant la rétroaction sur les besoins du client et sur les spécifications du produit. Cette réduction du nombre d'itération au niveau de la validation expérimentale sera transposée également dans une réduction du temps de validation. Finalement, suite à l'application de la nouvelle approche méthodologique, on a été en mesure de développer une composante structurale qui devrait respecter plusieurs critères à la fois et de déterminer d'une manière scientifique sa durée de vie tout en minimisant son surdimensionnement

    Jurical Aspects Regarding Medical Malpractice

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    I have made the presentation of the present legislative framework regarding the medical malpractice, starting from the first enactment of the Law regarding the reform within the healthcare in 2006 with further amendments and addenda (the latest amendment was adopted in 2010). It has herein appeared a continuous concern for the reconcilability of our legislation with the European legislation for the purpose of simplifying the working procedures. Although these laws have been in our country for almost 5 years, it can still be hold that there are some disparities between the law of malpractice and the stipulations of the Penal Code.medical malpractice, the Penal Code, the Law on reform within the healthcare field

    Evaluation of short-term complications in laparoscopic peritoneal dialysis catheter placement - a single tertiary center experience

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    Background. Peritoneal dialysis is a form of kidney function replacement that is not as widespread as hemodialysis. However, it has recognized advantages, such as preservation of residual renal function, lack of vascular access, and the ability to be performed at home. On the other hand, it requires the correct insertion of a peritoneal dialysis (PD) catheter and maintaining its patency. Methods. We conducted a retrospective study of 126 patients with end-stage renal disease who underwent laparoscopic Tenckhoff catheter placement for peritoneal dialysis between January 2016 and December 2022. The study analyzed the frequency and type of complications registered within three months, in order to validate laparoscopy as a safe method of catheter insertion (with reduced periprocedural complications), as well as the importance of the multidisciplinary team in the care of patients with peritoneal dialysis. Results. In about 14% of patients, we encountered a total of 23 complications: 61% in the first month, 34.7% in the second month, and 4.3% in the third month. The most frequent complication was infection (peritonitis 35%, catheter exit site infection 30.4%), followed by peri-catheter leak (21.7% of total complications). Catheter migration, hernia, and significant bleeding were rare events (4.3% of total complications each). All complications were managed by medical treatment, except two cases which required replacement of the catheter. Conclusions. Laparoscopic catheter insertion is a safe procedure with low post-procedural complications in patients who are dependent on peritoneal dialysis

    Advantages of total parathyroidectomy in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism induced by end stage renal disease

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    IntroductionSecondary hyperparathyroidism, as a result of chronic kidney disease could be treated medically or surgically. When pharmacotherapy fails, patients undergo surgery - parathyroidectomy, the curative treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT). There are currently 3 accepted surgical techniques, each with supporters or opponents – total parathyroidectomy, subtotal parathyroidectomy and parathyroidectomy with immediate autotransplantation.MethodsIn this paper we described our experience on a series of 160 consecutive patients diagnosed with secondary hyperparathyroidism who underwent surgery, in 27 cases it was totalization of the intervention (patients with previously performed subtotal parathyroidectomy or with supernumerary glands and SHPT recurrence). We routinely perform total parathyroidectomy, the method that we believe offers the best results. ResultsThe group of patients was studied according to demographic criteria, paraclinical balance, clinical symptomatology, pre- and postoperative iPTH (intact parathormone) values, SHPT recurrence, number of reinterventions. In 31 cases we found gland ectopy and in 15 cases we discovered supernumerary parathyroids. A percentage of 96.24% of patients with total parathyroidectomy did not show recurrence.DiscussionsAfter analyzing the obtained results, our conclusion was that total parathyroidectomy is the intervention of choice for patients suffering from secondary hyperparathyroidism when pharmacotherapy fails in order to prevent recurrence of the disease and to correct the metabolic parameters

