2,575 research outputs found
Ammonia uptake and release in the MnX<sub>2</sub>–NH<sub>3</sub> (X = Cl, Br) systems and structure of the Mn(NH<sub>3</sub>)nX<sub>2</sub> (n = 6, 2) ammines
Hexa-ammine complexes, Mn(NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>6</sub>X<sub>2</sub> (X = Cl, Br), have been synthesized by ammoniation of the corresponding transition metal halide and characterized by Powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and Raman spectroscopy. The hexa-ammine complexes are isostructural (Cubic,Fm-3m, Z = 4; a = 10.2742(6) Å and 10.527(1) Å for X = Cl, Br respectively). Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) demonstrated that ammonia release from Mn(NH<sub>3</sub>)<sub>6</sub>X<sub>2</sub> complexes occurred in three stages corresponding to the release of 4, 1 and 1 NH<sub>3</sub> equivalents respectively. The chloride and bromide both exhibit a deammoniation onset temperature below 323 K. The di-ammoniates from the first desorption step were isolated during TPD measurements and their crystal structures determined by Rietveld refinement against PXRD data (X = Cl: orthorhombicCmmm, a = 8.1991(9) Å, b = 8.2498(7) Å, c = 3.8212(4) Å, Z = 2; X = Br: orthorhombic Pbam, a = 6.0109(5) Å, b = 12.022(1) Å, c = 4.0230(2) Å, Z= 2)
Synthesis and characterisation of direct and indirect hydrogen storage materials
The work in this thesis describes the synthesis and characterisation of direct and indirect hydrogen storage materials. The main experimental techniques used have been Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXD), Powder Neutron Diffraction (PND) and Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD).
The Magnesium ammines, Mg(NH3)6X2 (where X= Cl, Br, I) are interesting materials for use as an indirect H2 storage material (by the splitting of NH3) due to their high H2 gravimetric capacities. These ammines have been synthesised at room temperature through the reaction of the starting salt with NH3 and are cubic (Fm3m). TPD investigations have revealed that the ammines deammoniate in a three step process, with the chloride ammine possessing the most favourable deammoniation temperatures. Ex-situ PND has been used to refine the structure and in-situ PND has been employed to study the deammoniation processes in more detail.
‘H2 release’ systems have been examined as a potential solution for H2 storage. Mg(NH3)6Cl2 has been mixed with LiH or MgH2 at room temperature and studied using TPD with the LiH system the most encouraging in terms of the H2 release temperature. In-Situ PND has also been employed to understand the mechanism of H2 release. The Mg(OH)2 –LiH ‘H2 release’ system has also been studied using both bulk starting materials and microstructured materials.
Microplates of Mg(OH)2 have been synthesised by a new MW (microwave) heating process in 6 mins. The employment of microstructured materials has reduced the onset reaction temperature from 147 oC in the bulk materials to 79oC when the starting materials are mixed for 10 mins
Rapid surfactant-free synthesis of Mg(OH)2 nanoplates and pseudomorphic dehydration to MgO
Magnesium hydroxide nanoplates ca. 50 nm in thickness can be prepared over minute timescales via hydrothermal synthesis in a multimode cavity (MMC) microwave reactor. This approach allows ca. 1 g of single-phase Mg(OH)2 to be synthesised in under 3 minutes without the requirement of surfactants or non-aqueous solvents. The hydroxide nanomaterial dehydrates at temperatures >200 K below that of the equivalent bulk material and can be utilised as a precursor for the pseudomorphic synthesis of nanoplates of MgO as investigated by TG-DTA-MS, XRD and SEM measurements. Equally, the pseudomorphic synthesis can be performed by irradiating the Mg(OH)2 nanomaterial with microwaves for 6 minutes to produce single phase MgO
COMPTEL measurements of MeV gamma-ray burst spectra
We present results from the on-going spectral analysis of gamma-ray bursts measured by the COMPTEL instrument in its main Compton “Telescope” observing mode (0.75–30 MeV). Thus far, 18 bursts have been analyzed from three years (April 1991–April 1994) of observations. The time-averaged spectra of these events above 1 MeV are all consistent with a simple power law model with spectral index in the range 1.5–3.5. Exponential, thermal bremsstrahlung and thermal synchrotron models are statistically inconsistent with the burst sample, although they can adequately describe some of the individual burst spectra. We find good agreement between burst spectra measured simultaneously by BATSE, COMPTEL and EGRET, which typically show a spectral transition or “break” in the BATSE energy range around a few hundred keV followed by simple power law emission extending to hundreds of MeV. However, the temporal relation between MeV and GeV (e.g., as measured by EGRET) burst emission is still unclear. Measurement of rapid variability at MeV energies in the stronger bursts provides evidence that either the sources are nearby (within the Galaxy) or the gamma-ray emission is relativistically beamed
The angular distribution of COMPTEL Gamma-Ray bursts
