3,357 research outputs found

    Estimators for CMB Statistical Anisotropy

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    We use quadratic maximum-likelihood (QML) estimators to constrain models with Gaussian but statistically anisotropic Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) fluctuations, using CMB maps with realistic sky-coverage and instrumental noise. This approach is optimal when the anisotropy is small, or when checking for consistency with isotropy. We demonstrate the power of the QML approach by applying it to the WMAP data to constrain several models which modulate the observed CMB fluctuations to produce a statistically anisotropic sky. We first constrain an empirically motivated spatial modulation of the observed CMB fluctuations, reproducing marginal evidence for a dipolar modulation pattern with amplitude 7% at L < 60, but demonstrate that the effect decreases at higher multipoles and is 1% at L~500. We also look for evidence of a direction-dependent primordial power spectrum, finding a very statistically significant quadrupole signal nearly aligned with the ecliptic plane; however we argue this anisotropy is largely contaminated by observational systematics. Finally, we constrain the anisotropy due to a spatial modulation of adiabatic and isocurvature primordial perturbations, and discuss the close relationship between anisotropy and non-Gaussianity estimators.Comment: add missed ref. to Gordon et. al. 200

    Weak lensing of the CMB

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    The cosmic microwave background (CMB) represents a unique source for the study of gravitational lensing. It is extended across the entire sky, partially polarized, located at the extreme distance of z=1100, and is thought to have the simple, underlying statistics of a Gaussian random field. Here we review the weak lensing of the CMB, highlighting the aspects which differentiate it from the weak lensing of other sources, such as galaxies. We discuss the statistics of the lensing deflection field which remaps the CMB, and the corresponding effect on the power spectra. We then focus on methods for reconstructing the lensing deflections, describing efficient quadratic maximum-likelihood estimators and delensing. We end by reviewing recent detections and observational prospects.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures. Invited review for GRG special issue on gravitational lensin

    Denominational Perspective on Ministry in Eastern Europe

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    CMB temperature lensing power reconstruction

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    We study reconstruction of the lensing potential power spectrum from CMB temperature data, with an eye to the Planck experiment. We work with the optimal quadratic estimator of Okamoto and Hu, which we characterize thoroughly in application to reconstruction of the lensing power spectrum. We find that at multipoles L<250 our current understanding of this estimator is biased at the 15% level by beyond-gradient terms in the Taylor expansion of lensing effects. We present the full lensed trispectrum to fourth order in the lensing potential to explain this effect. We show that the low-L bias, as well as a previously known bias at high-L, is relevant to the determination of cosmology and must be corrected for in order to avoid significant parameter errors. We also investigate the covariance of the reconstructed power, finding broad correlations of ~0.1%. Finally, we discuss several small improvements which may be made to the optimal estimator to mitigate these problems.Comment: straightforward bias mitigation on pg. 14, matches version accepted by PR

    On the joint analysis of CMB temperature and lensing-reconstruction power spectra

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    Gravitational lensing provides a significant source of cosmological information in modern CMB parameter analyses. It is measured in both the power spectrum and trispectrum of the temperature fluctuations. These observables are often treated as independent, although as they are both determined from the same map this is impossible. In this paper, we perform a rigorous analysis of the covariance between lensing power spectrum and trispectrum analyses. We find two dominant contributions coming from: (i) correlations between the disconnected noise bias in the trispectrum measurement and sample variance in the temperature power spectrum; and (ii) sample variance of the lenses themselves. The former is naturally removed when the dominant N0 Gaussian bias in the reconstructed deflection spectrum is dealt with via a partially data-dependent correction, as advocated elsewhere for other reasons. The remaining lens-cosmic-variance contribution is easily modeled but can safely be ignored for a Planck-like experiment, justifying treating the two observable spectra as independent. We also test simple likelihood approximations for the deflection power spectrum, finding that a Gaussian with a parameter-independent covariance performs well.Comment: 25+11 pages, 14 figure

    Asymmetric Beams and CMB Statistical Anisotropy

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    Beam asymmetries result in statistically-anisotropic cosmic microwave background (CMB) maps. Typically, they are studied for their effects on the CMB power spectrum, however they more closely mimic anisotropic effects such as gravitational lensing and primordial power asymmetry. We discuss tools for studying the effects of beam asymmetry on general quadratic estimators of anisotropy, analytically for full-sky observations as well as in the analysis of realistic data. We demonstrate this methodology in application to a recently-detected 9 sigma quadrupolar modulation effect in the WMAP data, showing that beams provide a complete and sufficient explanation for the anomaly.Comment: updated to match PRD version + typo correction in Eq. B

    First CMB Constraints on Direction-Dependent Cosmological Birefringence from WMAP-7

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    A Chern-Simons coupling of a new scalar field to electromagnetism may give rise to cosmological birefringence, a rotation of the linear polarization of electromagnetic waves as they propagate over cosmological distances. Prior work has sought this rotation, assuming the rotation angle to be uniform across the sky, by looking for the parity-violating TB and EB correlations a uniform rotation produces in the CMB temperature/polarization. However, if the scalar field that gives rise to cosmological birefringence has spatial fluctuations, then the rotation angle may vary across the sky. Here we search for direction-dependent cosmological birefringence in the WMAP-7 data. We report the first CMB constraint on the rotation-angle power spectrum for multipoles between L = 0 and L = 512. We also obtain a 68% confidence-level upper limit of 1 degree on the square root of the quadrupole of a scale-invariant rotation-angle power spectrum.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables; accepted to PR