7 research outputs found
Fugitive emissions in Moravian-Silesian Region
Import 22/07/2015Predložená práca sa zaoberá fugitívnymi emisiami na území priemyselnej aglomerácie Ostravska. Fugitívny prach predstavuje hlavnú časť atmosférických aerosólov, zvýšená pozornosť je mu venovaná kvôli významným dopadom na zmenu klímy, kvalitu ovzdušia a zdravie ľudí a ekosystémov. Hlavná časť práce je venovaná štúdiu vertikálnej distribúcie PM1 vo výške až 500 m n. m., ktorá bola sledovaná vo vybraných lokalitách Ostravy v jarnom a letnom období 2014, za použitia metódy merania balónom. Pozornosť bola venovaná závislosti koncentrácie PM1 na výške a meteorologických podmienkach. Ďalej bolo zisťované rozloženie organických látok vo vertikálnych profiloch atmosféry v najzaťaženejších miestach Ostravy použitím metódy Py-GC/MS a pomocou matematických metód boli identifikované príspevky zdrojov znečistenia.This thesis deals with the topic of fugitive emissions in the industrial agglomeration of Ostrava region. Fugitive dust is a major part of atmospheric aerosols, increased attention is given to it due to its significant impact on climate change, air quality and human health, and ecosystems. The main part is focused on the study of the vertical distribution of PM1 of up to 500 m a. s. l. which was monitored at selected locations during spring and summer seasons of 2014 using the balloon measuring method. Attention was given to influence of meteorological parameters on PM1 concentrations. Furthermore, distribution of organic matter in the vertical profiles of the atmosphere in the most exposed places was studied using the Py-GC/MS and, using the mathematical methods, contributions of the sources of pollution were identified.Prezenční546 - Institut environmentálního inženýrstvívýborn
<i>Cis</i>-Selective Decarboxylative Alkenylation of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids with Vinyl Arenes Enabled by Photoredox/Palladium/Uphill Triple Catalysis
An iridium photoredox
catalyst in combination with phenanthroline-supported
palladium catalyst catalyzes decarboxylative alkenylation of tertiary
and secondary aliphatic carboxylic acids with vinyl arenes to deliver
β-alkylated styrenes with <i>Z</i>-selectivity. A
broad scope of aliphatic carboxylic acids, including amino acids,
exhibit as amenable substrates, and external oxidant is not required.
The reaction proceeds by synergistic utilization of both energy-transfer
and electron-transfer reactivity of iridium photoredox catalyst merging
with palladium-catalyzed hydride elimination and insertion
<i>Cis</i>-Selective Decarboxylative Alkenylation of Aliphatic Carboxylic Acids with Vinyl Arenes Enabled by Photoredox/Palladium/Uphill Triple Catalysis
An iridium photoredox
catalyst in combination with phenanthroline-supported
palladium catalyst catalyzes decarboxylative alkenylation of tertiary
and secondary aliphatic carboxylic acids with vinyl arenes to deliver
β-alkylated styrenes with <i>Z</i>-selectivity. A
broad scope of aliphatic carboxylic acids, including amino acids,
exhibit as amenable substrates, and external oxidant is not required.
The reaction proceeds by synergistic utilization of both energy-transfer
and electron-transfer reactivity of iridium photoredox catalyst merging
with palladium-catalyzed hydride elimination and insertion
Exploring the effect of D61G mutation on SHP2 cause gain of function activity by a molecular dynamics study
<p>Noonan syndrome (NS) is a common autosomal dominant congenital disorder which could cause the congenital cardiopathy and cancer predisposition. Previous studies reported that the knock-in mouse models of the mutant D61G of SHP2 exhibited the major features of NS, which demonstrated that the mutation D61G of SHP2 could cause NS. To explore the effect of D61G mutation on SHP2 and explain the high activity of the mutant, molecular dynamic simulations were performed on wild type (WT) of SHP2 and the mutated SHP2-D61G, respectively. The principal component analysis and dynamic cross-correlation mapping, associated with secondary structure, showed that the D61G mutation affected the motions of two regions (residues Asn 58-Thr 59 and Val 460-His 462) in SHP2 from β to turn. Moreover, the residue interaction networks analysis, the hydrogen bond occupancy analysis and the binding free energies were calculated to gain detailed insight into the influence of the mutant D61G on the two regions, revealing that the major differences between SHP2-WT and SHP2-D61G were the different interactions between Gly 61 and Gly 462, Gly 61 and Ala 461, Gln 506 and Ile 463, Gly 61 and Asn 58, Ile 463 and Thr 466, Gly 462 and Cys 459. Consequently, our findings here may provide knowledge to understand the increased activity of SHP2 caused by the mutant D61G.</p
Additional file 2 of A cysteine-rich secretory protein involves in phytohormone melatonin mediated plant resistance to CGMMV
Additional file 2: Table S1. The primers used in this study. Table S2. CGMMV_CK vs WT responsive genes in Tobacco. Table S3. CGMMV_MEL vs CGMMV_CK responsive genes in Tobacco
Additional file 1 of A cysteine-rich secretory protein involves in phytohormone melatonin mediated plant resistance to CGMMV
Additional file 1: Figure S1. Transcriptome sequencing quality. Figure S2. Silence efficiency of CRISP1 at VIGS 10 dpi. Figure S3. Expression level of PR1a in response to CGMMV and melatonin treatment. Figure S4. Original picture for Fig.1. Figure S5. Original picture for Fig.2. Figure S6. Original picture for Fig.5. Figure S7. Original picture for Fig.7C. Figure S8. Original picture for Fig.7F
Additional file 3: Figure S1. of Downregulating ANP32A rescues synapse and memory loss via chromatin remodeling in Alzheimer model
Downregulating ANP32A ameliorates tau phosphorylation in htau mice. (DOC 245 kb