    Morphological and Tribological Properties of PMMA/Halloysite Nanocomposites

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    From an environmental and cost-effective perspective, a number of research challenges can be found for electronics, household, but especially in the automotive polymer parts industry. Reducing synthesis steps, parts coating and painting, or other solvent-assisted processes, have been identified as major constrains for the existing technologies. Therefore, simple polymer processing routes (mixing, extrusion, injection moulding) were used for obtaining PMMA/HNT nanocomposites. By these techniques, an automotive-grade polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was modified with halloysite nanotubes (HNT) and an eco-friendly additive N,N′-ethylenebis(stearamide) (EBS) to improve nanomechanical properties involved in scratch resistance, mechanical properties (balance between tensile strength and impact resistance) without diminishing other properties. The relationship between morphological/structural (XRD, TEM, FTIR) and tribological (friction) properties of PMMA nanocomposites were investigated. A synergistic effect was found between HNT and EBS in the PMMA matrix. The synergy was attained by the phase distribution resulted from the selective interaction between partners and favourable processing conditions. Modification of HNT with EBS improved the dispersion of nanoparticles in the polymer matrix by increasing their interfacial compatibility through hydrogen bonding established by amide groups with aluminol groups. The increased interfacial adhesion further improved the nanocomposite scratch resistance. The PMMA/HNT-EBS nanocomposite had a lower coefficient of friction and lower scratch penetration depth than PMMA/HNT nanocomposite.Financial support by the EU Commission through Project H2020-686165-IZADINANO2INDUSTRY is gratefully acknowledged

    Micromechanical function of myofibrils isolated from skeletal and cardiac muscles of the zebrafish

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    The zebrafish is a potentially important and cost-effective model for studies of development, motility, regeneration, and inherited human diseases. The object of our work was to show whether myofibrils isolated from zebrafish striated muscle represent a valid subcellular contractile model. These organelles, which determine contractile function in muscle, were used in a fast kinetic mechanical technique based on an atomic force probe and video microscopy. Mechanical variables measured included rate constants of force development (kACT) after Ca2+ activation and of force decay (τREL−1) during relaxation upon Ca2+ removal, isometric force at maximal (Fmax) or partial Ca2+ activations, and force response to an external stretch applied to the relaxed myofibril (Fpass). Myotomal myofibrils from larvae developed greater active and passive forces, and contracted and relaxed faster than skeletal myofibrils from adult zebrafish, indicating developmental changes in the contractile organelles of the myotomal muscles. Compared with murine cardiac myofibrils, measurements of adult zebrafish ventricular myofibrils show that kACT, Fmax, Ca2+ sensitivity of the force, and Fpass were comparable and τREL−1 was smaller. These results suggest that cardiac myofibrils from zebrafish, like those from mice, are suitable contractile models to study cardiac function at the sarcomeric level. The results prove the practicability and usefulness of mechanical and kinetic investigations on myofibrils isolated from larval and adult zebrafish muscles. This novel approach for investigating myotomal and myocardial function in zebrafish at the subcellular level, combined with the powerful genetic manipulations that are possible in the zebrafish, will allow the investigation of the functional primary consequences of human disease–related mutations in sarcomeric proteins in the zebrafish model

    Ethical Responsibility of Neuromarketing Companies in Harnessing the Market Research – a Global Exploratory Approach

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    A key challenge in the 21st century is identifying how to satisfy consumers’ needs in the best manner possible, whilst ensuring companies’ financial profitability. Scientists play a major role in achieving this goal, as research methods, techniques and tools have continuously evolved. In the last two decades, the development of these instruments has seen an important boost, as neuromarketing methods and techniques added depth and accuracy to traditional studies. The main aim of this paper is to highlight the role and importance of neuromarketing research techniques in the evolution of neurosciences and to explain how these techniques are used in market research. One of the most important challenges for companies who offer neuromarketing services is to stick to ethical principles when performing the investigations. This is an obligation they have both towards the beneficiaries – the companies providing products or services – and towards their consumers as well. This challenge has always been a subject of dispute between the advocates and critics of neuromarketing. Thus, this paper deals with this and other controversial topics. It starts with analysing a traditional persuasion model that has inherently been influenced by the neuromarketing research features. Then, it addresses the positive and negative aspects that subjects might have to face throughout neuromarketing studies, always bearing in mind the current Ethical Code of Conduct issued by the Neuromarketing Science and Business Association (NMSBA). An exploratory online research helped the authors test several hypotheses on ethical issues that neuromarketing companies have to handle. The research was performed on 67 neuromarketing companies from around the world that are members of the NMSBA. The findings are relevant both to researchers and neuromarketing companies, even the Romanian ones, who can use them used as insights


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    The off-label prescription means that medicines are administered by an unlicensed route, in an unlicensed formulation or dosage or to a child below the stated age range. The use of drugs in an off-label or unlicensed manner to treat children is widespread. Because many prescribed treatments for children have not been adequately tested in children, this population of patients remains a vulnerable one. On the one hand, prescribing off-label use drugs in children determines a lot of controversies but, one the other hand, without this possibility, could be deprived of a chance to be treated. The paper presents the widespread phenomenon of off-label us drugs in children, refl ecting in scientifi c studies in USA and Europe. An important focus is on Romanian statistic of Sildenafi l prescription and on dilemmatic use of it in pediatric cardiology unit