18 research outputs found

    Resolution to Ethnic Conflict: Anti-Chinese Riots in Garut, Indonesia, in the middle of the Twentieth Century

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    The Anti-Chinese riots in Indonesia are a dark side of history that must be uncovered. The riots caused by ethnicity and racism worldwide, such as the recent Anti-Chinese issue in the United States, also occurred even in Indonesia after World War II. The racial riots in Garut destroyed Chinese-owned houses, factories, and shops on two consecutive days. The research uses historical methods, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation, and historiography, that reveal the memories of victims, perpetrators, witnesses, and rare primary personal archives. Through a social history approach, the research indicates that not only ethnicity causes violence but also social, political, and religious sentiments initiated by youth organizations, local religious leaders, and former followers of the revolutionary movement. This study provides benefits so that the public and stakeholders can manage ethnic, religious, racial, and inter-group issues to avoid ethnic conflicts that end in violence

    Kontribusi Pondok Pesantren Zawiyah Darussufi dalam Pengembangan Tarekan Tijaniyah di Garut 2008-2022

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    The entry into the Tijaniyah Order is not known for certain. In 1928, the Tijaniyah Order was already in Cirebon, West Java. Which at this time the Tijaniyah Order already had quite a number of followers and spread throughout Indonesia. In this study the authors used historical research methods. In this method there are 4 steps that must be carried out by the writer, namely heuristics, criticism, interpretation and historiography. the result of this research is the history of the Zawiyah Darussufi Islamic boarding school which was built in the middle of the Jatiputra Asri Cibunar housing complex, Tarogong Kidul, Garut Regency, West Java. The emergence of the Tijaniyah Order in Garut which experienced several leadership periods, and one of the contributions of the Zawiyah Darussufi Islamic Boarding School in the development of the Tijaniyah Order, namely by establishing a fathoniyah hostel which has a purpose other than a place of freedom or a safe place of worship, namely for a rehabilitation facility for Muslims who come from Pattani used to be a low standard drug user and other bad habits.

    Hagiografi Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman Al-Qadri dalam Proses Pendirian Kota Pontianak

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengisahkan hagiografi dari seorang pendiri Kesultanan Kadriah Pontianak bernama Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman al-Qadri. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah Pendekatan penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan folklore (tradisi lisan). Karena dalam folklor terkandung unsur-unsur budaya lisan, maka dalam hal ini diambil dua narasumber yang merupakan keturunan dari Sultan Syarif Abdurrahman al-Qadri, bernama Syarif Iskandar dan Syarif Ahmad. Adapun hasil dari pembahasan ini yaitu sebuah urban legend atau legenda masyarakat urban di daerah Kalimantan Barat mengungkap asal-usul nama Pontianak. Disebutkan jika nama Pontianak berasal dari kata Kuntilanak, sosok makhluk astral yang digambarkan berjenis kelamin perempuan dan berambut panjang. Syarif Abdurrahman terpaksa melepaskan tembakan meriam untuk mengusir hantu itu sekaligus menandakan di mana meriam itu jatuh, maka di sanalah wilayah kesultanannya didirikan. Sultan berhasil mengalahkan hantuk Kuntilanak tersebut dan mendirikan Kesultanan Pontianak. Tembakan meriam Sultan dan pengikutnya tersebut sampai saat ini sudah menjadi sebuah tradisi warga Pontianak, terutama dalam menyambut hari raya Idul Fitri dan dijadikan sebagai ajang perlombaan meriam karbit sehingga menjadi sebuah destinasi wisata warga lokal

    Deradicalization of Religion Models: Comparative Study of Jamaah Tablig Movement in The Region of Garut, Indonesia and Yala, Thailand

