11,890 research outputs found
Analytical BER Performance of DS-CDMA Ad Hoc Networks using Large Area Synchronized Spreading Codes
The family of operational CDMA systems is interference-limited owing to the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and the Multiple Access Interference (MAI) encountered. They are interference-limited, because the orthogonality of the spreading codes is typically destroyed by the frequency-selective fading channel and hence complex multiuser detectors have to be used for mitigating these impairments. By contrast, the family of Large Area Synchronous (LAS) codes exhibits an Interference Free Window (IFW), which renders them attractive for employment in cost-efficient quasi-synchronous ad hoc networks dispensing with power control. In this contribution we investigate the performance of LAS DS-CDMA assisted ad hoc networks in the context of a simple infinite mesh of rectilinear node topology and benchmark it against classic DS-CDMA using both random spreading sequences as well as Walsh-Hadamard and Orthogonal Gold codes. It is demonstrated that LAS DS-CDMA exhibits a significantly better performance than the family of classic DS-CDMA systems operating in a quasi-synchronous scenario associated with a high node density, a low number of resolvable paths and a sufficiently high number of RAKE receiver branches
Pole expansion of self-energy and interaction effect on topological insulators
We study effect of interactions on time-reversal-invariant topological
insulators. Their topological indices are expressed by interacting Green's
functions. Under the local self-energy approximation, we connect topological
index and surface states of an interacting system to an auxiliary
noninteracting system, whose Hamiltonian is related to the pole-expansions of
the local self-energy. This finding greatly simplifies the calculation of
interacting topological indices and gives an noninteracting pictorial
description of interaction driven topological phase transitions. Our results
also bridge studies of the correlated topological insulating materials with the
practical dynamical-mean-field-theory calculations.Comment: 4.2 pages, 3 figures, reference added, typos correcte
Global Phase Diagram of Disordered Type-II Weyl Semimetals
With electron and hole pockets touching at the Weyl node, type-II Weyl
semimetal is a newly proposed topological state distinct from its type-I
cousin. We numerically study the localization effect for tilted type-I as well
as type-II Weyl semimetals and give the global phase diagram. For dis- ordered
type-I Weyl semimetal, an intermediate three-dimensional quantum anomalous Hall
phase is confirmed between Weyl semimetal phase and diffusive metal phase.
However, this intermediate phase is absent for disordered type-II Weyl
semimetal. Besides, near the Weyl nodes, comparing to its type-I cousin,
type-II Weyl semimetal possesses even larger ratio between the transport
lifetime along the direction of tilt and the quantum lifetime. Near the phase
boundary between the type-I and the type-II Weyl semimetals, infinitesimal
disorder will induce an insulating phase so that in this region, the concept of
Weyl semimetal is meaningless for real materials.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
Numerical Study of Universal Conductance Fluctuation in Three-dimensional Topological Semimetals
We study the conductance fluctuation in topological semimetals. Through
statistic distribution of energy levels of topological semimetals, we determine
the dominant parameters of universal conductance fluctuation (UCF), i.e., the
number of uncorrelated bands , the level degeneracy , and the symmetry
parameter . These parameters allow us to predict the zero-temperature
intrinsic UCF of topological semimetals by the Altshuler-Lee-Stone theory.
Then, we obtain numerically the conductance fluctuations for topological
semimetals of quasi-1D geometry. We find that for Dirac/Weyl semimetals, the
theoretical prediction coincides with the numerical results. However, a
non-universal conductance fluctuation behavior is found for topological nodal
line semimetals, i.e., the conductance fluctuation amplitude increases with the
enlargement of SOC strength. We find that such unexpected parameter-dependent
phenomena of conductance fluctuation are related to Fermi surface shape of 3D
topological semimetals. These results will help us to understand the existing
and future experimental results of UCF in 3D topological semimetals.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
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