The superior burst location capability of the COMPTEL instrument aboard the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory allows us to study the small-scale angular distribution of burst sources with good sensitivity even though the number of burst detections is small. We accumulate four years (April 1991–April 1995) of observations to form a catalog of 27 burst locations whose mean 1σ uncertainty is ∼1°. We find that the COMPTEL bursts are consistent with an isotropic distribution of sources, yet the spatial coincidence of two of the bursts within COMPTEL’s angular resolution indicates the possibility of repetition. This possibility is studied using the two-point angular correlation function and the nearest neighbor statistic. Model dependent upper limits on the fraction of repeating sources are derived
COMPTEL observations of gamma‐ray flares in October 1991
The COMPTEL experiment on GRO images 0.75–30 MeV celestial gamma‐radiation that falls within its 1 steradian field of view. During observation 12 (primary target Cen A) in October 1991 the sun had been in the fov and several solar flares associated with the active region 6891 had been observed. Time profile and energy spectra had been produced, using COMPTEL’s primary mode of operation (the telescope mode). Additionally the number of counts received in the D2‐single burst detector (the secondary mode of operation) are given. We summarize the preliminary results on all of these flares
COMPTEL gamma ray and neutron measurements of solar flares
COMPTEL on the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has measured the flux of x‐rays and neutrons from several solar flares. These data have also been used to image the Sun in both forms of radiation. Unusually intense flares occurred during June 1991 yielding data sets that offer some new insight into of how energetic protons and electrons are accelerated and behave in the solar environment. We summarize here some of the essential features in the solar flare data as obtained by COMPTEL during June 1991
Neutron and gamma‐ray measurements of the solar flare of 1991 June 9
The COMPTEL Imaging Compton Telescope on‐board the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory measured significant neutron and γ‐ray fluxes from the solar flare of 9 June 1991. The γ‐ray flux had an integrated intensity (≳1 MeV) of ∼30 cm−2, extending in time from 0136 UT to 0143 UT, while the time of energetic neutron emission extended approximately 10 minutes longer, indicating either extended proton acceleration to high energies or trapping and precipitation of energetic protons. The production of neutrons without accompanying γ‐rays in the proper proportion indicates a significant hardening of the precipitating proton spectrum through either the trapping or extended acceleration process
BATSE Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Spectra. IV. Time-Resolved High-Energy Spectroscopy
We report on the temporal behavior of the high-energy power law continuum
component of gamma-ray burst spectra with data obtained by the Burst and
Transient Source Experiment. We have selected 126 high fluence and high flux
bursts from the beginning of the mission up until the present. Much of the data
were obtained with the Large Area Detectors, which have nearly all-sky
coverage, excellent sensitivity over two decades of energy and moderate energy
resolution, ideal for continuum spectra studies of a large sample of bursts at
high time resolution. At least 8 spectra from each burst were fitted with a
spectral form that consisted of a low-energy power law, a spectral break at
middle energies and a high-energy continuum. In most bursts (122), the
high-energy continuum was consistent with a power law. The evolution of the
fitted high-energy power-law index over the selected spectra for each burst is
inconsistent with a constant for 34% of the total sample. The sample
distribution of the average value for the index from each burst is fairly
narrow, centered on -2.12. A linear trend in time is ruled out for only 20% of
the bursts, with hard-to-soft evolution dominating the sample (100 events). The
distribution for the total change in the power-law index over the duration of a
burst peaks at the value -0.37, and is characterized by a median absolute
deviation of 0.39, arguing that a single physical process is involved. We
present analyses of the correlation of the power-law index with time, burst
intensity and low-energy time evolution. In general, we confirm the general
hard-to-soft spectral evolution observed in the low-energy component of the
continuum, while presenting evidence that this evolution is different in nature
from that of the rest of the continuum.Comment: 30 pages, with 2 tables and 9 figures To appear in The Astrophysical
Journal, April 1, 199
COMPTEL’s solar flare catalog
COMPTEL, the imaging gamma‐ray telescope, capable of detecting gamma rays in the range of 0.1–30 MeV, is one of four instruments aboard NASA’s Compton Gamma‐Ray Observatory. The Comptel burst detectors (single Defector Mode) have a field of view of ∼2.5 π sr. These detectors of COMPTEL permit measurements of energy spectra and time histories of solar flare gamma‐ray emission. A search through the Single Detector Mode’s data is being conducted. We summarize the preliminary results of this search
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