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    Deradicalization of religion will run on an ongoing basis when the power of the state is actively involved in it. That involvement can be shaped at the same time planning the implementation of policies, programs and budgets. In addition, the deradicalization of religion tends to be effective in the group of the owner of a basic understanding of religious inclusive. However, the practice of deradicalization of religion in Jama'ah Tabliq, which incidentally exclusive and fundamentalist, sustained even likely to be effective with minimal intervention of state power. This study aimed to describe the problem by uncovering and explaining the program that has been implemented Jama'ah Tabliq movement in deradicalization on those who embrace religious radicalism; The doctrine of Jama'ah Tabliq movement that managed to lose the attitude of the radicalism followers; and success factors Jama'ah Tabliq movement in conducting deradicalization. The approach in analyzing is the theoretical framework of power relations and the construction theory of history. With using qualitative methods and techniques as well as the locus descriptive analytical research and case studies Tablighi Jamaat movement in Garut, Indonesia, and Yala, Thailand, this research shows that, the first, deradicalization Tablighi Jama'a religious in the main program in the da'wah movement emphasizing the missionary movement of peace; the second,  Jama'ah Tabliq doctrine, 1) the doctrine of ikromul Muslims, the honor and respect of every Muslim. 2) The doctrine or the doctrine of proselytizing and sermons. Jihad political set up and establish an Islamic State or seize political power of infidel countries is not mandatory, mandatory preached about the truth of Islam. 3) "four things that should not be done", namely the one discussed politics both inside and outside the country and discuss khilafiyah or differences of opinion in matters of religion; And third, the effectiveness and sustainability of the deradicalization of inter Jama'ah Tabliq are factors source of knowledge and practice everyday, the book "Fadhaiul Amal," which teaches the spirit and practice of peace.  Referring to the book Jama'ah Tabliq develop the message to the model maqomi, intiqoli, ta'lim wata'lum, infirodi, non-political, and amaliyah dizkr

    Kontribusi R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema V dalam Menerjemahkan Sejarah Nabi Muhammad Saw. di Tatar Sunda Tahun 1941

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    Translation has an important role in the dissemination of knowledge, religious teachings, and culture existing throughout the world. The ex-Regent of Bandung R.A.A. Wiranatakoesoema V gave contribution to Sundanese language with his translation work in the field of religion. He translated the works of E. Dinet and Sliman bin Ibrahim by using two writing models, namely combining modern European writing in the form of prose, in line with traditional Sundanese writing traditions, called dangding. His work was published in 1941 entitled Riwajat Kangdjeng Nabi Moehammad, peace be upon him. This book became an early historical literature of prophets printed using Latin and Arabic characters, and it contributed to the translation style in the Sundanese Land


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    ABSTRACTThis research aims to explore the history of the arrival of the first wave of Ahlul Bait in Aceh-Sumatra. The wave will technically relate to the history of the founding of the earliest Islamic sultanates in the Aceh-Sumatra between the 8th and 9th centuries AD, such as the Jeumpa sultanate and the Perlak sultanate. The research is based on historical interpretation in the form of classical Acehnese and Malay manuscripts from tertiary historical sources. However, the research still leave problems in the detailed area which are not yet completely accurate and precise. So, even though we have found a common thread that can be mutually agreed upon, attention to areas of detail that are not yet completely accurate and precise, still needs to continue to be explored and its findings improved. As for the shortcomings, they can be remedied by reading the narrative interpretations of classical texts more holistically and coherently to produce narratives that are clearer and clearer in their construction, both in terms of chronology and in terms of interpretations of the agents or apparatus of the establishment of the sultanates.Keywords: ahlul bait, Jeumpa, Perlak, Kedah ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menelusuri sejarah kedatangan Ahlul Bait gelombang pertama di Aceh-Sumatera. Gelombang tersebut secara teknis akan berkaitan dengan sejarah berdirinya kesultanan Islam paling awal di Aceh-Sumatera antara abad ke-8 hingga ke-9 M, seperti kesultanan Jeumpa dan kesultanan Perlak. Penelitian ini didasarkan pada penafsiran sejarah berupa naskah klasik Aceh dan Melayu dari sumber sejarah tersier. Namun penelitian tersebut masih menyisakan permasalahan pada area detail yang belum sepenuhnya akurat dan tepat. Jadi, meski sudah menemukan benang merah yang bisa disepakati bersama, namun perhatian pada area detail yang belum sepenuhnya akurat dan tepat, masih perlu terus digali dan temuannya diperbaiki. Adapun kekurangannya dapat diatasi dengan membaca tafsir naratif teks klasik secara lebih holistik dan koheren sehingga menghasilkan narasi yang semakin jelas konstruksinya, baik dari segi kronologisnya maupun dari segi penafsiran pelaku atau aparaturnya. berdirinya kesultanan.Kata kunci: ahlul bait, Jeumpa, Perlak, Keda