188 research outputs found

    Bahasa Indonesia di ruang publik: penggunaannya dalam debat publik menjelang pilpres 2019

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    Makalah ini membahas bahasa Indonesia di ruang publik yang berupa debat publik. Pembahasan bertujuan memberikan pemahaman kepada pembaca tentang penggunaannya dalam acara debat umum menjelang Pilpres 2019 yang telah meresahkan masyarakat


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    Dewasa ini, berita bohong (hoax) dan hujatan (blasphemy), terutama karena pengaruh politik, telah menjadi konsumsi publik. Berita bohong dan hujatan tersebut tergolong dalam pelanggaran norma kesantunan berbahasa dan dapat dikatakan sebagai “kejahatan siber” (cyber crime). Kemudahan yang didapat lewat media on line membuka peluang bagi siapa pun yang bermaksud melakukan kejahatan siber itu. Makalah ini bertujuan melihat hubungan etika berbahasa seseorang dalam bahasa daerahnya dengan perilaku berbahasanya dalam bahasa Indeonesia (mungkin juga bahasa asing). Pemikiran yang dituangkan dalam tulisan ini berkaitan dengan asumsi bahwa selama penutur memanfaatkan etika dalam bahasa daerahnya, perilaku berbahasanya tidak akan melanggar norma. Sehubungan dengan itu, kesantunan yang dikenal dalam bahasa Jawa dan Bali digunakan sebagai model mengenai perilaku berbahasa yang beretika. Data diperoleh dari studi pustaka dan komunikasi personal dengan penutur kedua bahasa tersebut. Undak usuk, dalam hal ini, yang menjadi tolok ukur etika berbahasa itu tidak bisa dipisahkan dari budaya kedua masyarakat pendukung bahasa daerah tersebut. Dengan demikian, kajian yang dilakukan bersifat interdisipilner yang dikenal sebagai bidang linguistik antropologi/antropologi linguistik


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    Purpose of the study: Language is a productive communication tool for teachers to interact with learners. The use of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place. This study aims to determine the elements of kinesics and politeness of the Language of the instructor in learning. Methodology: The method used in this study uses descriptive methods. The subjects involved in the research were one lecturer in Indonesian language courses andMahasaraswati university students who were taking Indonesian language courses. The study was conducted in 6 different classes for three meetings. Main Findings: The results showed that non-verbal Language is inherent and contributes to the application of the instructor’s politeness principle in learning. Utilization of kinesics in the politeness of Language perfects a speech that is based on the politeness of Language so that the care of speech harmony can be sustained and to the success in maintaining the face of the speech partner especially emotional closeness between learners and instructors. Application of this study: Learning includes embedded values ​​and imprinted into a role model for learners. The attitude that is no less important and inherent in the instructor’s self is the kinesic attraction that causes the learner’s pleasure and comfort when learning takes place. Novelty/Originality of this study: Research in Indonesian has not yet led to politeness in Language. The utilization of non-verbal Language in speaking becomes strong support when the speech event takes place, this is because Language is the main communication tool for interaction in learning

    Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Kelompok Air Bersih “Tirta Sukapura” Di Desa Jagaraga, Kecamatan Sawan, Kabupaten Buleleng, Bali

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    Permasalahan yang dialami oleh  Kelompok Unit Pengelola Sarana Air  “Tirta Sukapura” adalah  terjadinya kerusakan pada instalasi jaringan perpipaan mulai dari tempat pengambilan sumber mata air sampai ke bak penampungan. Kurang besarnya ukuran diameter pipa, sehingga volume debit yang dapat dialirkan kurang besar. Perlunya perbaikan pada instalasi pipa air, sehingga pada musim kemarau, masih bisa melayani kebutuhan masyarakat akan air bersih. Saat ini  manajemen pengelolaan air secara manual dan belum tertata dengan baik sehingga belum mampu memberikan pelayanan yang memadai. Sehingga, kondisi saat ini kelompok mitra belum bisa memanfaatkan sumber air bersih bagi warga secara optimal. Melalui Program Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini akan dilakukan beberapa tahap kegiatan sebagai solusi dari permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini yaitu : penyempurnaan jaingan instalasi pemipaan, penambahan sarana instalasi pipa air, pelatihan keterampilan teknis dalam pemeliharaan instalasi pemipaan. Pemahaman dan kemampuan manajemen dan keterampilan teknik dalam pengelolaan kelompok air bersih ini diharapkan akan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kepada masyarakat, khususnya anggota kelompok air bersih..   &nbsp

