118 research outputs found
Accurate power sharing of hybrid energy storage system in DC shipboard power system based on quadratic programming algorithm
The DC shipboard power system (DC-SPS) can be regarded as an island microgrid, supplying energy to propulsion systems, service devices and advanced equipment in future ships. Ensuring accurate power sharing among distributed power sources and maintaining the stability of DC bus voltage in DCSPS are prerequisites to run system in security and economy. Therefore, an accurate power sharing method based on the quadratic programming algorithm is proposed in this paper. That method aims at minimizing the cost of voltage regulation in the consideration of state of charge (SoC) of each energy storage device (ESD). In detail, the target power is determined by the DC bus voltage deviation, and further distributed among various energy storage by quadratic programming accurately. With the control method, the DC bus voltage is maintained within the desired voltage range. Moreover, the method can meet the plug-and-play requirements of distributed power. The effectiveness of the proposed control method is verified by real-time simulation
Controlled Pd(0)/Ad<sub>3</sub>PâCatalyzed Suzuki Cross-Coupling Polymerization of AB-Type Monomers with Ad<sub>3</sub>PâCoordinated Acetanilide-Based Palladacycle Complex as Initiator
PdÂ(0)-catalyzed Suzuki cross-coupling polymerizations
of AB-type monomers with trisÂ(1-adamantyl)Âphosphine (Ad<sub>3</sub>P) as the ligand was described. Ad<sub>3</sub>P-coordinated acetanilide-based
palladacycle complex (<b>1</b>) was demonstrated to be an efficient
initiator for controlled Suzuki cross-coupling polymerization, affording
polymers with narrow <i>Ä</i>s and well-controlled
end groups. Our study provided an efficient ligand and an efficient
initiator for controlled Suzuki cross-coupling polymerizations
Table3_Role of the membrane-spanning 4A gene family in lung adenocarcinoma.XLSX
Lung adenocarcinoma, which is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, has a poor prognosis and a low 5-year survival rate. The MS4A protein family is crucial to disease development and progression, particularly for cancers, allergies, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its involvement in lung adenocarcinoma remains unclear. In this study, we found that 11 MS4A family genes were upregulated or downregulated in lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we described the genetic variation landscape of the MS4A family in lung adenocarcinoma. Notably, through functional enrichment analysis, we discovered that the MS4A family is involved in the immune response regulatory signaling pathway and the immune response regulatory cell surface receptor signaling pathway. According to the KaplanâMeier curve, patients with lung adenocarcinoma having poor expression of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, and MS4A15 had a low overall survival rate. These four prognostic genes are substantially associated with immune-infiltrating cells, and a prognosis model incorporating them may more accurately predict the overall survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma than current models. The findings of this study may offer creative suggestions and recommendations for the identification and management of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
Table2_Role of the membrane-spanning 4A gene family in lung adenocarcinoma.XLSX
Lung adenocarcinoma, which is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, has a poor prognosis and a low 5-year survival rate. The MS4A protein family is crucial to disease development and progression, particularly for cancers, allergies, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its involvement in lung adenocarcinoma remains unclear. In this study, we found that 11 MS4A family genes were upregulated or downregulated in lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we described the genetic variation landscape of the MS4A family in lung adenocarcinoma. Notably, through functional enrichment analysis, we discovered that the MS4A family is involved in the immune response regulatory signaling pathway and the immune response regulatory cell surface receptor signaling pathway. According to the KaplanâMeier curve, patients with lung adenocarcinoma having poor expression of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, and MS4A15 had a low overall survival rate. These four prognostic genes are substantially associated with immune-infiltrating cells, and a prognosis model incorporating them may more accurately predict the overall survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma than current models. The findings of this study may offer creative suggestions and recommendations for the identification and management of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
Image4_Role of the membrane-spanning 4A gene family in lung adenocarcinoma.TIF
Lung adenocarcinoma, which is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, has a poor prognosis and a low 5-year survival rate. The MS4A protein family is crucial to disease development and progression, particularly for cancers, allergies, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its involvement in lung adenocarcinoma remains unclear. In this study, we found that 11 MS4A family genes were upregulated or downregulated in lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we described the genetic variation landscape of the MS4A family in lung adenocarcinoma. Notably, through functional enrichment analysis, we discovered that the MS4A family is involved in the immune response regulatory signaling pathway and the immune response regulatory cell surface receptor signaling pathway. According to the KaplanâMeier curve, patients with lung adenocarcinoma having poor expression of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, and MS4A15 had a low overall survival rate. These four prognostic genes are substantially associated with immune-infiltrating cells, and a prognosis model incorporating them may more accurately predict the overall survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma than current models. The findings of this study may offer creative suggestions and recommendations for the identification and management of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
Image5_Role of the membrane-spanning 4A gene family in lung adenocarcinoma.TIF
Lung adenocarcinoma, which is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, has a poor prognosis and a low 5-year survival rate. The MS4A protein family is crucial to disease development and progression, particularly for cancers, allergies, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its involvement in lung adenocarcinoma remains unclear. In this study, we found that 11 MS4A family genes were upregulated or downregulated in lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we described the genetic variation landscape of the MS4A family in lung adenocarcinoma. Notably, through functional enrichment analysis, we discovered that the MS4A family is involved in the immune response regulatory signaling pathway and the immune response regulatory cell surface receptor signaling pathway. According to the KaplanâMeier curve, patients with lung adenocarcinoma having poor expression of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, and MS4A15 had a low overall survival rate. These four prognostic genes are substantially associated with immune-infiltrating cells, and a prognosis model incorporating them may more accurately predict the overall survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma than current models. The findings of this study may offer creative suggestions and recommendations for the identification and management of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
Wavelet coherence of selected stock markets during crisis 1993â2021 (Panel D).
Wavelet coherence of selected stock markets during crisis 1993â2021 (Panel D).</p
Cross-wavelet power spectra of selected stock markets during crisis 2008â09 (Panel B): Cross-wavelet power spectra are considered significant at 5% under the red noise prediction defined by Monte Carlo.
The two variables have a positive relationship if the arrows are toward the right. Suppose the arrow is towards the right and up. In that case, the first variable leads, and there is a positive relationship, or if arrows are toward right and downward, the variables first are lagging and positive. On the other side, if the arrows are toward left and up, the first variable is lagging, and the relationship between variables is negative, or if the arrows are toward left and down, then the variable is leading, and the correlation is negative.</p
Image3_Role of the membrane-spanning 4A gene family in lung adenocarcinoma.TIF
Lung adenocarcinoma, which is the second most prevalent cancer in the world, has a poor prognosis and a low 5-year survival rate. The MS4A protein family is crucial to disease development and progression, particularly for cancers, allergies, metabolic disorders, autoimmune diseases, infections, and neurodegenerative disorders. However, its involvement in lung adenocarcinoma remains unclear. In this study, we found that 11 MS4A family genes were upregulated or downregulated in lung adenocarcinoma. Furthermore, we described the genetic variation landscape of the MS4A family in lung adenocarcinoma. Notably, through functional enrichment analysis, we discovered that the MS4A family is involved in the immune response regulatory signaling pathway and the immune response regulatory cell surface receptor signaling pathway. According to the KaplanâMeier curve, patients with lung adenocarcinoma having poor expression of MS4A2, MS4A7, MS4A14, and MS4A15 had a low overall survival rate. These four prognostic genes are substantially associated with immune-infiltrating cells, and a prognosis model incorporating them may more accurately predict the overall survival rate of patients with lung adenocarcinoma than current models. The findings of this study may offer creative suggestions and recommendations for the identification and management of lung adenocarcinoma.</p
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