336 research outputs found

    Bayesian ensemble refinement by replica simulations and reweighting

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    We describe different Bayesian ensemble refinement methods, examine their interrelation, and discuss their practical application. With ensemble refinement, the properties of dynamic and partially disordered (bio)molecular structures can be characterized by integrating a wide range of experimental data, including measurements of ensemble-averaged observables. We start from a Bayesian formulation in which the posterior is a functional that ranks different configuration space distributions. By maximizing this posterior, we derive an optimal Bayesian ensemble distribution. For discrete configurations, this optimal distribution is identical to that obtained by the maximum entropy "ensemble refinement of SAXS" (EROS) formulation. Bayesian replica ensemble refinement enhances the sampling of relevant configurations by imposing restraints on averages of observables in coupled replica molecular dynamics simulations. We show that the strength of the restraint should scale linearly with the number of replicas to ensure convergence to the optimal Bayesian result in the limit of infinitely many replicas. In the "Bayesian inference of ensembles" (BioEn) method, we combine the replica and EROS approaches to accelerate the convergence. An adaptive algorithm can be used to sample directly from the optimal ensemble, without replicas. We discuss the incorporation of single-molecule measurements and dynamic observables such as relaxation parameters. The theoretical analysis of different Bayesian ensemble refinement approaches provides a basis for practical applications and a starting point for further investigations.Comment: Paper submitted to The Journal of Chemical Physics (15 pages, 4 figures); updated references; expanded discussions of related formalisms, error treatment, and ensemble refinement with and without replicas; appendi

    Coarse Molecular Dynamics of a Peptide Fragment: Free Energy, Kinetics, and Long-Time Dynamics Computations

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    We present a ``coarse molecular dynamics'' approach and apply it to studying the kinetics and thermodynamics of a peptide fragment dissolved in water. Short bursts of appropriately initialized simulations are used to infer the deterministic and stochastic components of the peptide motion parametrized by an appropriate set of coarse variables. Techniques from traditional numerical analysis (Newton-Raphson, coarse projective integration) are thus enabled; these techniques help analyze important features of the free-energy landscape (coarse transition states, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, transition rates, etc.). Reverse integration of (irreversible) expected coarse variables backward in time can assist escape from free energy minima and trace low-dimensional free energy surfaces. To illustrate the ``coarse molecular dynamics'' approach, we combine multiple short (0.5-ps) replica simulations to map the free energy surface of the ``alanine dipeptide'' in water, and to determine the ~ 1/(1000 ps) rate of interconversion between the two stable configurational basins corresponding to the alpha-helical and extended minima.Comment: The article has been submitted to "The Journal of Chemical Physics.

    Proton Pumping and Energy Transduction in Cytochrome C Oxidase

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    Hydrodynamics of Diffusion in Lipid Membrane Simulations

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    By performing molecular dynamics simulations with up to 132 million coarse-grained particles in half-micron sized boxes, we show that hydrodynamics quantitatively explains the finite-size effects on diffusion of lipids, proteins, and carbon nanotubes in membranes. The resulting Oseen correction allows us to extract infinite-system diffusion coefficients and membrane surface viscosities from membrane simulations despite the logarithmic divergence of apparent diffusivities with increasing box width. The hydrodynamic theory of diffusion applies also to membranes with asymmetric leaflets and embedded proteins, and to a complex plasma-membrane mimetic

    Pair diffusion, hydrodynamic interactions, and available volume in dense fluids

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    We calculate the pair diffusion coefficient D(r) as a function of the distance r between two hard-sphere particles in a dense monodisperse suspension. The distance-dependent pair diffusion coefficient describes the hydrodynamic interactions between particles in a fluid that are central to theories of polymer and colloid dynamics. We determine D(r) from the propagators (Green's functions) of particle pairs obtained from discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations. At distances exceeding 3 molecular diameters, the calculated pair diffusion coefficients are in excellent agreement with predictions from exact macroscopic hydrodynamic theory for large Brownian particles suspended in a solvent bath, as well as the Oseen approximation. However, the asymptotic 1/r distance dependence of D(r) associated with hydrodynamic effects emerges only after the pair distance dynamics has been followed for relatively long times, indicating non-negligible memory effects in the pair diffusion at short times. Deviations of the calculated D(r) from the hydrodynamic models at short distances r reflect the underlying many-body fluid structure, and are found to be correlated to differences in the local available volume. The procedure used here to determine the pair diffusion coefficients can also be used for single-particle diffusion in confinement with spherical symmetry.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Ion Pair Potentials-of-Mean-Force in Water

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    Recent molecular simulation and integral equation results alkali-halide ion pair potentials-of-mean-force in water are discussed. Dielectric model calculations are implemented to check that these models produce that characteristic structure of contact and solvent-separated minima for oppositely charged ions in water under physiological thermodynamic conditions. Comparison of the dielectric model results with the most current molecular level information indicates that the dielectric model does not, however, provide an accurate description of these potentials-of-mean-force. We note that linear dielectric models correspond to modelistic implementations of second-order thermodynamic perturbation theory for the excess chemical potential of a distinguished solute molecule. Therefore, the molecular theory corresponding to the dielectric models is second-order thermodynamic perturbation theory for that excess chemical potential. The second-order, or fluctuation, term raises a technical computational issue of treatment of long-ranged interactions similar to the one which arises in calculation of the dielectric constant of the solvent. It is contended that the most important step for further development of dielectric models would be a separate assessment of the first-order perturbative term (equivalently the {\it potential at zero charge} ) which vanishes in the dielectric models but is generally nonzero. Parameterization of radii and molecular volumes should then be based of the second-order perturbative term alone. Illustrative initial calculations are presented and discussed.Comment: 37 pages and 8 figures. LA-UR-93-420

    Ion Sizes and Finite-Size Corrections for Ionic-Solvation Free Energies

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    Free energies of ionic solvation calculated from computer simulations exhibit a strong system size dependence. We perform a finite-size analysis based on a dielectric-continuum model with periodic boundary conditions. That analysis results in an estimate of the Born ion size. Remarkably, the finite-size correction applies to systems with only eight water molecules hydrating a sodium ion and results in an estimate of the Born radius of sodium that agrees with the experimental value.Comment: 2 EPS figure

    Systematic errors in diffusion coefficients from long-time molecular dynamics simulations at constant pressure

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    In molecular dynamics simulations under periodic boundary conditions, particle positions are typically wrapped into a reference box. For diffusion coefficient calculations using the Einstein relation, the particle positions need to be unwrapped. Here, we show that a widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme is not suitable for long simulations at constant pressure. Improper accounting for box-volume fluctuations creates, at long times, unphysical trajectories and, in turn, grossly exaggerated diffusion coefficients. We propose an alternative unwrapping scheme that resolves this issue. At each time step, we add the minimal displacement vector according to periodic boundary conditions for the instantaneous box geometry. Here and in a companion paper [J. Chem. Phys. XXX, YYYYY (2020)], we apply the new unwrapping scheme to extensive molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics simulation data. We provide practitioners with a formula to assess if and by how much earlier results might have been affected by the widely used heuristic unwrapping scheme.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. The following article has been accepted for publication at The Journal of Chemical Physic