27 research outputs found
General relativistic magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the jet in M87
(abridged) The connection between black hole, accretion disk, and radio jet
can be best constrained by fitting models to observations of nearby low
luminosity galactic nuclei, in particular the well studied sources Sgr~A* and
M87. There has been considerable progress in modeling the central engine of
active galactic nuclei by an accreting supermassive black hole coupled to a
relativistic plasma jet. However, can a single model be applied to a range of
black hole masses and accretion rates? Here we want to compare the latest
three-dimensional numerical model, originally developed for Sgr A* in the
center of the Milky Way, to radio observations of the much more powerful and
more massive black hole in M87. We postprocess three-dimensional GRMHD models
of a jet-producing radiatively inefficient accretion flow around a spinning
black hole using relativistic radiative transfer and ray-tracing to produce
model spectra and images. As a key new ingredient to these models, we allow the
proton-electron coupling in these simulations depend on the magnetic properties
of the plasma. We find that the radio emission in M87 is well described by a
combination of a two-temperature accretion flow and a hot single-temperature
jet. The model fits the basic observed characteristics of the M87 radio core.
The best fit model has a mass-accretion rate of Mdot approx 9x10^{-3} MSUN/YR
and a total jet power of P_j \sim 10^{43} erg/s. Emission at 1.3mm is produced
by the counter jet close to the event horizon. Its characteristic crescent
shape surrounding the black hole shadow could be resolved by future
millimeter-wave VLBI experiments. The model was successfully derived from one
for the supermassive black hole in center of the Milky Way by appropriately
scaling mass and accretion rate. This suggests the possibility that this model
could also apply to a larger range of low-luminosity black holes.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures, accepted to Astronomy and Astrophysics, after
language proofs, with correct titl
Observational appearance of inefficient accretion flows and jets in 3D GRMHD simulations: Application to Sgr~A*
Radiatively inefficient accretion flows (RIAFs) are believed to power
supermassive black holes (SMBH) in the underluminous cores of galaxies. Such
black holes are typically accompanied by flat-spectrum radio cores indicating
the presence of moderately relativistic jets. One of the best constrained RIAFs
is associated with the SMBH in the Galactic center, Sgr A*. Since the plasma in
RIAFs is only weakly collisional, the dynamics and the radiative properties of
these systems are very uncertain. Here we want to study the impact of varying
electron temperature on the appearance of accretion flows and jets. Using 3-D
GRMHD accretion flow simulations, we use ray tracing methods to predict spectra
and radio images of RIAFs allowing for different electron heating mechanisms in
the in- and outflowing parts of the simulations. We find that small changes in
the electron temperature can result in dramatic differences in the relative
dominance of jets and accretion flows. Application to Sgr A* shows that radio
spectrum and size of this source can be well reproduced with a model where
electrons are more efficiently heated in the jet. The X-ray emission is
sensitive to the electron heating mechanism in the jets and disk and therefore
X-ray observations put strong constraints on electron temperatures and geometry
of the accretion flow and jet. For Sgr A*, the jet model also predicts a
significant frequency-dependent core shift which could place independent
constraints on the model once measured accurately. We conclude that more
sophisticated models for electron distribution functions are crucial for
constraining GRMHD simulations with actual observations. For Sgr A*, the radio
appearance may well be dominated by the outflowing plasma. Nonetheless, at the
highest radio frequencies, the shadow of the event horizon should still be
detectable with future Very Long Baseline Interferometric observations.Comment: A&A accepted, 11 figures, 1 tabl
Measuring the Direction and Angular Velocity of a Black Hole Accretion Disk via Lagged Interferometric Covariance
We show that interferometry can be applied to study irregular, rapidly
rotating structures, as are expected in the turbulent accretion flow near a
black hole. Specifically, we analyze the lagged covariance between
interferometric baselines of similar lengths but slightly different
orientations. For a flow viewed close to face-on, we demonstrate that the peak
in the lagged covariance indicates the direction and angular velocity of the
emission pattern from the flow. Even for moderately inclined flows, the
covariance robustly estimates the flow direction, although the estimated
angular velocity can be significantly biased. Importantly, measuring the
direction of the flow as clockwise or counterclockwise on the sky breaks a
degeneracy in accretion disk inclinations when analyzing time-averaged images
alone. We explore the potential efficacy of our technique using
three-dimensional, general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD)
simulations, and we highlight several baseline pairs for the Event Horizon
Telescope (EHT) that are well-suited to this application. These results
indicate that the EHT may be capable of estimating the direction and angular
velocity of the emitting material near Sagittarius A*, and they suggest that a
rotating flow may even be utilized to improve imaging capabilities.Comment: 8 Pages, 4 Figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Imaging an Event Horizon: Mitigation of Source Variability of Sagittarius A*
The black hole in the center of the Galaxy, associated with the compact
source Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*), is predicted to cast a shadow upon the emission
of the surrounding plasma flow, which encodes the influence of general
relativity in the strong-field regime. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) is a
Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) network with a goal of imaging nearby
supermassive black holes (in particular Sgr A* and M87) with angular resolution
sufficient to observe strong gravity effects near the event horizon. General
relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations show that radio emission
from Sgr A* exhibits vari- ability on timescales of minutes, much shorter than
the duration of a typical VLBI imaging experiment, which usually takes several
hours. A changing source structure during the observations, however, violates
one of the basic assumptions needed for aperture synthesis in radio
interferometry imaging to work. By simulating realistic EHT observations of a
model movie of Sgr A*, we demonstrate that an image of the average quiescent
emission, featuring the characteristic black hole shadow and photon ring
predicted by general relativity, can nonetheless be obtained by observing over
multiple days and subsequent processing of the visibilities (scaling,
averaging, and smoothing) before imaging. Moreover, it is shown that this
procedure can be combined with an existing method to mitigate the effects of
interstellar scattering. Taken together, these techniques allow the black hole
shadow in the Galactic center to be recovered on the reconstructed image.Comment: 10 pages, 12figures, accepted for publication in Ap
Dynamical Imaging with Interferometry
By linking widely separated radio dishes, the technique of very long baseline
interferometry (VLBI) can greatly enhance angular resolution in radio
astronomy. However, at any given moment, a VLBI array only sparsely samples the
information necessary to form an image. Conventional imaging techniques
partially overcome this limitation by making the assumption that the observed
cosmic source structure does not evolve over the duration of an observation,
which enables VLBI networks to accumulate information as the Earth rotates and
changes the projected array geometry. Although this assumption is appropriate
for nearly all VLBI, it is almost certainly violated for submillimeter
observations of the Galactic Center supermassive black hole, Sagittarius A*
(Sgr A*), which has a gravitational timescale of only ~20 seconds and exhibits
intra-hour variability. To address this challenge, we develop several
techniques to reconstruct dynamical images ("movies") from interferometric
data. Our techniques are applicable to both single-epoch and multi-epoch
variability studies, and they are suitable for exploring many different
physical processes including flaring regions, stable images with small
time-dependent perturbations, steady accretion dynamics, or kinematics of
relativistic jets. Moreover, dynamical imaging can be used to estimate
time-averaged images from time-variable data, eliminating many spurious image
artifacts that arise when using standard imaging methods. We demonstrate the
effectiveness of our techniques using synthetic observations of simulated black
hole systems and 7mm Very Long Baseline Array observations of M87, and we show
that dynamical imaging is feasible for Event Horizon Telescope observations of
Sgr A*.Comment: 16 Pages, 12 Figures, Accepted for publication in Ap