7 research outputs found
Particle Size Optimization of Melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) Seed Hardshell: A Potential Antioxidant Alternative
Natural ingredients can have extraordinary potential as alternative medicines due to their accessibility and cost-effectiveness. Application of these ingredients should consider solubility and permeability, which determine the success of pharmaceutical characteristics formulation and biological activity indication. In this context, physical manipulation, specifically particle size reduction, is an effective strategy to address these issues. Previous research has explored active compounds in the stilbenoid group, found in the outer skin, hard shell, and endosperm of melinjo (Gnetum gnemon L.) seeds, functioning as antioxidant. Based on the potential as antioxidant, stilbenoid compounds, including resveratrol, contained in melinjo seed hardshell have shown significant pharmacological effects. Therefore, this research aimed to investigate the potential of melinjo seed hardshell extract as a natural antioxidant alternative by modifying the particle size through a grinding process to obtain nanoparticles. The analysis was carried out using ball milling to enhance the solubility of melinjo seed hardshell extract by increasing the saturated solubility and surface area of the particles. The results showed that the total phenol content and the antioxidant power increased significantly (p < 0.05) after ball milling. Melinjo seed hardshell nanoextract is reported herein as a promising source of natural antioxidant from local Indonesian plants
Backgrund : Staphylococous aureus infection can cause serious and life-threatening illness if it enters the bloodstream, for example meningitis, endocarditis, and species. Staphylococcus aureus is a very serious problem because of the increased resistance of these bacteria to various types of antibiotics, due to their  inappropriate use. So we need a natural alternative therapy as an antibiotic using cucumber juice. Objectives : The study aims to determine the inhibition of cucumber juice at various concentrations on the growth of Sthapylococcus Aureus. Methods : Test method for antibacterial inhibition using concentrations of 40%, 60%,80% and using positive control and negative control. Results :   in general cucumber juice have moderate inhibitory ability on the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, and the most effective concentration is 80%. Conclusions and suggestions : Systemic infection of Staphylococcus aureus cannot be described with the profile of this study, need another research profile that can explain it
Background: Aloe vera skin plants contain lots of flavonoids, tannins, saponins, polyphenols and steroids. Aloe vera is known to be efficacious as boils, bruised skin, chapped, blisters, hair loss, hemorrhoids, sore throat and can treat conbustio. Sticky material found in the of aloe vera peel can prevent infection in burns. Sticky material found in the skin of aloe vera can prevent infection in combustio. In the past, the use of aloe vera peel as a medicine for combustio is by applying a slimy leaf to the wound until the mucus covers the entire wound.  Aloe vera peel to heal combustio can be facilitated by making dosage forms such as gel. Gel is usually used as a drug for the topical . Objectives This study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera peel extract gel on healing combustio (minor burn) in rabbits. Methods This research is an experimental laboratory study, tested on rabbit combustio(minor burn). Results:   Healing combustio formulation of aloe vera peel extract 5% as much as 90%, the formulation of aloe vera extract 10% as much as 93.3% and the formulation of aloe vera peel extract 15% as much as 86.7%. Conclusions and suggestions: :  Aloe vera peel extract gel formulation with 5%, 10% and 15% concentration can accelerate the drying of combustio (minor burns). It is recommended to test with other dosage forms such as ointments, lotion or creams
Calgary Family Intervention Model Approach to Improve Quality of Life for Diabetes Mellitus Patients
Calgary Family Intervention Model (CFIM) is a nursing care model that is dominated by the family and integrated with the nursing paradigm that focuses on families. A case study was conducted to determine the intervention to improve the quality of life for the patient with diabetes mellitus. Nursing care was carried out using the Calgary Family Intervention Model approach with the author for three days and continued by the family for two weeks. With data collection techniques include interviews, observation, physical examination, and documentation. The tools used in this case study are a set of physical examination tools, blood sugar check tools, a nursing kit, and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. The results showed that Mr. J’s family had problems in the dimensions of physical and psychological health, with the established nursing diagnosis being a poor quality of life. In family members who experience diabetes mellitus with quality of life problems there are positive changes to the family and in handling, nutrition, exercise, foot care, and stress management for the patient. It can be seen from the results questionnaire which showed an improvement in scores than before, especially in the dimensions of physical and psychological health.
Keywords: Calgary, diabetes mellitus, family, nursing, quality of lif
Peranan Sertifikat Bank Indonesia Dalam Mempengaruhi Jumlah Uang Beredar Di Indonesia Tahun 1998 - 2000
Cancer pain is a complex problem that may decrease cancer survivors�
quality of life. A comprehensive cancer pain management is necessary to improve
therapy success, including its effectiveness and required costs. This research was
aimed at obtaining a description of comparisan of the effectiveness, safety and
cost between cancer pain therapy using fentanyl transdermal and sustained release
oral morphine at Dharmais Cancer Hospital (RSKD)
The research belongs to descriptive research using retrospective data
collection obtained from data investigation to patients� medical record and cost of
medical use data. The subjects of the research were solid cancer inpatients who
met the inclusion criteria at RSKD from January until December 2011.
Effectiveness data were obtained from the measurement of pain scale using
Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) recorded in medical record. The effectiveness data
were analyzed based on the percentage of the research subjects who achieved mild
scale within less than 7 days (therapy target). Therapy cost included therapy group
cost, adjuvant therapy cost and adverse event cost. Mann Whitney test was
conducted to identify the comparison of the average of pain therapy cost, which
achieved therapy target.
The effectiveness of fentanyl transdermal was higher (45.24%) than that of
sustained release oral morphine (31.58%). The precentage of the occurence of
constipation and nausea/vomiting on fentanyl transdermal was 26.19% dan 7.12%
and on sustained release oral morphine was 47.38% dan 7. 89%. The total cost of
the average of fentanyl transdermal and sustained release oral morphine until
achieving the therapy target were Rp 449,544.11± Rp 433,371.00 and
Rp365,403.17± Rp 267,452.00 (p=0.465)