    Fuzzy Expert System for Tropical Infectious Disease by Certainty Factor

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    Communication between doctor and patient play an important role in determining the diagnosis of the illness suffered by the patient. Consultation time constraints led to insufficient information obtained to produce a diagnosis. This limitation is overcome by developing an expert system using fuzzy logic to represent the vagueness of symptoms experienced by patients and the certainty factor represents a relationship between the symptoms and disease. Fuzzy logic method begins with the acquisition of knowledge to produce the facts and rules, implication process, composition and defuzzification. The result of defuzzification used in the calculation of sequential and combined certainty factor which represent the belief percentage of diseases diagnosis that suffered by the patient. The results of the expert diagnosis with expert system for the given cases indicates the system, has the similarity diagnosis with the expert at 93.99%

    Kamus Melayu Bali-Indonesia

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    Telapak tangan merupakan biometrika yang masih relatif baru, yang memiliki karakteristika unik berupa garis-garis (rajah) telapak tangan dan bersifat stabil. Keunikan dan kestabilan rajah tersebut merupakan ciri handal setiap telapak tangan.Sistem verifikasi telapak tangan merupakan proses pencocokan telapak tangan yang diuji dengan suatu telapak tangan yang diklaim. Hasilnya adalah suatu keputusan apakah telapak tangan yang diuji milik pengguna sah (genuine user) atau tidak sah (imposter user). Proses perolehan ciri rajah telapak tangan memegang peranan penting terhadap keberhasilan verifikasi. Pada tulisan ini, ciri-ciri rajah telapak tangan diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode deteksi garis dan operasi blok. Sedangkan proses pencocokan menggunakan metrika korelasi.Sistem yang dibuat diuji menggunakan sekitar 1000 citra telapak tangan milik 200 orang, setiap orang diwakili 5 sampel telapak tangan. Dua dari 5 citra sampel tersebut digunakan sebagai citra uji, sedangkan sisanya (3) untuk citra acuan. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan sistem ini mampu memberikan unjukkerja tinggi yaitu sekitar 97% tepat, atau memiliki EER sekitar 1.42%.</p

    Evaluation of Infrastructure Conditions and Needs to Drive Tourism 4.0

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    Purpose: Today, the Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the tourism sector. Bali must stay alive and exist during the pandemic as a province that relies on the tourism sector. As one of the tourist attractions owned by the Province of Bali, Arts Center Cultural Park has a characteristic as a place for performances to develop artistic talents. In addition, it functions as a forum for MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises), especially for the Balinese people. The era of tourism 4.0 encourages the transformation of tourism objects towards digitalization. Research that examines conditions, infrastructure needs, and development strategies is needed to transform it to face the tourism era 4.0. Design/methodology/approach: This research method uses a descriptive qualitative method with interviews and literature studies. Findings: The expected results of the research are infrastructure in the form of an open stage, a performance hall, exhibition building, management building, parking, and other utilities. The digitization program that can be applied is the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and mobile technology to face the 4.0 tourism era. Paper type: Research pape

    Fungsi, Kategori, dan Peran Sintaksis dalam Talk Show One “Indonesia Lawyers Club” di TV One

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    This study aims to understand the syntactic function of the function, category, and tree diagram in the talk show one “Indonesia Lawyer Club” on TV ONE. This study uses the theory of RRG (Role and Reference Grammar) proposed by Robert D. Van Valin, Jr. and Randy J. LaPolla (1997). This research data is in the form of sentences in Indonesian language. The data was collected using refer method and note technic. The main method that was used to analyze data was distributional method, while the application of this method was assisted with based technique, direct element distributional technique. The result is presented using formal and informal method with inductive and deduktive technique. The result are the syntactic functions contain subject, predicate (core) or nucleus, and objects, the category of subject and object is a noun, while the predicate (nucleus) is a verb and an adjective, and the subject\u27s role is as an actor, the object as a patient, and the predicate (nucleus) describes the activities or circumstances. Nucleus or the core of the sentence is on the right. Besides, it was also found the result in the form of tree structure or tree diagram in its category

    The development of blended learning model in applied mathematics by using LMS schoology: Requirement analysis stage

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    This research aims to obtain a draft model of applied blended learning mathematics based on LMS Schoology. The development used 4-D model Thiagarajan, and Semmel in 1974 with several modifications, namely: 1) Define, 2) Design, 3) Develop, and 4) Disseminate. Nowadays, the development of stages 1 and 2 are being carried out and part of stage 3. It is being implemented in the Engineering field of the Bali State Polytechnic (BSP). The data were collected using survey methods, documents and questionnaires, then analyzed using descriptive statistics. The results of the analysis are: 1) students' attitudes toward mathematics are very positive, moderate student learning interest, 2) high student motivation, 3) high student learning independence, 4) characteristics of applied blended learning mathematics: based on Behaviorism learning theory, Cognitivism, Humanism, and Constructivism. The format of implementation: synchronized blended learning, with a problem-based learning approach supported by LMS schoology models, multimedia such as video and audio learning media. The variations in the amount of time face to face and online in the semester, 50% face to face and 50% through e-learning. The evaluation is a process and the outcome with a performance assessment approach based on portfolio and self-assessment
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