177 research outputs found
Edge-locking and quantum control in highly polarized spin chains
For an open-boundary spin chain with anisotropic Heisenberg (XXZ)
interactions, we present states in which a connected block near the edge is
polarized oppositely to the rest of the chain. We show that such blocks can be
`locked' to the edge of the spin chain, and that there is a hierarchy of
edge-locking effects at various orders of the anisotropy. The phenomenon
enables dramatic control of quantum state transmission: the locked block can be
freed by flipping a single spin or a few spins.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Repulsive to attractive interaction quenches of 1D Bose gas in a harmonic trap
We consider quantum quenches of harmonically trapped one-dimensional bosons
from repulsive to attractive interactions, and the resulting breathing dynamics
of the so-called `super-Tonks-Girardeau' (sTG) state. This state is highly
excited compared to the ground state of the attractive gas, and is the lowest
eigenstate where the particles are not bound or clustered. We analyze the
dynamics from a spectral point of view, identifying the relevant eigenstates of
the interacting trapped many-body system, and analyzing the nature of these
quantum eigenstates. To obtain explicit eigenspectra, we use Hamiltonians with
finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces to approximate the Lieb-Liniger system. We
employ two very different approximate approaches: an expansion in a truncated
single-particle harmonic-trap basis and a lattice (Bose-Hubbard) model. We show
how the breathing frequency, identified with the energy difference between the
sTG state and another particular eigenstate, varies with interaction.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure
Fine structures in the spectrum of the open-boundary Heisenberg chain at large anisotropies
At large anisotropies, the spectrum of the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain
separates into `bands' with energies largely determined by the number of domain
walls. The band structure is richer with open boundary conditions: there are
more bands and the bands develop intricate fine structures. We characterize and
explain these structures and substructures in the open-boundary chain. The fine
structures are explained using degenerate perturbation theory. We also present
some dynamical consequences of these sub-band structures, through explicit time
evolution of the wavefunction from initial states motivated by the fine
structure analysis
Modulated trapping of interacting bosons in one dimension
We investigate the response of harmonically confined bosons with contact
interactions (trapped Lieb-Liniger gas) to modulations of the trapping
strength. We explain the structure of resonances at a series of driving
frequencies, where size oscillations and energy grow exponentially. For strong
interactions (Tonks-Girardeau gas), we show the effect of resonant driving on
the bosonic momentum distribution. The treatment is `exact' for zero and
infinite interactions, where the dynamics is captured by a single-variable
ordinary differential equation. For finite interactions the system is no longer
exactly solvable. For weak interactions, we show how interactions modify the
resonant behavior for weak and strong driving, using a variational
approximation which adds interactions to the single-variable description in a
controlled way.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Nonsmooth and level-resolved dynamics illustrated with the tight binding model
We point out that in the first order time-dependent perturbation theory, the
transition probability may behave nonsmoothly in time and have kinks
periodically. Moreover, the detailed temporal evolution can be sensitive to the
exact locations of the eigenvalues in the continuum spectrum, in contrast to
coarse-graining ideas. Underlying this nonsmooth and level-resolved dynamics is
a simple equality about the sinc function \sinc x \equiv \sin x / x. These
physical effects appear in many systems with approximately equally spaced
spectra, and is also robust for larger-amplitude coupling beyond the domain of
perturbation theory. We use a one-dimensional periodically driven tight-binding
model to illustrate these effects, both within and outside the perturbative
regime.Comment: Link with the Paley-Wiener theorem and another reference is added;
any comment is welcome and will be greatly appreciated
Squeezing in the weakly interacting uniform Bose condensate
We investigate the presence of squeezing in the weakly repulsive uniform Bose
gas, in both the condensate mode and in the nonzero opposite-momenta mode
pairs, using two different variational formulations. We explore the U(1)
symmetry breaking and Goldstone's theorem in the context of a squeezed coherent
variational wavefunction, and present the associated Ward identity. We show
that squeezing of the condensate mode is absent at the mean field
Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov level and emerges as a result of fluctuations about
mean field as a finite volume effect, which vanishes in the thermodynamic
limit. On the other hand, the squeezing of the excitations about the condensate
survives the thermodynamic limit and is interpreted in terms of density-phase
variables using a number-conserving formulation of the interacting Bose gas.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Version 2 (Sept'06): expanded discussion
Interaction ramps in a trapped Bose condensate
Non-adiabatic interaction ramps are considered for trapped Bose-Einstein
condensates. The deviation from adiabaticity is characterized through the
heating or residual energy produced during the ramp. We find that the
dependence of the heat on the ramp time is very sensitive to the ramp protocol.
We explain features of this dependence through a single-parameter effective
description based on the dynamics of the condensate size.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Transition Temperature of Dilute, Weakly Repulsive Bose Gas
Within a quasiparticle framework, we reconsider the issue of computing the
Bose-Einstein condensation temperature () in a weakly non-ideal Bose gas.
The main result of this and previous investigations is that increases
with the scattering length , with the leading dependence being either linear
or log-linear in . The calculation of reduces to that of computing the
excitation spectrum near the transition. We report two approaches to
regularizing the infrared divergence at the transition point. One leads to a
-like shift in , and the other allows numerical
calculations for the shift.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, revtex
Many-body quantum dynamics of initially trapped systems due to a Stark potential --- thermalization vs. Bloch oscillations
We analyze the dynamics of an initially trapped cloud of interacting quantum
particles on a lattice under a linear (Stark) potential. We reveal a dichotomy:
initially trapped interacting systems possess features typical of both
many-body-localized and self-thermalizing systems. We consider both fermions
(- model) and bosons (Bose-Hubbard model). For the zero and infinite
interaction limits, both systems are integrable: we provide analytic solutions
in terms of the moments of the initial cloud shape, and clarify how the
recurrent dynamics (many-body Bloch oscillations) depends on the initial state.
Away from the integrable points, we identify and explain the time scale at
which Bloch oscillations decohere
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