3,445 research outputs found

    Disordered Bose Einstein Condensates with Interaction in One Dimension

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    We study the effects of random scatterers on the ground state of the one-dimensional Lieb-Liniger model of interacting bosons on the unit interval in the Gross-Pitaevskii regime. We prove that Bose Einstein condensation survives even a strong random potential with a high density of scatterers. The character of the wave function of the condensate, however, depends in an essential way on the interplay between randomness and the strength of the two-body interaction. For low density of scatterers or strong interactions the wave function extends over the whole interval. High density of scatterers and weak interaction, on the other hand, leads to localization of the wave function in a fragmented subset of the interval

    A disk census for the nearest group of young stars: Mid-infrared observations of the TW Hydrae Association

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    A group of young, active stars in the vicinity of TW Hydrae has recently been identified as a possible physical association with a common origin. Given its proximity (\sim50 pc), age (\sim10 Myr) and abundance of binary systems, the TW Hya Association is ideally suited to studies of diversity and evolution of circumstellar disks. Here we present mid-infrared observations of 15 candidate members of the group, 11 of which have no previous flux measurements at wavelengths longer than 2μ\mum. We report the discovery of a possible 10μ\mum excess in CD -33^{\circ}7795, which may be due to a circumstellar disk or a faint, as yet undetected binary companion. Of the other stars, only TW Hya, HD 98800, Hen 3-600A, and HR 4796A -- all of which were detected by IRAS -- show excess thermal emission. Our 10μ\mum flux measurements for the remaining members of the Association are consistent with photospheric emission, allowing us to rule out dusty inner disks. In light of these findings, we discuss the origin and age of the TW Hya Association as well as implications for disk evolution timescales.Comment: 10 pages and 1 PostScript figure, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Phase Field Modeling of Fast Crack Propagation

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    We present a continuum theory which predicts the steady state propagation of cracks. The theory overcomes the usual problem of a finite time cusp singularity of the Grinfeld instability by the inclusion of elastodynamic effects which restore selection of the steady state tip radius and velocity. We developed a phase field model for elastically induced phase transitions; in the limit of small or vanishing elastic coefficients in the new phase, fracture can be studied. The simulations confirm analytical predictions for fast crack propagation.Comment: 5 pages, 11 figure

    Disentangling global warming, multi-decadal variability, and El Niño in Pacific temperatures

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    A key challenge in climate science is to separate observed temperature changes into components due to internal variability and responses to external forcing. Extended integrations of forced and unforced climate models are often used for this purpose. Here we demonstrate a novel method to separate modes of internal variability from global warming based on differences in time scale and spatial pattern, without relying on climate models. We identify uncorrelated components of Pacific sea surface temperature variability due to global warming, the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Our results give statistical representations of PDO and ENSO that are consistent with their being separate processes, operating on different time scales, but are otherwise consistent with canonical definitions. We isolate the multidecadal variability of the PDO and find that it is confined to midlatitudes; tropical sea surface temperatures and their teleconnections mix in higher‐frequency variability. This implies that midlatitude PDO anomalies are more persistent than previously thought

    Using milk flow rate to investigate milk ejection in the left and right breasts during simultaneous breast expression in women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Milk ejection is essential for a successful lactation, however techniques to measure milk ejection in women are often complex and invasive. Recent research has demonstrated that at milk ejection, milk duct diameter increased in the breast (measured by ultrasound) at the same time as milk flow rate increased (measured using a weigh balance). This study aimed to evaluate a purpose-built continuous weigh balance (Showmilk, Medela AG) to measure changes in milk flow rate from the breast to identify milk ejections during milk expression. In addition, the Showmilk was used to determine if milk ejection occurred simultaneously in both breasts during double pumping.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Increased milk flow rates during single pumping were compared to simultaneous ultrasound measurements of increased milk duct diameters in 14 mothers. In addition, increases in milk flow rate were compared between the left and right breasts of 28 mothers during double pumping for 15 minutes with two separate electric breast pumps attached to two Showmilks to record milk flow rate.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Increased milk flow rates were associated with increased milk duct diameters during single pumping. The mean number of milk ejections was not different between the Showmilk (4.2 ± 2.0) and ultrasound (4.5 ± 1.5) techniques. Overall, 67 milk ejections were measured and of these, 48 (72%) were identified by both techniques. The left and right breasts responded synchronously with 95.5% of the flow rate increases corresponding between the breasts. The mean number of milk ejections identified by an increase in milk flow rate during double pumping was 5.1 ± 1.7 and 5.0 ± 1.7 for the left and right breasts, respectively. In addition, mothers chose the same expression vacuum for the left (-198 ± 31 mmHg) and right (193 ± 33 mmHg) breasts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The Showmilk can simply and non-invasively record milk ejections by measuring increases in milk flow rate that correspond with increases in milk duct diameter. For the first time measurement of milk flow rate has been used to confirm that milk ejections occur simultaneously in the left and right breasts during double pumping. The use of the Showmilk will facilitate further research into the relationship of milk ejection and milk removal.</p

    Mid-infrared imaging of the young binary star Hen 3-600: Evidence for a dust disk around the primary

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    We present high-resolution mid-infrared observations of the nearby late-type young binary system Hen 3-600. The binary, at a distance of \sim 50 pc, could be a member of the TW Hydrae Association, the nearest known group of young stars, with an age of a few million years. Our images make it possible for the first time to determine which star in the pair, separated by 1.4'', harbors the mid-infrared excess detected by IRAS. In the near-infrared, where the radiation is primarily photospheric, Hen 3-600A (M3) and Hen 3-600B (M3.5) have a flux ratio of 1.6. At 4.8μ\mum, 10.8μ\mum, and 18.2μ\mum, the primary becomes increasingly dominant over the secondary, suggesting that most of the circumstellar dust in the system resides around Hen 3-600A. Comparison of the spectral energy distribution (SED) of Hen 3-600A to the median SED of classical T Tauri stars suggests that its disk may be truncated by the secondary and provides tentative evidence for a central disk hole. The distribution of dust in the Hen 3-600 system may provide important clues to the formation and evolution of protoplanetary disks in close binaries.Comment: 9 pages, 2 PostScript figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Recommended isolated-line profile for representing high-resolution spectroscopic transitions (IUPAC Technical Report)

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    The report of an IUPAC Task Group, formed in 2011 on "Intensities and line shapes in high-resolution spectra of water isotopologues from experiment and theory" (Project No. 2011-022-2-100), on line profiles of isolated high-resolution rotational-vibrational transitions perturbed by neutral gas-phase molecules is presented. The well-documented inadequacies of the Voigt profile (VP), used almost universally by databases and radiative-transfer codes, to represent pressure effects and Doppler broadening in isolated vibrational-rotational and pure rotational transitions of the water molecule have resulted in the development of a variety of alternative line-profile models. These models capture more of the physics of the influence of pressure on line shapes but, in general, at the price of greater complexity. The Task Group recommends that the partially Correlated quadratic-Speed-Dependent Hard-Collision profile should be adopted as the appropriate model for high-resolution spectroscopy. For simplicity this should be called the Hartmann--Tran profile (HTP). The HTP is sophisticated enough to capture the various collisional contributions to the isolated line shape, can be computed in a straightforward and rapid manner, and reduces to simpler profiles, including the Voigt profile, under certain simplifying assumptions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Pure and Applied Chemistr