2,425 research outputs found
The Dairy Sector in the Central European Candidate (CEC) Countries â The Status of Restructuring and Future Challenges
The dairy sector in the CEC countries had to cope with tremendous adjustment pressures in the 90ies. Privatization and liberalization contributed to intense competition on the CEC countriesâ dairy market. Major problems that impede the competitiveness of this sector are a considerable fragmentation of the dairy processing industry, pronounced excess capacities, high seasonality of milk production and low investment activities. The latter delays the modernization of processing technologies and thus hinders quality improvements and the adjustments of hygienic conditions as well as product and process standards to EU norms. These problems are common to all CEC countries, though to different degrees. In addition, especially in Bulgaria and Romania, but also in Poland, Lithuania and Latvia the dairy industry is burdened by the low quality of the raw material and high milk collecting costs. Improving technical as well as economic efficiency in the primary and processing sector and seeking strategic alliances are necessary to secure the competitiveness of the CEC countries` dairy industry in EU and world markets.Central European candidate countries, dairy industry, restructuring process, competitiveness, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,
Will Baltic Agriculture Survive After EU Accession?
International Relations/Trade,
Agricultural and food trade in Central and Eastern Europe: the case of Slovenian intra-industry trade
One of the striking features in Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries is the deterioration of their agricultural and food trade balance during transition to a market economy as im-ports increased faster than exports or exports even declined. This paper investigates the Slovenian agricultural and food trade in more detail focusing on changes in the geographical distribution of trade and the nature of trade specialization on the basis of the Grubel-Lloyd Intra-Industry Trade index and Marginal Intra-Industry Trade Indices. The results indicate that Slovenian agricultural and food trade largely remains of the inter-industry type with specialisation of exports towards the former Yugoslav markets and imports from the European Union. The proportion of intra-industry trade was especially low for bulk commodities with little or no processing. A major explanations for these findings is that despite the free trade agreements Slovenia signed with the EU and countries of Central and Eastern Europe the level of protection in the agricultural and food sector has remained rather high. Due to EU membership Slovenia faces now direct competition in a market of 25 countries. This intensifies the restructuring process in the Slovenian agricultural and food sector. Due to the present low level of IIT this likely induces rather high adjustment costs since restructuring and reallo-cation of factors will have to occur between and not within industries. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Eine der bemerkenswertesten Entwicklungen im Transformationsprozess der mittel- und ost-europĂ€ischen LĂ€nder ist die Verschlechterung ihrer Agrarhandelsbilanz als Folge rasanter steigender Importe als Exporte oder aufgrund sinkender Exporte bei stagnierenden oder stei-genden Importen. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Studie ist eine detaillierte Analyse von Ver-Ă€nderungen in der geographischen Verteilung des Handels als auch in der Art der Handels-spezialisierung in Hinblick auf den slowenischen Agrar- und ErnĂ€hrungshandel. Die Analyse der Art der Handelsspezialisierung erfolgt auf Basis des Grubel-Lloyd Intra-Industriellen Handelsindex sowie Marginaler Intra-Industrieller Handelsindizes. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Sloweniens Handel mit Agrar- und ErnĂ€hrungsgĂŒtern nach wie vor primĂ€r inter-indus-trieller Natur ist. Dabei erweist sich die EU als wichtigstes Herkunftsland fĂŒr die Importe Sloweniens, wogegen die Exporte des Landes vorrangig auf den MĂ€rkten des frĂŒheren Jugos-lawiens abgesetzt werden. Intra-industrielle Handelsströme sind vor allem unbedeutend fĂŒr landwirtschaftliche Produkte mit geringer oder keiner Verarbeitung. Eine wesentliche ErklĂ€-rung fĂŒr diese Resultate ist, dass trotz des Abschlusses verschiedener Freihandelsabkommen mit der EU und LĂ€ndern Mittel- und Osteuropas das Protektionsniveau fĂŒr Agrar- und ErnĂ€h-rungsgĂŒter nach wie vor sehr hoch ist. Als Mitglied der EuropĂ€ischen Union sieht sich Slo-wenien nun unmittelbar dem Wettbewerb in einem Markt von 25 LĂ€ndern ausgesetzt. Dies wird den Restrukturierungsprozess im slowenischen Agrar- und ErnĂ€hrungssektor verstĂ€rken. Auf Grund der geringen Bedeutung intra-industrieller Handelsströme wird dies zur Restruku-rierung und zur Reallokation von Faktoren zwischen und nicht innerhalb von Branchen fĂŒhren und damit relativ hohe Anpassungskosten induzieren.Intra-industry trade,integration,agro-food sector,Intra-industrieller Handel,Integration,Agrar- und ErnĂ€hrungssektor
