9 research outputs found

    Tari Tradisional dalam Ranah Tari Populer: Kontribusi, Relevansi, dan Keberlanjutan Budaya

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    Recent development of dance performance is not only esthetical and artistic; it has improved farther along with social cultural changes and economic development, which is supported by the scientific and technological changes that have encouraged the improvement of the art and knowledge about dances. In choreographic learning in academic environment, the arrangement pattern in choreography is not limited to the conventional that the consequence of movement, but also a media for criticism and expression of the artists. Currently dance does not belong to certain tradition of a community but to individuals. The individual belonging of the dance is widely known as popular dance, both monumental and contemporary dance. In Indonesia, both monumental and contemporary popular dances tend not to be detached from their traditional idiom or spirit in their cultural choreographic background, even all of their arrangement source stems from traditional kinesthetic dance. This phenomenon becomes a new trend in dance creation and dance choreographic learning in Indonesia, many of which are developed by art academicians, art studios and workshops

    Fenomena Tari Kontemporer dalam Karya Tari

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    Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkap fenomena karya tari kontemporer dari mahasiswa Sendratasik UNP dan STSI Padang Panjang dalam tugas akhir. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada fenomena kecenderungan mahasiswa dalam menciptakan karya tari dalam bentuk kontemporer. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan instrumen utama adalah peneliti sendiri. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Data dianalisa secara konvensional. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada kecenderungan mahasiswa menciptakan karya mereka dalam tugas akhir (TA) dengan model kontemporer, seperti pada pola tarian, tipe tarian, bentuk pertunjukan, dan orientasi tarian. Pertumbuhan gejala ini disebabkan frekuensi yang tinggi dari mahasiswa untuk terlibat dalam berbagai forum tarian kontemporer dan apresiasi terhadap figure dan karya dosen. Kesimpulan penelitian adalah gejala dan kecenderungan karya kontemporer muncul dalam karya mahasiswa karena 1) pengaruh dosen, 2) pengaruh forum tarian, 3) pengaruh karya tari artis-artis Sumatera, dan 4) kebebasan yang diberikan kepada mahasiswa. Dari penelitian ini sangat disarankan agar ada pedoman yang benar dari dosen Sendratasik FBSS UNP dan STSI Padang Panjang agar memperhatikan dasar-dasar pembelajaran tari sehingga ada keseimbangan pembelajaran tari dalam dunia akademis

    The Existence of Local Wisdom Value Through Minangkabau Dance Creation Representation in Present TIME

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    This paper is aiming at revealing the existence of local wisdom values in Minangkabau through the representation of Minangkabau dance creation at present time in West Sumatera. The existence of the dance itself gives impact to the continuation of the existence of local value in West Sumatera. The research method was qualitative which was used to analyze local wisdom values in the present time Minangkabu dance creation representation through the touch of reconstruction and acculturation as the local wisdom continuation. Besides, this study employs multidisciplinary study as the approach of the study by implementing the sociology anthropology of dance and the sociology and anthropology of culture. Object of the research was Minangkabau dance creation in present time, while the data was collected through interview and direct observation, as well as documentation. The data was analyzed by following the technique delivered by Miles and Huberman. Research results showed that Minangkabau dance creation was a reconstruction result of the older traditional dance, and through acculturation which contains local wisdom values. The existence of Mianngkabau dance creation can affect the continuation of local wisdom values in Minangkabau society in West Sumatera. The existence of dance creation has maintained the Minangkabau local wisdom values in present time

    Popularitas Tari Piring sebagai Identitas Budaya Minangkabau

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    Ă‚ Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas bu- daya masyarakat Minangkabau, baik yang berada di daerah asal maupun di daerah peran- tauan. Tari Piring merupakan warisan budaya tradisional masyarakat Minangkabau yang digunakan dan dilestarikan oleh masyarakat Minangkabau dalam kehidupannya sehingga menjadi identitas budaya Minangkabau. Sebagai jati diri masyarakat Minangkabau, Tari Piring mampu mengungkapkan sikap dan prilaku serta karakteristik orang Minangkabau. Tari Piring dapat berperan sebagai cerminan dari corak kehidupan sosial budaya masyara- kat Minangkabau. Melalui pertunjukan Tari Piring, masyarakat luar dapat memahami orang Minangkabau dan budayanya. Oleh karena itu, sampai saat ini Tari Piring semakin melekat dengan kehidupan sosial masyarakat Minangkabau di Sumatera Barat maupun di daerah perantauan. Dengan semangat kebersamaan, masyarakat Minangkabau mampu mempertahankan keberadaan Tari Piring sebagai identitas dan warisan budayanya hingga masa kini.

    Women Domination in the Galombang Dance: Between the Customary Idealism and the Market Use

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    This study aims to answer the women dominance in the Galombang dance creation in Minangkabau, West Sumatra from gender perspective. In addition, this study also reveals the position of women as an urgent thing in the Minangkabau dance creations, Galombang. This research used interdisciplinary approach, namely Cultural Sociology and Dance Anthropology. The data were obtained through various interviews, direct monitoring in the situation of the Galombang dance activity, and literature study to support the primary data. The analysis was done through ethnography method. The result of the research found that women dominance was bigger than men in the Galombang dance creations. In customary idealism, women are not Galombang dancers as the Galombang dance is intended for men. In reality, there is a bigger role between men and women in the Galombang dance; therefore, men's role is not very decisive on the performance quality and selling value, as well as for the use of dance Galombang creations by society nowadays in West Sumatra

    Problematika Tari Minangkabau Dalam Dinamika Pertunjukan Industri Hiburan

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    This article is part of a research that reveals the problems regarding the Minangkabau dances from West Sumatera province. The development of entertainment industry has influenced the public taste in choosing art performance. The Minangkabau dances are threatened as an entertaining art in West Sumatera because they are less interesting to the entertaining art fans. This research is qualitative. Data is collected through observation, interview, and documentation. The data is then analysed using ethnography and phenomenology. The result shows that there are various weaknesses of the Minangkabau dances in aspects of artistic, esthetic, technique, and packaging. The weaknesses are identified through its movements, performance structures, durations, costumes, make-ups, as well as the dancers' skills and expressions. Besides, the Minangkabau dances are not yet managed professionally for marketing purpose

    Struktur Garapan Gandang Tambua sebagai Perwujudan Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Desa Cubadak Aia Kecamatan Pariaman Utara Kota Pariaman

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    This article aims to reveal the structure of arrangement of Gandang Tambua and the function of Gandang Tambua in the communities in terms of local wisdom. This study examines the values in local wisdom that are represented in the arrangement of Gandang Tambua in Cubadak Aia village, Pariaman Utara district, Pariaman City. This research is qualitative using descriptive method. Data is collected through interview, observation with direct participation, documentation, and literature review. Data is then analysed according to Miles and Huberman's. The result shows that the arrangement structure of Gandang Tambua consists of parts related to each other. ‘Tasa' plays as the main role in leading the performance of Gandang Tambua, while Gandang Tambua follows Tasa. It means, based on the local wisdom, the leaders are one step in front and one level higher. It also refers to the social structure of Minangkabau community where the children see their uncles as kings, the unces see ‘pangulu' (tribal leaders) as kings, pangulu see the truth as king, and the truth stands on its own. Gandang Tambua also serves as the media for social integration, entertainment, and communication