15 research outputs found
Učinak temperature razrjeđivanja dvaju različitih razrjeđivača na kvalitetu sperme nerasta
This study investigated the quality characteristics and the field fertility of boar semen after dilution with OptimIA, a common extender at 23 (n = 20, group A23) or at 30 °C (n = 20, group A30), and after dilution with OptimIA commercial extender at 23 °C (n = 20, group 23A) or with Androhep Plus, a membrane protective extender at 23 °C (n = 20, group 23B). Each sample of extended semen was stored (16-18 °C) and used for a double artificial insemination at 48 h and 72 h after its collection at the farm (n = 30 per group). The semen was assessed in the laboratory (kinetic parameters, morphology and DNA fragmentation) at collection (0 h) and at insemination hours (48 and 72 h). Most of the semen laboratory parameters deteriorated from 48 h to 72 h, regardless of dilution temperature or the use of the protective extender. However, in the special protective extender the percentages of rapid movement spermatozoa, VCL (curvilinear velocity), VAP (average path velocity) and WOB (wobble) did not differ between 48 h and 72 h. A lower farrowing rate was observed in the common extender group at 23 °C, and a lower number of live born piglets in the protective extender group compared to the other two groups. In conclusion, one step dilution of boar semen at 23 °C compared to dilution at 30 °C did not dramatically affect its in vitro quality characteristics after 72 h of storage, although field fertility was negatively influenced. Some of these negative effects can be compensated for by the use of a membrane protective extender.Istražena je kvaliteta i plodnost nerastove sperme u terenskim uvjetima nakon razrjeđivanja s dva različita razrjeđivača: OptimaIA – standardni razrjeđivač na 23 °C (oznaka skupine A23, n = 20) ili na 30 °C (oznaka skupine A30, n = 20) i OptimaIA - komercijalni razrjeđivač na 23 °C (oznaka skupine 23A, n = 20) ili sa zaštitnikom membrane Androhep Plus na 23 °C (oznaka skupine 23B, n = 20). Svaki uzorak razrijeđene sperme bio je pohranjen na 16-18 °C i korišten za dvokratno umjetno osjemenjivanje nakon 48 h i 72 h od prikupljanja na farmi (n = 30 po skupini). Sperma je u laboratoriju ocijenjena (pokazatelji pokretljivosti, morfologija i DNA fragmentacija) prilikom prikupljanja (0 h) i prilikom osjemenjivanja (48 h i 72 h). Većina pokazatelja je, bez obzira na temperature razrjeđivanja ili uporabu zaštitnog razrjeđivača, pokazala pogoršanje u laboratorijskim uvjetima od 48 h na 72 h. Ipak, kod posebnog zaštitnog razrjeđivača, razlike između 48 h i 72 h nisu utvrđene za postotak brzo pokretljivih spermija, valovitost gibanja, prosječnu brzinu i oscilirajuće pokretanje (treperenje). U usporedbi s ostalim dvjema skupinama, niža stopa oprasivosti opažena je kod primjene standardnog razrjeđivača na 23 °C, a niži broj živorođenih odojaka opažen je nakon primjene zaštitnog razrjeđivača. Zaključno, iako postoji negativni utjecaj na plodnost u terenskim uvjetima, nakon 72 sata pohranjivanja, jedan korak razrjeđivanja nerastove sperme na 23 °C, u usporedbi s 30 °C, ne utječe dramatično na njezinu kvalitetu in vitro. Neki od negativnih utjecaja mogu se nadomjestiti uporabom razrjeđivača koji štite membranu spermija
A comparative study of boar semen extenders with different proposed preservation times and their effect on semen quality and fertility
The role of viral infections in the devolopment of respiratory disease in swine
Susceptible categories of pigs for the occurrence of respiratory diseases are categories in postweaning and
fattening. The spectrum of clinical symptoms is very wide and includes not only respiratory symptoms, but
also many other symptoms that appear as a consequence of systemic disorders, depending on the type of
causative agent. Cough can be of different frequency, intensity and productivity, and difficulty breathing can
be of different degrees. Respiratory diseases may be accompanied by stunted growth, rough bristles,
anorexia, reduced daily gain and lethargy. Disseminated systemic disorders often include symptoms
suggestive of central nervous system disorders, swollen joints and lameness, followed by reproductive
disorders or sudden death. Pathomorphological changes are also of different character and severity. Nonspecific factors predispose to the occurrence of initial damage or contribute to the further spread of already
existing lesions. In this article, we wanted to give an overview of our research on respiratory diseases of viral
etiology in pigs from commercial farms
Age-related changes in quality and fertility of porcine semen
