81 research outputs found

    Complex Hadamard matrices contained in a Bose-Mesner algebra

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    A complex Hadamard matrix is a square matrix H with complex entries of absolute value 1 satisfying HH=nIHH^*= nI, where * stands for the Hermitian transpose and I is the identity matrix of order nn. In this paper, we first determine the image of a certain rational map from the dd-dimensional complex projective space to Cd(d+1)/2\mathbb{C}^{d(d+1)/2}. Applying this result with d=3d=3, we give constructions of complex Hadamard matrices, and more generally, type-II matrices, in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a certain 3-class symmetric association scheme. In particular, we recover the complex Hadamard matrices of order 15 found by Ada Chan. We compute the Haagerup sets to show inequivalence of resulting type-II matrices, and determine the Nomura algebras to show that the resulting matrices are not decomposable into generalized tensor products.Comment: 28 pages + Appendix A + Appendix

    Bordered complex Hadamard matrices and strongly regular graphs

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    We consider bordered complex Hadamard matrices whose core is contained in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a strongly regular graph. Examples include a complex Hadamard matrix whose core is contained in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a conference graph due to J. Wallis, F. Sz\"{o}ll\H{o}si, and a family of Hadamard matrices given by Singh and Dubey. In this paper, we prove that there are no other bordered complex Hadamard matrices whose core is contained in the Bose-Mesner algebra of a strongly regular graph.Comment: 21 pages, corrected typ

    Scalable implementation of (d+1)(d+1) mutually unbiased bases for dd-dimensional quantum key distribution

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    A high-dimensional quantum key distribution (QKD) can improve error rate tolerance and the secret key rate. Many dd-dimensional QKDs have used two mutually unbiased bases (MUBs), while (d+1)(d+1) MUBs enable a more robust QKD. However, a scalable implementation has not been achieved because the setups have required dd devices even for two MUBs or a flexible convertor for a specific optical mode. Here, we propose a scalable and general implementation of (d+1)(d+1) MUBs using logpd\log_p d interferometers in prime power dimensions d=pNd=p^N. We implemented the setup for time-bin states and observed an average error rate of 3.8% for phase bases, which is lower than the 23.17% required for a secure QKD against collective attack in d=4d=4.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, followed by Supplemental Material of 8 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    10-GHz-clock time-multiplexed non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator network with a variable planar lightwave circuit interferometer

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    A coherent XY machine (CXYM) is a physical spin simulator that can simulate the XY model by mapping XY spins onto the continuous phases of non-degenerate optical parametric oscillators (NOPOs). Here, we demonstrated a large-scale CXYM with >47,000 spins by generating 10-GHz-clock time-multiplexed NOPO pulses via four-wave mixing in a highly nonlinear fiber inside a fiber ring cavity. By implementing a unidirectional coupling from the i-th pulse to the (i+1)-th pulse with a variable 1-pulse delay planar lightwave circuit interferometer, we successfully controlled the effective temperature of a one-dimensional XY spin network within two orders of magnitude.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Generation of a time-bin Greenberger--Horne--Zeilinger state with an optical switch

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    Multipartite entanglement is a critical resource in quantum information processing that exhibits much richer phenomenon and stronger correlations than in bipartite systems. This advantage is also reflected in its multi-user applications. Although many demonstrations have used photonic polarization qubits, polarization-mode dispersion confines the transmission of photonic polarization qubits through an optical fiber. Consequently, time-bin qubits have a particularly important role to play in quantum communication systems. Here, we generate a three-photon time-bin Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state using a 2 x 2 optical switch as a time-dependent beam splitter to entangle time-bin Bell states from a spontaneous parametric down-conversion source and a weak coherent pulse. To characterize the three-photon time-bin GHZ state, we performed measurement estimation, showed a violation of the Mermin inequality, and used quantum state tomography to fully reconstruct a density matrix, which shows a state fidelity exceeding 70%. We expect that our three-photon time-bin GHZ state can be used for long-distance multi-user quantum communication.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl