1,910 research outputs found
Optimal Investment Horizons for Stocks and Markets
The inverse statistics is the distribution of waiting times needed to achieve
a predefined level of return obtained from (detrended) historic asset prices
\cite{optihori,gainloss}. Such a distribution typically goes through a maximum
at a time coined the {\em optimal investment horizon}, , which
defines the most likely waiting time for obtaining a given return . By
considering equal positive and negative levels of return, we reported in
\cite{gainloss} on a quantitative gain/loss asymmetry most pronounced for short
horizons. In the present paper, the inverse statistics for 2/3 of the
individual stocks presently in the DJIA is investigated. We show that this
gain/loss asymmetry established for the DJIA surprisingly is {\em not} present
in the time series of the individual stocks nor their average. This observation
points towards some kind of collective movement of the stocks of the index
(synchronization).Comment: Subm. to Physica A as Conference Proceedings of Econophysics
Colloquium, ANU Canberra, 13-17 Nov. 2005. 6 pages including figure
Inverse Statistics for Stocks and Markets
In recent publications, the authors have considered inverse statistics of the
Dow Jones Industrial Averaged (DJIA) [1-3]. Specifically, we argued that the
natural candidate for such statistics is the investment horizons distribution.
This is the distribution of waiting times needed to achieve a predefined level
of return obtained from detrended historic asset prices. Such a distribution
typically goes through a maximum at a time coined the {\em optimal investment
horizon}, , which defines the most likely waiting time for
obtaining a given return . By considering equal positive and negative
levels of return, we reported in [2,3] on a quantitative gain/loss asymmetry
most pronounced for short horizons. In the present paper, this gain/loss
asymmetry is re-visited for 2/3 of the individual stocks presently in the DJIA.
We show that this gain/loss asymmetry established for the DJIA surprisingly is
{\em not} present in the time series of the individual stocks. The most
reasonable explanation for this fact is that the gain/loss asymmetry observed
in the DJIA as well as in the SP500 and Nasdaq are due to movements in the
market as a whole, {\it i.e.}, cooperative cascade processes (or
``synchronization'') which disappear in the inverse statistics of the
individual stocks.Comment: Revtex 13 pages, including 15 figure
Inverse Statistics in the Foreign Exchange Market
We investigate intra-day foreign exchange (FX) time series using the inverse
statistic analysis developed in [1,2]. Specifically, we study the time-averaged
distributions of waiting times needed to obtain a certain increase (decrease)
in the price of an investment. The analysis is performed for the Deutsch
mark (DM) against the US. With high statistical
significance, the presence of "resonance peaks" in the waiting time
distributions is established. Such peaks are a consequence of the trading
habits of the markets participants as they are not present in the corresponding
tick (business) waiting time distributions. Furthermore, a new {\em stylized
fact}, is observed for the waiting time distribution in the form of a power law
Pdf. This result is achieved by rescaling of the physical waiting time by the
corresponding tick time thereby partially removing scale dependent features of
the market activity.Comment: 8 pages. Accepted Physica
The Design of Random Surfaces with Specified Scattering Properties: Surfaces that Suppress Leakage
We present a method for generating a one-dimensional random metal surface of
finite length L that suppresses leakage, i.e. the roughness-induced conversion
of a surface plasmon polariton propagating on it into volume electromagnetic
waves in the vacuum above the surface. Perturbative and numerical simulation
calculations carried out for surfaces generated in this way show that they
indeed suppress leakage.Comment: Revtex 6 pages (including 4 figures
Distinguishing fractional and white noise in one and two dimensions
We discuss the link between uncorrelated noise and Hurst exponent for one and
two-dimensional interfaces. We show that long range correlations cannot be
observed using one-dimensional cuts through two-dimensional self-affine
surfaces whose height distributions are characterized by a Hurst exponent lower
than -1/2. In this domain, fractional and white noise are not distinguishable.
A method analysing the correlations in two dimensions is necessary. For Hurst
exponents larger than -1/2, a crossover regime leads to a systematic over
estimate of the Hurst exponent.Comment: 3 pages RevTeX, 4 Postscript figure
Substrate influence on the plasmonic response of clusters of spherical nanoparticles
The plasmonic response of nanoparticles is exploited in many subfields of
science and engineering to enhance optical signals associated with probes of
nanoscale and subnanoscale entities. We develop a numerical algorithm based on
previous theoretical work that addresses the influence of a substrate on the
plasmonic response of collections of nanoparticles of spherical shape. Our
method is a real space approach within the quasi-static limit that can be
applied to a wide range of structures. We illustrate the role of the substrate
through numerical calculations that explore single nanospheres and nanosphere
dimers fabricated from either a Drude model metal or from silver on dielectric
substrates, and from dielectric spheres on silver substrates.Comment: 12 pages, 13 figure
Fear and its implications for stock markets
The value of stocks, indices and other assets, are examples of stochastic
processes with unpredictable dynamics. In this paper, we discuss asymmetries in
short term price movements that can not be associated with a long term positive
trend. These empirical asymmetries predict that stock index drops are more
common on a relatively short time scale than the corresponding raises. We
present several empirical examples of such asymmetries. Furthermore, a simple
model featuring occasional short periods of synchronized dropping prices for
all stocks constituting the index is introduced with the aim of explaining
these facts. The collective negative price movements are imagined triggered by
external factors in our society, as well as internal to the economy, that
create fear of the future among investors. This is parameterized by a ``fear
factor'' defining the frequency of synchronized events. It is demonstrated that
such a simple fear factor model can reproduce several empirical facts
concerning index asymmetries. It is also pointed out that in its simplest form,
the model has certain shortcomings.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to the Proceedings of Applications of
Physics in Financial Analysis 5, Turin 200
Synchronization Model for Stock Market Asymmetry
The waiting time needed for a stock market index to undergo a given
percentage change in its value is found to have an up-down asymmetry, which,
surprisingly, is not observed for the individual stocks composing that index.
To explain this, we introduce a market model consisting of randomly fluctuating
stocks that occasionally synchronize their short term draw-downs. These
synchronous events are parameterized by a ``fear factor'', that reflects the
occurrence of dramatic external events which affect the financial market.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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