24 research outputs found
The assessment has been regarded as the crucial element in instructional process which involeved the teacher and students ini it. In addition, it requires a number of aspects which are concerned on authenticity of how students do the task performatively. Therefore, authentic assessment is necessarily selected in order to reach the goal or objectives of teaching and learning process which focused on real-world tasks. The five dimensional framework proposed by Gulikers et.al (2004) need to be employed inside the implementation of authentic assessment which covers at least: tasks, physical context, social context, result or form, and criteria. The framework represents how the students are assesses authentically as well performatively in order that there are innovative product and also perfomance created by the students particularly. Beacuse authenticity is crucially needed to model of assessment recently and it also represents the authentic outcomes that are totally obtained in the teaching and learning process. Authentic assessment is a new assessment paradigm which contributesto significant alternative towards the existence of traditional assessment practices which are still used by most of the teachers in any levels. Regarding the paradigm, assessment is a process which supports as well as improve students’ learning (focuses on enhancing their cognitive skills) instead of only assessing the teaching and learning process
EFL Pre-Service Teachers' Beliefs in Microteaching Practicum
Pre-service teachers’ expectation in order to successfully carry out the instructional process in the classroom is for them to create the most of their educational experiences by conveying their knowledge to the students. In this study, a case study was implemented, and it consisted of eleven future English teachers participating in a microteaching practicum that was led by two senior lecturers. The whole parties were aware of the purpose of the investigation that was being conducted. Based on the findings, pre-service teachers are almost unanimously of the opinion that one of the most significant aspects of the process of teaching and learning English is the contact that occurs in English between the teacher and the students. When teachers communicate in English with their students, those students are more likely to make an effort to communicate in English on their own. Therefore, English teachers should consistently encourage their pupils to use English throughout the entirety of the teaching and learning process with their classes
The Contributive Roles of Bilingualism in English Language Teaching
AbstractThis study is aimed to explore what the contributions of bilingualism to the English language teaching are as well as how the teachers employed it in their instructional processes. This also deals with how the students were engaged in the process. This study employed qualitative research which focused on using interpretative design involving the classroom observation and also semi-structured interview. The result of the study revealed that the roles of bilingualism were considered to be a prominent tools which fostered the students’ communicative competence as well as the way the teachers taught the material. In conclusion, the implementation of bilingualism has significant roles in terms of teaching and learning the target language (L2) at junior high school level.Keywords: Bilingualism, English Language Teaching, Communicative Competenc
The Implementation of Clinical Supervision Models towards The Language Teaching and Learning
The effective supervision assists the teacher trainees or supervisee develop themselves in terms of the professional development such as teaching instrustions or methods, content, and also pedagogy. This article is aimed to explore as well as discuss the related literature particularly on clinical supervision. It describes best practices in clinical supervision through a set of relevant previous studies, and the roles of supervisor, supervisee, and the students in relation to the use of clinical supervision models used. It also deals with providing some useful guidelines for students and supervisors (not only for clinical students) to pursue the development of relationship among them in conducting the clinical supervision models. Therefore, the review of related literature focuses on clinical supervision which is expected to help the whole parties in the supervisory process to accelerate their goals as well as obejctives clearly, and also to minimize the potential problems and facilitate the implementation of effective supervision.Keywords: Clinical Supervision Models, , Teaching and Learning Language, Supervisor, Supervisee
This present study explain the appraisal devices especially the attitude types. Appraisal theory is the development of Systemic Functional Linguistics theory in the realm of interpersonal meaning initiated by Martin and White. This study used qualitative research with discourse analysis (DA) techniques. The object of analysis in this study is narrative text of the English textbooks for senior high school students published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. This study employed a document analysis as a technique for collecting data. The findings showed that there were 65 systems of attitude which consist of 19 positive affect, 25 negative affect, 8 positive judgment, 8 negative judgment, 1 positive appreciation, and 4 negative appreciation
This present study is intended to analyze the dominant type of attitudinal system that expressed by the teacher. This study utilized qualitative method with Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) as research design. As for research sampling, this study involved an English teacher and one science class of eleventh grade students in one of secondary school in Majalengka. In order to collect the data, the researcher utilized the instrument of observation. Then, this data were analyzed by using Appraisal Theory that proposed by Martin and Rose (2007). As for the results, this research found that the dominant type of attitudinal system that expressed by the teacher is Affect category. It indicated that both the teacher frequently expressed his opinion, feeling and emotion through their talk. Furthermore, these talks mostly expressed in positive way. It indicated that the teacher always tried to build a positive atmosphere by saying positive talks in order to stimulate the students to become active in the classroom. Therefore, it can be said that it is very important for the teachers to pay more attention in managing their talk since it can affect students’ interaction in the classroom
