31 research outputs found

    Biological effect of modern bioactive materials used in direct and indirect capping; in vitro study

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    Objective. In this study, the biological effect of MTA Repair HP (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Repair High Plasticity) and Biodentine have been tested on a stabilized fibroblast cell line NCTC clone 929. Materials and Methods. We assessed quantitative and qualitative parameters related to cytotoxic effect of the investigated products. The experimental period was 96 hours. Statistical analysis was performed with Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests. Results. The detached cells test showed no statistically significant difference on cell culture for Biodentine and MTA Repair HP, while for the cellular density assay we found the same biological effect on the tested fibroblasts in the first 24 and 48 hours, but a significant different cellular response for the investigated pulp capping materials for the next 48 hours of the experiment. Conclusions. The results demonstrated that the materials presented a very low level of cytotoxicity. Biodentine showed in all parameters better biological effects than MTA Repair HP, expressed by lower and limited cellular damage and a higher cell density

    Current Situation of GNSS Networks in Romania

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    Nowadays, the need for a more precise positioning is a very high, therefore very demanding one, and this is one of the reasons why very large research funding is allocated in satellite technology, the second reason being global geopolitics situation. New satellite constellations are being developed existing satellites that have completed their mission are being replaced with satellites that incorporate technology far superior to their predecessors. Currently we have four constellations with global coverage, NAVSTAR-GPS and Glonass, Galileo and Compass. With the development of these global satellite systems, it is also necessary to develop the user segment, so this requires terrestrial reference stations to be updated to recognize the new signals from them. The article presents the situation of the global satellite systems and the situation of the permanent reference networks in Romania, which are developed by state or private companies

    Endosequence BC Sealer as root canal filling in endodontic retreatment

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    Rezumat. Reluarea tratamentului endodontic constă în dezobturarea canalelor unui dinte deja tratat, refacererea tratamentului chemomecanic pe întreg canalul până la apex, tratament antispetic cu hidroxid de calciu și clorhexidină și refacerea corectă a obturaţiei de canal. Dezobturarea este etapa cea mai laborioasă din cauza durităţii unor cimenturi de sigilare care nu pot fi îndepărtate decât prin mijloace mecanice rotative, de unde și riscul de apariţie a unor iatrogenii care complică tratamentul. Se impune de asemenea o lărgire suplimentară a canalului cu 0,05-0,10 ISO pentru îndepărtarea mai eficientă a materialelor de obturaţie și biofilmelor de interfaţă de pe pereţii canalelor. Reobturarea canalelor radiculare presupune utilizarea gutapercii, prin diverse tehnici, simultan cu un ciment de sigilare biocompatibil, radioopac, cu contracţie de priză minimală, efect antibacterian și capacitatea de a se cupla adeziv la pereţii de dentină ai canalelor radiculare. EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ este un asemenea sigilant, de natură bioceramică, care în plus oferă posibilitatea formării unui monobloc adeziv cu dentina prin hidroxiapatita generată în cursul prizei în urma contactului cu lichidele tisulare.Summary. The endodontic canal retreatment lies in removal of root canal filling of previously treated tooth, an additional enlargement of root canal to its apical terminus, calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine dressing and, the appropiate root canal filling. The removal of root canal filling is the most difficult step due to the hardness of sealares that need rotary instruments to be pushed out and sometimes may generate iatrogenies. An 0.5-0.10 ISO additional enlargement of root canal is also required for better cleaning of filling material remnants and biofilms that adhered on root canal walls. The root canal refill is based on gutta-percha core and sealer that ideally has to be biocompatible, radiopaque, with minimal setting shrinkage, antibacterial and strongly adhesive to dentinal tissue of root canal walls. EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ is such a bioceramic-based sealer that has the possibility to generate an adhesive monoblock with dentine because during setting is combined with tissue fluids resulting in an interface layer of hydroxyapatite

    EndoSequence BC Sealeras root canal filling in endodontic retreatment

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    Rezumat Reluarea tratamentului endodontic constă în dezobturarea canalelor unui dinte deja tratat, refacererea tratamentului chemomecanic pe întreg canalul până la apex, tratament antispetic cu hidroxid de calciu și clorhexidină și refacerea corectă a obturaţiei de canal. Dezobturarea este etapa cea mai laborioasă din cauza durităţii unor cimenturi de sigilare care nu pot fi îndepărtate decât prin mijloace mecanice rotative, de unde șiriscul de apariţie a unor iatrogenii care complică tratamentul. Se impune de asemenea o lărgire suplimentară a canalului cu 0,05-0,10 ISO pentru îndepărtarea mai eficientă a materialelor de obturaţie și biofilmelor de interfaţă de pe pereţii canalelor. Reobturarea canalelor radiculare presupune utilizarea gutapercii, prin diverse tehnici, simultan cu un ciment de sigilare biocompatibil, radioopac, cu contracţie de priză minimală, efect antibacterian și capacitatea de a se cupla adeziv la pereţii de dentină ai canalelor radiculare. EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ este un asemenea sigilant, de natură bioceramică, care în plus oferă posibilitatea formării unui monobloc adeziv cu dentina prin hidroxiapatita generată în cursul prizei în urma contactului cu lichidele tisulare.Summary The endodontic canal retreatment lies in removal of root canal filling of previously treated tooth, an additional enlargement of root canal to its apical terminus, calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine dressing and, the appropiate root canal filling. The removal of root canal filling is the most difficult step due to the hardness of sealares that need rotary instruments to be pushed out and sometimes may generate iatrogenies. An 0.5–0.10 ISO additional enlargement of root canal is also required for better cleaning of filling material remnants and biofilms that adhered on root canal walls. The root canal refill is based on gutta–percha core and sealer that ideally has to be biocompatible, radiopaque, with minimal setting shrinkage, antibacterial and strongly adhesive to dentinal tissue of root canal walls. EndoSequence® BC Sealer™ is such a bioceramic based sealer that has the posibility to generate an adhesive monoblock with dentine because during setting is combined with tissue fluids resulting in an interface layer of hydroxyapatite

