271 research outputs found
Microdata Imputations and Macrodata Implications: Evidence from the Ifo Business Survey
A widespread method for now- and forecasting economic macro level parameters such as GDP growth rates are survey-based indicators which contain early information in contrast to official data. But surveys are commonly affected by nonresponding units which can produce biases if these missing values can not be regarded as missing at random. As many papers examined the effect of nonresponse in individual or household surveys, only less is known in the case of business surveys. So, literature leaves a gap on this issue. For this reason, we analyse and impute the missing observations in the Ifo Business Survey, a large business survey in Germany. The most prominent result of this survey is the Ifo Business Climate Index, a leading indicator for the German business cycle. To reflect the underlying latent data generating process, we compare different imputation approaches for longitudinal data. After this, the microdata are aggregated and the results are compared with the original indicators to evaluate their implications on the macro level. Finally, we show that the bias is minimal and ignorable
Weighted Mixed Regression Estimation Under Biased Stochastic Restrictions
The paper considers the construction of estimators of regression coefficients in a linear regression model when some stochastic and biased apriori information is available. Such apriori information is framed as stochastic restrictions. The dominance conditions of the estimators are derived under the criterion of mean squared error matrix
Simultaneous Prediction of Actual and Average Values of Study Variable Using Stein-rule Estimators
The simultaneous prediction of average and actual values of study variable in a linear regression model is considered in this paper. Generally, either of the ordinary least squares estimator or Stein-rule estimators are employed for the construction of predictors for the simultaneous prediction. A linear combination of ordinary least squares and Stein-rule predictors are utilized in this paper to construct an improved predictors. Their efficiency properties are derived using the small disturbance asymptotic theory and dominance conditions for the superiority of predictors over each other are analyzed
Regularized Proportional Odds Models
The proportional odds model is commonly used in regression analysis to predict the outcome for an ordinal response variable. The maximum likelihood approach becomes unstable or even fails in small samples with relatively large number of predictors. The ML estimates also do not exist with complete separation in the data. An estimation method is developed to address these problems with MLE. The proposed
method uses pseudo observations to regularize the observed responses by sharpening them so that they become close to the underlying probabilities. The estimates can be computed easily with all commonly used statistical packages supporting the fitting of proportional odds models with weights. Estimates are compared with MLE in a simulation study and two real life data sets
Performance of Double k-class Estimators for Coefficients in Linear Regression Models with Non Spherical Disturbances under Asymmetric Losses
The risk of the family of feasible generalized double k-class estimators under LINEX loss function is derived in a linear regression model. The disturbances are assumed to be non-spherical and their variance covariance matrix is unknown
Mean Squared Error Matrix comparison of Least Squares and Stein-Rule Estimators for Regression Coefficients under Non-normal Disturbances
Choosing the performance criterion to be mean squared error matrix, we have compared the least squares and Stein-rule estimators for coefficients in a linear regression model when the disturbances are not necessarily normally distributed. It is shown that none of the two estimators dominates the other, except in the trivial case of merely one regression coefficient where least squares is found to be superior in comparisons to Stein-rule estimators
Risk Performance Of Stein-Rule Estimators Over The Least Squares Estimators Of Regression Coefficients Under Quadratic Loss Structures
This paper presents a general loss function under quadratic loss structure and discusses the comparison of risk functions associated with the unbiased least squares and biased Stein-rule estimators of the coefficients in a linear regression model
Stein-Rule Estimation under an Extended Balanced Loss Function
This paper extends the balanced loss function to a more general set
up. The ordinary least squares and Stein-rule estimators are exposed to
this general loss function with quadratic loss structure in a linear regression
model. Their risks are derived when the disturbances in the linear regression
model are not necessarily normally distributed. The dominance of ordinary
least squares and Stein-rule estimators over each other and the effect of
departure from normality assumption of disturbances on the risk property
is studied
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