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of boar age on quality traits and fertility of liquid-stored semen. Boars were allocated into 3 age groups: 7-10 months (young), 18-33 months (mature), 51-61 months (old). Ejaculates of > 200x10(6) sperm/ml and 85% total motile sperm were extended to 30x10(6) sperm/ml, stored at 17-18 °C and used within 12-24 h for artificial insemination (AI) of 2062 multiparous sows. After 24 h of storage, aliquots of diluted semen were assessed for sperm progressive motility (SPM), incidence of sperm chromatin instability (SCI), proportion of live morphologically normal sperm (LMNS) and head morphometry of LMNS. The results showed that young boars had higher percentages of SCI and lower proportions of LMNS than those of the mature (p < 0.05) and old (p < 0.001) boars, respectively. Sperm head dimensions of young and old boars were greater (p < 0.03-0.001) than those of mature boars. The farrowing rate of young boars (65%) was significantly lower (p < 0.001; χ2= 30-61) than those of the mature (87.2%) and old (84.7%) boars. The relationship between sperm head dimensions and boar fertility was non-significant. In conclusion, boar age is an important physiological factor contributing to the success of swine AI
Investigating Visual Monitoring of the Scrotum as a Supplementary Tool for Boar Semen Quality Evaluation
Farm animals behavior research uses video cameras, mainly for visual observation and recording. The purpose of this feasibility study was to enrich the predictable methods of boar semen production capacity by correlating sperm variables with the scrotal contractions (SC) frequency and intensity. A video camera was used to record the reaction of the scrotum during ejaculation. The respective collected ejaculates were evaluated and semen parameters, such as viability, morphology, membranes functional integrity and kinematics, were determined. The camera recorded the scrotal contractions/relaxations and the video was handled by the Image Processing Toolbox of Matlab (Mathworks Inc., Natick, MA, USA). The SC intensity was verified as a percentage change in the scrotum size among the video frames of maximum contraction and relaxation. The archived data from the frames were analyzed statistically, using a linear mixed effects model that involved sperm assessed parameters. Correlations of the SC intensity with the average path velocity, VAP (R2 = 0.591, p = 0.043) and with the percentage of the cytoplasmic droplets (R2 = 0.509, p = 0.036) were noticed. Previous studies reported the positive correlation of VAP with the number of live-born piglets. In conclusion, video monitoring of the boar scrotal function during ejaculation is useful, but more research is needed to establish its appropriateness as a supplementary method for the prognosis of boar ability to produce high-quality semen
Effect of subchronic oral exposure to zearalenone on haematologic and biochemical analytes, and blood redox status of adult rabbit bucks
The Use of Animal’s Body, Scrotal Temperature and Motion Monitoring in Evaluating Boar Semen Production Capacity
Biomedical measurements by specialized technological equipment have been used in farm animals to collect information about nutrition, behavior and welfare. This study investigates the relation of semen quality (CASA analysis, viability, morphology, membrane biochemical activity and DNA fragmentation) with boar behavior during ejaculation. Sensors were placed on the boar’s body. Movement features were collected using an inertial measurement unit (IMU), comprising an accelerometer, a gyroscope and a magnetometer. Boar, scrotal and dummy temperatures were measured by an infrared (IR) camera and an IR thermometer, while the face salivation of the boar was recorded by a moisture meter (also based on IR technology). All signals and images were logged on a mobile device (smartphone or tablet) using a Bluetooth connection and then transferred wirelessly to the cloud. The data files were then processed using scripts in MATLAB 2021a (MathWorks, Natick, Massachusetts) to derive the necessary indices. Ninety-four ejaculates from five boars were analyzed in this study. The statistical analysis was performed in the Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox of MATLAB 2021a using a linear mixed effects model. Significant and strong negative correlations (R2 > 0.5, p ≤ 0.05) were observed between boar, dummy and scrotal temperature with the progressive, rapid and slow movement of spermatozoa, VCL (curvilinear velocity), VSL (straight line velocity) and ALH (amplitude of lateral head displacement) kinematics. The volume of the ejaculate was correlated with the scrotal and dummy temperature. Dummy’s temperature was negatively correlated with BCF (beat/cross-frequency), viability and total time of ejaculation, while it was positively correlated with abnormal morphology. Body temperature was negatively correlated with BCF. Positive correlations were noticed between VAP (average path velocity) and total time of ejaculation with body acceleration features, as well as between the overall dynamic body acceleration (ODBA) and total time of ejaculation. In conclusion, the use of biomedical sensors can support the evaluation of boar sperm production capacity, providing valuable information about semen quality