Pembejaran abad ke 21 harus memliki konsep multiliteracies yang mencakup pemahaman informasi bersifat komprehensif dan factual. Dalam kegiatan sosialisasi ini, ada keteribatan para santri dari jenjang sekolah dasar, menengah, dan perguruan tinggi di lingkungan Pondok Pesantren Raudlatul Mubtadi’in yang diberikan pemaparan terkait penggunaan platform dan media pembelajaran dalam matapelajaran bahasa Inggris. Hasil kegiatan sosialisasi ini adalah para santri nampak sangat bersemangat dalam mengikuti pengerjaan soal-soal bahasa Inggris secara dalam jaringan dengan menggunakan laptop atau ponsel-ponsel yang dimiliki oleh santri. Dan juga para santri mampu mengoperasikan atau menggunakan media ataupun platform pembejaran dalam jarring secara baik dan komprehensif. Sebagai contoh santri dapat membedakan berita factual dan berita Hoax yang mana itu mengindikasikan bahwa santri dapat memahami informasi dengan bijak dan sesuai fakta. Konsep multiliterasi dapat diimplementasikan dalam bentuk pengintegrasian peran digital teknologi dengan materi yang terkait dan berkontribusi pada peningkatan wawasan baru dalam pemanafaatan sosial media dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris atau bisa dikatakan mahasiswa diarahkan menjadi pribadi yang multiliterate yang mana mahasiswa mampu menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang bernuansa multiliterasi pada abad ke 21 ini
Emotions undoubtedly surface, which teachers face while resulting from the session. It is consistent with Hargreaves' view that teaching, learning, and leadership have an irrevocably emotional nature, whether on purpose or accidentally. The study seeks to evaluate an English teacher's experiences. According to Webster and Mertova (2007), narrative inquiry is based on human tales, which give a framework for investigating how people experience the world through their stories. Webster and Mertova state that narrative inquiry is a subfield of narrative research. The inquiry aimed to examine the emotional geography of team teaching lecturers in the English Language Education Department. A 33-year-old male English lecturer at a private University in Majalengka enhanced his professionalism by participating in several international and national conferences, which reflected the aspects of social and emotional well-being, such as presenting his article and having some discussions with other scholars. During the team teaching, the participants were given the opportunity and trust to do every single activity from the beginning to the end. His teaching partner treated him very well in implementing various programs within the team teaching. In brief, the emotional geographies contribute to developing a lecturer’s professional and cognitive aspects, which have been implemented during the instructional process. They also influence the way students learn and follow the lecturer’s instructions and potentially shape them to have a good attitude when interacting with each other
Desa Sindanghaji terletak di kabupaten Majalengka dengan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang masih menjadi perhatian kepada Masyarakat yang berupaya untuk meningkatkan motivasi pendidikan melalui membaca. Kampung Literasi merupakan kawasan kampung yang digunakan untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang memiliki pengetahuan dan pemahaman yang luas. Kegiatan pengembangan Kampung Literasi di Desa Sindanghaji Kabupaten Majalengka melakukan serangkaian sosialisasi dan pengembangan 6 literasi dasar bagi masyarakat umum dengan mengambangkan pusat belajar dan taman baca masyarakat. Upaya penting yang dilakukan sebagai langkah awal untuk membangun Kampung Literasi di Desa Sindanghaji secara fisik adalah membangun pojok baca disetiap dusun untuk mendekatkan bahan bacaan kepada masyarakat. Tulisan ini akan menggambarkan tentang usaha yang dilakukan dalam membangun Kampung Literasi tersebut. Dalam kegiatan ini, masyarakat diberikan sosialisasi tentang Kampung Literasi dalam meningkatkan minat baca masyarakat di Taman Baca Masyarakat Nurul Huda Desa Sindanghaji Kecamatan Palasah Majalengka. Metode pelaksanaan program ini menggunakan pendekatan diskusi dan pelatihan secara luring dengan memperhatikan protokol kesehatan. Dengan program ini, diharapkan dengan kegiatan ini kampung literasi memiliki motivasi berpendidikan tinggi dan memiliki akses kepada buku dan sumber pengetahuan lainnya untuk mewujudkan masyarakat yang memiliki minat dan budaya baca
Abstract. Instructional design models have been shifted throughout the years by different scholars because they need to be developed or modified to gain the effectiveness of instructional process. Concerning with the shifts of the related theories, the scholars fomulated a number of patterns in creating the theories in which the aim of this theoretical study is to provide an appropriate understanding in relation to  how to utilize instructional design models. Instruction is regarded as both teaching and learning which have connection with the building of knowledge and skills. Even though there are a lot of instructional design models, a few major distinctions are found in some conditions, e.g. instructional design models present conceptual paradigms in terms of visualizing, performing, and controlling processes for embodying high-standardized teaching and learning artifacts. The exact choice of instructional design models helps us to match the right process with the existing situation. Therefore, instructional design models require a valuable source to match the proper creative process to the proper design situation and also an effective rationale for conducting instructional design research. Keywords: Instrcutional design models, theoretical paradigm