    A new approach to balance dental fear and anxiety by using BachTM Flower Therapy

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    Treatments in dentistry currently consist of an interdisciplinary approach, including (but not necessarily limited to) the holistic perspective. The different fields of allopathic and complementary medicine are used together to ensure not only a high-quality restorative treatment, but also to provide patients with psychological and emotional support. This perspective also applies to dental anxiety, which consists of complex (emotional, vegetative and psychomotor) manifestations. One of the most well-known complementary therapies for reducing dental fear and anxiety is BachTM Flower Therapy. Even if the mechanism of action of this therapy is not yet scientifically documented, notable results have been and continue to be reported in the literature in several clinical studies on patients with dental diseases. It is indicated for both adults and children, in the latter when they go through major biological changes, such as primary and permanent dentition. As a conclusion, BachTM flower therapy is effective and complementary to dental treatments applied to patients, by reducing stress, anxiety, as well as creating a climate of peace, trust and confidence, both for the patient and the doctor. In addition, it is a relatively accessible and cheap form of care, with no significant adverse effects noted so far

    Dental practice in digital era: quo vadimus?

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    Rezumat. Graţie progresului tehnologic înregistrat în ultimii ani sistemele CAD/ CAM reprezintă o certitudine practică a utilizării lor în restaurările dentare. Prin intermediul unui scaner intraoral performant în prezent există posibilitatea expedierii rapide pe cale electronică în laboratorul de tehnică dentară a unei amprente digitale de acurateţe efectuate direct în cabinet de către medic. Fluxul tehnologic digital concretizează realitatea virtuală, care debutează prin amprentarea optică a câmpului protetic în cabinet, se continuă prin utilizarea articulatoarelor virtuale și efectuarea designului 3D al reconstituirii protetice și se termină în final cu confecţionarea unei lucrări protetice reale, prin frezare sau procese de adiţie dirijate de un software dedicat. Pentru moment introducerea tehnologiei digitale ca procedură habituală de confecţionare a unei restaurări protetice este totuși grevată atât de necesitatea instruirii unui personal cu înaltă calificare profesională cât și de reducerea preţurilor de cost, deocamdată încă mult prea ridicate comparativ cu procedeele convenţionale de tehnică dentară.Summary. Due to the technological progress of last years CAD/CAM systems definitely proved to be extremely useful in tooth restorations. Using an updated intraoral scanner nowadays is possible to quickly send by e–mail to dental laboratory an accurate digital impression directly recorded in dental office by the practitioner. The digital technological flow materializes the virtual reality which begins at dental chair with optic impression of prosthetic field, goes farther by using the virtual articulators and drawing up the 3D design of prosthetic restoration, and arrives at the end–point by manufacturing the real prosthetic product, either by milling or addition process, under the control of dedicated software. However, for the time being the use of digital technology as habitual procedure to manufacturing a prosthetic restoration sets hurdles since it needs both personnel of high professional qualification and reduced costs which presently are higher as compared to conventional procedures performed in common dental laboratories

    Primary endodontic infections - key issue in pathogenesis of chronic apical periodontitis

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    Primary root canal infection is a dynamic process. All species of oral microbiota have comparable abilities to establish in the root canals of necrotic teeth. The essential ecological factors in their biological selection are nutrient availability, anaerobic environment and bacterial interactions. In chronic apical periodontitis, all selected microflora residing in the long-term infected habitat of root canals system are synergistic, and each of them can play the role of an endodontic pathogen. Microorganisms living in the root canal system of pulpless teeth progressively reach through anatomical communications to the periodontal ligament where, sooner or later, they cause the inflammatory and immunological conflict between the infection and the host. The insight into the complexity of the root canal microbiota is improved by the current pyrosequencing and next-generation sequencing diagnostic techniques, which allow the identification of multispecies of the microbiome and their targeted treatment. The insight into the complexity of root canal microbiota is improved by present diagnostic techniques of pyrosequencing and next generation sequencing, which allow the identification of multispecies of the microbiome and their targeted treatment

    Management of a flare up case after endodontic treatment procedure

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    A flare-up is defined as a pain and/or swelling of the soft tissues that occurs within a few hous or a few days following the root canal treatment. In some cases, the flare-ups can apear after the finishing of the root canal treatment, due to the penetration or development of the microorganisms into the root canal. The pain felt by the patient depends on the extent of the periradicular tissue injury, its severity and intensity of the inflammatory imune response. The article discusses the microbial irritation of apical periodontal tissue caused by insufficient instrumentation and filling of the root canals, factors that lead to failure of the outcome of root canals treatment

    The causes of adhesive direct dental restorations failures

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    The modern dental caries adhesive direct restoration requires a working protocol that includes stages and techniques that must be strictly followed to ensure the correct morphological and functional reconstruction, as well as an increased longevity of the restoration and implicitly of the respective tooth in the oral cavity. Failures in achieving these goals are represented by the occurrence of recurrent caries, secondary or residual caries, coronary fractures, leading to pulpal and periodontal complications. They can be due to both incorrect therapeutic maneuvers and other causes, for which the dentist is not responsible, such as manufacturing defects of dental materials that are not visible during inspection or the patient's attitude towards oral hygiene