2,942 research outputs found

    Effects of the galactic magnetic field upon large scale anisotropies of extragalactic Cosmic Rays

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    The large scale pattern in the arrival directions of extragalactic cosmic rays that reach the Earth is different from that of the flux arriving to the halo of the Galaxy as a result of the propagation through the galactic magnetic field. Two different effects are relevant in this process: deflections of trajectories and (de)acceleration by the electric field component due to the galactic rotation. The deflection of the cosmic ray trajectories makes the flux intensity arriving to the halo from some direction to appear reaching the Earth from another direction. This applies to any intrinsic anisotropy in the extragalactic distribution or, even in the absence of intrinsic anisotropies, to the dipolar Compton-Getting anisotropy induced when the observer is moving with respect to the cosmic rays rest frame. For an observer moving with the solar system, cosmic rays traveling through far away regions of the Galaxy also experience an electric force coming from the relative motion (due to the rotation of the Galaxy) of the local system in which the field can be considered as being purely magnetic. This produces small changes in the particles momentum that can originate large scale anisotropies even for an isotropic extragalactic flux.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Scalar Non-Luminous Matter in Galaxies

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    As a candidate for dark matter in galaxies, we study an SU(3) triplet of complex scalar fields which are non-minimally coupled to gravity. In the spherically symmetric static spacetime where the flat rotational velocity curves of stars in galaxies can be explained, we find simple solutions of scalar fields with SU(3) global symmetry broken to U(1) X U(1), in an exponential scalar potential, which will be useful in a quintessence model of the late-time acceleration of the Universe.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, LaTex. Submitted to IJMP

    Ultrahigh Energy Nuclei in the Galactic Magnetic Field

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    Observations are consistent with a significant fraction of heavy nuclei in the cosmic ray flux above a few times 10^19 eV. Such nuclei can be deflected considerably in the Galactic magnetic field, with important implications for the search of their sources. We perform detailed simulations of heavy nuclei propagation within recent Galactic magnetic field models. While such models are not yet sufficiently constrained to predict deflection maps in detail, we find general features of the distribution of (de-) magnified flux from sources. Since in most theoretical models sources of heavy nuclei are located in the local large scale structure of galaxies, we show examples of images of several nearby galaxy clusters and of the supergalactic plane. Such general features may be useful to develop efficient methods for source reconstruction from observed ultrahigh energy cosmic ray arrival directions.Comment: 17 pages, 11 figures. Published in JCA

    Search for single sources of ultra high energy cosmic rays on the sky

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    In this paper, we suggest a new way to identify single bright sources of Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) on the sky, on top of background. We look for doublets of events at the highest energies, E > 6 x 10^19 eV, and identify low energy tails, which are deflected by the Galactic Magnetic Field (GMF). For the sources which are detected, we can recover their angular positions on the sky within one degree from the real ones in 68% of cases. The reconstruction of the deflection power of the regular GMF is strongly affected by the value of the turbulent GMF. For typical values of 4 microG near the Earth, one can reconstruct the deflection power with 25% precision in 68% of cases.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures. Corresponds to the version published in JCA

    Global monopoles and scalar fields as the electrogravity dual of Schwarzschild spacetime

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    We prove that both global monopole and minimally coupled static zero mass scalar field are electrogravity dual of the Schwarzschild solution or flat space and they share the same equation of state, T00Tii=0T^0_0 - T^i_i = 0. This property was however known for the global monopole spacetime while it is for the first time being established for the scalar field. In particular, it turns out that the Xanthopoulos - Zannias scalar field solution is dual to flat space.Comment: 5 pages, RevTe

    Recent results from the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    The main results from the Auger Observatory are described. A steepening of the spectrum is observed at the highest energies, supporting the expectation that above 4×10194\times 10^{19} eV the cosmic ray energies are significantly degraded by interactions with the CMB photons (the GZK effect). This is further supported by the correlations observed above 6×10196\times 10^{19} eV with the distribution of nearby active galaxies, which also show the potential of Auger to start the era of charged particle astronomy. The lack of observation of photons or neutrinos strongly disfavors top-down models, and these searches may approach in the long term the sensitivity required to test the fluxes expected from the secondaries of the very same GZK process. Bounds on the anisotropies at EeV energies contradict hints from previous experiments that suggested a large excess from regions near the Galactic centre or the presence of a dipolar type modulation of the cosmic ray flux.Comment: 6 p., 8 figs., proceedings of the XXIII International Conference on Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics (Neutrino 08

    Lensing of ultra-high energy cosmic rays in turbulent magnetic fields

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    We consider the propagation of ultra high energy cosmic rays through turbulent magnetic fields and study the transition between the regimes of single and multiple images of point-like sources. The transition occurs at energies around EcZ 41EeV(Brms/5μG)(L/2kpc)3/250pc/LcE_c\simeq Z~41 {\rm EeV}(B_{rms}/5 \mu{\rm G}) (L/ 2 {\rm kpc})^{3/2}\sqrt{50 {\rm pc}/L_c}, where LL is the distance traversed by the CR's with electric charge ZeZe in the turbulent magnetic field of root mean square strength BrmsB_{rms} and coherence length LcL_c. We find that above 2Ec2 E_c only sources located in a fraction of a few % of the sky can reach large amplifications of its principal image or start developing multiple images. New images appear in pairs with huge magnifications, and they remain amplified over a significant range of energies. At decreasing energies the fraction of the sky in which sources can develop multiple images increases, reaching about 50% for E>Ec/2E>E_c/2. The magnification peaks become however increasingly narrower and for E<Ec/3E<E_c/3 their integrated effect becomes less noticeable. If a uniform magnetic field component is also present it would further narrow down the peaks, shrinking the energy range in which they can be relevant. Below EEc/10E\simeq E_c/10 some kind of scintillation regime is reached, where many demagnified images of a source are present but with overall total magnification of order unity. We also search for lensing signatures in the AGASA data studying two-dimensional correlations in angle and energy and find some interesting hints.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figures, final version with minor change