10 research outputs found
Clustering topic groups of documents using K-Means algorithm: Australian Embassy Jakarta media releases 2006-2016
Introduction. The Australian Embassy in Jakarta is storing a wide array of media release document. Analyzing particular and vital patterns of the documents collection is imperative as it will result in new insights and knowledge of significant topic groups of the documents.Methodology. K-Means was used algorithm as a non-hierarchical clustering method which partitioning data objects into clusters. The method works through minimizing data variation within cluster and maximizing data variation between clusters. Data Analysis. Of the documents issued between 2006 and 2016, 839 documents were examined in order to determine term frequencies and to generate clusters. Evaluation was conducted by nominating an expert to validate the cluster result.Results and discussions. The result showed that there were 57 meaningful terms grouped into 3 clusters. “People to people links”, “economic cooperation”, and “human development” were chosen to represent topics of the Australian Embassy Jakarta media releases from 2006 to 2016.Conclusions. Text mining can be used to cluster topic groups of documents. It provides a more systematic clustering process as the text analysis is conducted through a number of stages with specifically set parameters.Â
Kemitraan strategis Perpustakaan Nasional RI dan National Library of Australia dalam mendukung hubungan bilateral Indonesia dan Australia
The mutual cooperation between National Library of Indonesia and National Library of Australia is a model of soft power diplomacy that support the bilateral relation between Indonesia and Australia
Mengukur kinerja search engine : sebuah eksperimentasi penilaian precision and recall untuk informasi ilmiah bidang ilmu perpustakaan dan informasi [Search Engines performance evaluation: an experimental the value of precision and recall for scientific information in LIS field.]
The article examine performance in six major search engines that is Google, Yahoo, AOL, Askjeeves, Scirus, and Sciseek. Assesment of recall and precision was applied with limititation to Library and Information Science
Evaluasi Aplikasi Domain Name Server (DNS) sebagai Search Engine untuk Pencarian Nama Domain Best Universities dan Top Leading Banks di Indonesia
Evaluating Domain Name Server (DNS) for Domain Searching of Best Universities and Top Leading Banks in Indonesia
The proliferation of world wide web is faster than internet's experienced-user growth. Inexperienced-user tends to locate a domain name just by guessing or typing in the url and waiting for the the positive feedback rather than use the search engine to find a domain name.
The article evaluates the effectivity of domain name server (DNS) in searching specific domains compare with search engine. The results shows that search engine handled domain name queries more effective than DNS itself
Kajian Koleksi Bidang Linguistik dengan Metode Conspectus di Perpustakaan Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan Budaya, Universitas Indonesia
The objective of this research is to identify the existing collection strength, especially on Lingustics, in the Faculty of Humanities Library, Universitas Indonesia. Conspectus Model, a collection-based technique evaluation, is used on this qualitative research. The research was conducted on January - March 2006, which are involved subject specialist as evaluator, and students as the user.
The research is also purposed to design initial framework of the academic library network in Jakarta, especially on Linguistics
Mengenal Resource Description & Access (RDA) dan aplikasinya dalam dunia perpustakaan
This article talks about Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new cataloging standard that replaced AACR2. RDA is a collaboration project that introduces entity-relationship model in cataloguing to accommodate analog and digital world. The article elaborates upon the theory and application of RDA
Analisis arsitektur sistem Trove National of Australia
Pada tahun 2008, National Library of Australia memulai sebuah proyek ambisius untuk membuat sebuah "national discovery system" yang menghubungkan seluruh perpustakaan di Australia. Proyek yang dinamakan 'Trove' ini diluncurkan pada tahun 2009 setelah sebelumnya dirilis dalam format beta selama 6 bulan. Trove tidak hanya menggantikan 8 sistem layanan koleksi yang sudah ada, namun juga memberikan pengalaman baru kepada publik dan peneliti di Australia dan luar Australia dengan membuka akses kepada konten yang lebih luas dan bervariasi. Makalah ini membahas latar belakang kemnculan Trove, bagaimana arsitektur sistem teknologi informasi, cakupan konten, lalu seperti apa usulan pengembangan Trove lebih lanjut
Pengelompokan topik dokumen berbasis text mining dengan algoritme k-means: studi kasus pada dokumen kedutaan besar australia jakarta
The Australian Embassy in Jakarta is storing a wide array of media release document. Analyzing particular and vital patterns of the documents collection is imperative as it will result in new insights and knowledge of significant topic groups of the documents. K-Means algorithm was used as a non- hierarchical clustering method which partitioning data objects into clusters. The method works through minimizing data variation within cluster and maximizing data variation between clusters. Of the documents issued between 2006 and 2016, 839 documents were examined in order to determine term frequencies and to generate clusters. Evaluation was conducted by nominating an expert to validate the cluster result. The result showed that there were 57 meaningful terms grouped into 3 clusters. ?People to people links?, ?economic cooperation?, and ?human development? were chosen to represent topics of the Australian Embassy Jakarta media releases from 2006 to 2016. This research concluded that text mining can be used to cluster topic groups of documents. It provides a more systematic clustering process as the text analysis is conducted through a number of stages with specifically set parameters
Winning Research Skills
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