Comparing measures of competitiveness
In their Europe Agreements with the EU, the Central and Eastern European countries stated their intention of joining the Union. To ease the process of accession these countries must adjust their economies already prior to becoming an EU-member. Agriculture requires special attention, because it still represents a large share of the total economy in these countries. A better understanding of the competitiveness of agricultural products at domestic and EU markets is essential for providing the necessary economic framework to make the process of joining the EU as smooth as possible.Competitiveness can be analyzed at various levels of the economy: at the enterprise level, the sector level, or the level of the entire economy. Several measures exist for each of these levels. This paper focuses on those used for sector analysis. Since the measures commonly employed for this purpose do not deliver the same results, a better understanding of the underlying causes is necessary. This paper discusses the differences between the various indicators. It identifies the factors leading to disagreement in the results obtained. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: In den Assoziierungsabkommen mit der EU haben die mittel- und osteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€nder ihr Interesse an einer EU-Mitgliedschaft bekundet. Um den IntegrationsprozeĂ zu erleichtern, mĂŒssen diese LĂ€nder ihre Wirtschaft anpassen. Die Landwirtschaft verdient dabei besondere Aufmerksamkeit, da sie einen nicht geringen Anteil an der gesamten wirtschaftlichen Leistung erbringt. Kenntnis ĂŒber die WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit landwirtschaftlicher Produkte dieser LĂ€nder ermöglicht es, die ökonomischen Voraussetzungen fĂŒr einen möglichst reibungslosen Ăbergang in die EU zu erreichen. WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit lĂ€Ăt sich auf verschiedenen Stufen der Wirtschaft messen; auf betrieblicher Ebene, fĂŒr einen Sektor oder fĂŒr die gesamte Volkswirtschaft. Auf jeder dieser Stufen gibt es verschiedene Indikatoren. In diesem Diskussionspapier werden solche Indikatoren beschrieben, die zur Messung der WettbewerbsfĂ€higkeit auf sektoraler Ebene herangezogen werden können. Da sich die MeĂzahlen unterscheiden und auch nicht zwingend die gleichen Ergebnisse liefern, ist die Kenntnis der GrĂŒnde fĂŒr diese Abweichungen in den Ergebnissen sehr wichtig. Dieses Papier untersucht und beschreibt die Faktoren, die zu derartigen Unterschieden fĂŒhren.
Agricultural trade policies and trade relations in transition economies
The economic changes during transition involved a shift away from the planned foreign trade organization within the council for mutual economic assistance. Following a phase of farreaching trade policy liberalization, the agricultural sector in the Central and Eastern European countries (CEEC) has in the last years again been increasingly regulated. At the same time as the CEECs are striving for accession to the European Union, regional free trade agreements (FTA) and membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) have gained importance. The analysis shows that an effective reduction of agricultural protectionism as a result of WTO obligations can only be expected from a small number of CEECs. The effects induced through changes in international agricultural commodity markets in the CEECs depend particularly on the trade status and the trade structure in the agricultural sector, as well as on internal macro- and agricultural economic distortions. An appraisal of regional FTAs such as the Central European Free Trade Agreement and the Baltic Free Trade Agreement has to take into consideration the Vinerian effects of trade creation and trade diversion, as well as non-traditional effects, such as an increase in credibility of political decisions, and the strengthening of the bargaining power of the countries involved. The Europe Agreements and the aim of accession to the EU are of crucial importance to the CEECs. In the framework of an empirical analysis it is shown that the countries which have not been invited to the first round of accession negotiations might be adversely affected by the first east enlargement of the EU. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die wirtschaftlichen VerĂ€nderungen wĂ€hrend der Transformationsphase beinhalten eine Abkehr von der planwirtschaftlichen Organisation des AuĂenhandels innerhalb des Rates fĂŒr Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe. Nach einer Phase weitgehender Liberalisierung von Handelspolitiken in den LĂ€ndern Mittel- und Osteuropas wurde in den letzten Jahren wieder verstĂ€rkt regulierend in den Agrarsektor eingegriffen. Gleichzeitig gewinnen neben dem angestrebten Beitritt in die EuropĂ€ische Union regionale Freihandelsabkommen sowie die Mitgliedschaft in der Welthandelsorganisation (WTO) zunehmend an Bedeutung. Die Analyse zeigt, daĂ eine effektive Reduzierung der Agrarprotektion aufgrund der eingegangenen WTO-Verpflichtungen nur von wenigen mittel- und osteuropĂ€ischen LĂ€ndern (MOEL) zu erwarten ist. Die ĂŒber die internationalen AgrarmĂ€rkte induzierten Effekte in den MOEL hĂ€ngen insbesondere von dem Handelsstatus und der Handelsstruktur im Agrarsektor sowie den internen agrar- und makroökonomischen Verzerrungen ab. Eine Bewertung regionaler Handelsabkommen wie des Central European Free Trade Agreement und des Baltic Free Trade Agreement muĂ neben den traditionellen Effekten, wie dem der Handelsschaffung und der Handelsumlenkung, auch die nicht-traditionellen Effekte, wie die durch die Abkommen induzierte Erhöhung der GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit politischer Entscheidungen und der StĂ€rkung der Verhandlungsmacht dieser LĂ€nder mit einbeziehen. Die mit der EU abgeschlossenen Europa-Abkommen als auch der angestrebte Beitritt zur EU ist von herausragender Bedeutung fĂŒr die MOEL. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Analyse wird aber auch gezeigt, daĂ die LĂ€nder, die zunĂ€chst nicht eingeladen werden, der EU beizutreten, negativ von der ersten Erweiterungsrunde betroffen sind.
Industry, firm, year, and country effects on profitability: Evidence from a large sample of EU food processing firms
This paper analyzes the variance in accounting profitability within the European food industry. Based on a large panel data set, the variance in return on assets (ROA) is decomposed into year, country, industry, and firm effects. Further on, we include all possible interactions between year, country, and industry and discuss the theoretical foundations for these effects. After singling out the significant effect classes in a nested ANOVA with a thoroughly designed rotation regarding the order of effect introduction, we determine effect magnitude using components of variance (COV). Our results show that firm characteristics seem to be far more important than industry structure in determining the level of economic return within the food industry. Year and country effects, as well as their interactions were weak or insignificant, indicating that macroeconomics and trade theory offer little potential to serve as a basis for the explanation of performance differentials. While neither national nor industry-specific cycles were significant, EU-wide fluctuations significantly contributed to explaining differences in performance, suggesting that economic cycles in the EU are by and large synchronized.variance components, abnormal profit, EU-27, MBV, RBV, comparative advantage, Agribusiness, Agricultural Finance, Financial Economics, Industrial Organization, Marketing,
Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries,
The Role of Trust in Explaining Food Choice: Combining Choice Experiment and Attribute BestâWorst Scaling
This paper presents empirical findings from a combination of two elicitation techniquesâdiscrete choice experiment (DCE) and bestâworst scaling (BWS)âto provide information about the role of consumersâ trust in food choice decisions in the case of credence attributes. The analysis was based on a sample of 459 Taiwanese consumers and focuses on red sweet peppers. DCE data were examined using latent class analysis to investigate the importance and the utility different consumer segments attach to the production method, country of origin, and chemical residue testing. The relevance of attitudinal and trust-based items was identified by BWS using a hierarchical Bayesian mixed logit model and was aggregated to five latent components by means of principal component analysis. Applying a multinomial logit model, participantsâ latent class membership (obtained from DCE data) was regressed on the identified attitudinal and trust components, as well as demographic information. Results of the DCE latent class analysis for the product attributes show that four segments may be distinguished. Linking the DCE with the attitudinal dimensions reveals that consumersâ attitude and trust significantly explain class membership and therefore, consumersâ preferences for different credence attributes. Based on our results, we derive recommendations for industry and policy
Old wine in new bottles: Agricultural protectionism in the EC
Intensified efforts have been made in the EC in recent years to close the open flanks of its agricultural trade policy. The advocates of this not only believe that an import substitution policy will solve the problem of surpluses, the budget crisis and the grave income problems in the agricultural sector, but also see it as an opportunity to reduce the widespread price and trade distortions. Are these hopes justified
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