933 research outputs found
Use of anesthesia dramatically alters the oral glucose tolerance and insulin secretion in C57Bl/6 mice
Evaluation of the impact of anesthesia on oral glucose tolerance in mice. Anesthesia is often used when performing OGTT in mice to avoid the stress of gavage and blood sampling, although anesthesia may influence gastrointestinal motility, blood glucose, and plasma insulin dynamics. C57Bl/6 mice were anesthetized using the following commonly used regimens: (1) hypnorm/midazolam repetitive or single injection; (2) ketamine/xylazine; (3) isoflurane; (4) pentobarbital; and (5) A saline injected, nonanesthetized group. Oral glucose was administered at time 0 min and blood glucose measured in the time frame −15 to +150 min. Plasma insulin concentration was measured at time 0 and 20 min. All four anesthetic regimens resulted in impaired glucose tolerance compared to saline/no anesthesia. (1) hypnorm/midazolam increased insulin concentrations and caused an altered glucose tolerance; (2) ketamine/xylazine lowered insulin responses and resulted in severe hyperglycemia throughout the experiment; (3) isoflurane did not only alter the insulin secretion but also resulted in severe hyperglycemia; (4) pentobarbital resulted in both increased insulin secretion and impaired glucose tolerance. All four anesthetic regimens altered the oral glucose tolerance, and we conclude that anesthesia should not be used when performing metabolic studies in mice
Methods and Guidelines for Measurement of Glucagon in Plasma
Glucagon circulates in concentrations in the low picomolar range, which is demanding regarding the sensitivity of the methods for quantification applied. In addition, the differential and tissue specific proteolytic processing of the glucagon precursor and the presence in of several glucagon-like sequences, not only in the precursor of glucagon, but also in a number of other peptides of the glucagon-secretin family of peptides, put special demands on the specificity of the assays. Finally, experience has shown that unspecific interference of plasma components has presented additional problems. All of these problems have resulted in a lot of diverging results concerning measured and reported glucagon responses in both humans and experimental animals that have and still are causing considerable debate and controversy. There is very solid evidence that glucagon is an important hormone in human and mammalian metabolism, but its precise physiological role in glucose and lipid metabolism and in metabolic disease has been difficult to establish, not least because of these difficulties. It was our purpose with this review to discuss the methods of glucagon quantification and discuss pitfalls and sources of error. We also reviewed some of the dogmas regarding glucagon secretion in the light of the methodological difficulties
Characterization of GLP-1 Effects on β-Cell Function After Meal Ingestion in Humans
OBJECTIVE—Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) is an incretin that augments insulin secretion after meal intake and is developed for treatment of type 2 diabetes. As a novel therapeutic agent, characteristics of its β-cell effects are important to establish. Previously, β-cell effects of GLP-1 have been characterized in humans during graded intravenous infusions of glucose, whereas its effects after more physiological stimuli, like meal intake, are not known.
RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—Eight women (aged 69 years, fasting glucose 3.7–10.3 mmol/l, BMI 22.4–43.9 kg/m2) who had fasted overnight were served a breakfast (450 kcal) with intravenous infusion of saline or synthetic GLP-1 (0.75 pmol · kg–1 · min–1), and β-cell function was evaluated by estimating the relationship between glucose concentration and insulin secretion (calculated by deconvolution of C-peptide data).
RESULTS—GLP-1 markedly augmented insulin secretion, despite lower glucose. Total insulin secretion was 29.7 ± 4.2 nmol/m2 with GLP-1 versus 21.0 ± 1.6 nmol/m2 with saline (P = 0.048). GLP-1 increased the dose-response relationship between glucose concentration and insulin secretion (70 ± 26 with GLP-1 versus 38 ± 16 pmol insulin · min−1 · m2 · mmol−1 glucose · l without, P = 0.037) and augmented the potentiation factor that modulates the dose response (2.71 ± 0.42 with GLP-1 versus 0.97 ± 0.17 without, P = 0.005). The potentiation factor correlated to GLP-1 concentration (r = 0.53, P < 0.001); a 10-fold increase in GLP-1 levels produced a twofold increase in the potentiation factor. These effects of GLP-1 did not correlate with fasting glucose levels or BMI.
CONCLUSIONS—Administration of GLP-1 along with ingestion of a meal augments insulin secretion in humans by a dose-dependent potentiation of the dose-response relationship between plasma glucose and insulin secretion
A single supplement of a standardised bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) extract (36 % wet weight anthocyanins) modifies glycaemic response in individuals with type 2 diabetes controlled by diet and lifestyle
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Hepatic Bile Acid Reuptake in the Rat Depends on Bile Acid Conjugation but Not on Agonistic Properties towards FXR and TGR5
Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) and Takeda G-protein coupled receptor 5 (TGR5) are the two known bile acid (BA) sensitive receptors and are expressed in the intestine and liver as well as in extra-enterohepatic tissues. The physiological effects of extra-enterohepatic FXR/TRG5 remain unclear. Further, the extent BAs escape liver reabsorption and how they interact with extra-enterohepatic FXR/TGR5 is understudied. We investigated if hepatic BA reuptake differed between BAs agonistic for FXR and TGR5 compared to non-agonists in the rat. Blood was collected from the portal vein and inferior caval vein from anesthetized rats before and 5, 20, 30, and 40 min post stimulation with sulfated cholecystokinin-8. Plasma concentrations of 20 different BAs were assessed by liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Total portal vein BA AUC was 3–4 times greater than in the vena cava inferior (2.7 ± 0.6 vs. 0.7 ± 0.2 mM x min, p < 0.01, n = 8) with total unconjugated BAs being 2–3-fold higher than total conjugated BAs (AUC 8–10 higher p < 0.05 for both). However, in both cases, absolute ratios varied greatly among different BAs. The average hepatic reuptake of BAs agonistic for FXR/TGR5 was similar to non-agonists. However, as the sum of non-agonist BAs in vena portae was 2–3-fold higher than the sum agonist (p < 0.05), the peripheral BA pool was composed mostly of non-agonist BAs. We conclude that hepatic BA reuptake varies substantially by type and does not favor FXR/TGR5 BAs agonists
CCK-1 and CCK-2 receptor agonism do not stimulate GLP-1 and neurotensin secretion in the isolated perfused rat small intestine or GLP-1 and PYY secretion in the rat colon
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