41 research outputs found
Risk of death due to categories of cardiovascular disease, according to whether or not a first degree relative had ESRD.
<p>Risk of death due to categories of cardiovascular disease, according to whether or not a first degree relative had ESRD.</p
Risk of death due to categories of renal disease according to whether or not a first degree relative has end stage renal disease.
<p>Risk of death due to categories of renal disease according to whether or not a first degree relative has end stage renal disease.</p
Adjusted Kaplan Meier failure curve for all cause death in individuals with and without a first degree relative with ESRD.
<p>Adjusted Kaplan Meier failure curve for all cause death in individuals with and without a first degree relative with ESRD.</p
Overview of inclusion and exclusion criteria, exposure and outcomes.
<p>Overview of inclusion and exclusion criteria, exposure and outcomes.</p
Risk of death due to selected causes according to whether or not a first degree relative had ESRD.
<p>Risk of death due to selected causes according to whether or not a first degree relative had ESRD.</p
Cumulative Probability of ESRD in patients with IgAN according to whether or not the patient had LBW.
<p>Cumulative Probability of ESRD in patients with IgAN according to whether or not the patient had LBW.</p
Risk of ESRD among IgAN patients stratified by LBW, SGA or the combination of these, (gender-wise).
<p>Risk of ESRD among IgAN patients stratified by LBW, SGA or the combination of these, (gender-wise).</p
Risk of ESRD among IgAN patients analysed at different percentile cut-offs for birth weight and birth weight for gestational age.
<p>Risk of ESRD among IgAN patients analysed at different percentile cut-offs for birth weight and birth weight for gestational age.</p
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis with microarray expression data from the renal cortex and medulla of rats fed lithium for 6 months.
<p>The mean signal intensity of a probe set (a surrogate value of expression level) across all lithium-fed samples (y-axis) is plotted against the mean signal intensity across all control samples (x-axis). Each point represents a single probe. <b>(A)</b> Gene sets with functional gene annotation enrichment for MARGS, fibrosis, TGFβ2 and ECM genes in the renal cortex; <b>(B)</b> Gene sets with functional gene annotation enrichment for MARGS, immune response, TGFβ2 and ECM genes in the medulla. With the exception of the MARGS gene set, all gene sets in this figure were extracted from <a href="http://www.SABiosciences.com" target="_blank">www.SABiosciences.com</a>.</p