13,581 research outputs found
Goal Congruence Dalam Pengelolaan Restoran Padang
The balance of the organization or company in the long term is determined by the level of alignment of goals (goal congruence) of the parties who run the company. Broadly speaking, the parties in the company are grouped into two, namely the founders or owners of the company and the employees who run the company, starting from the directors and the ranks and workers. The goals of the company, which also reflect the goals of the owners and founders of the company, are not necessarily the same as those of the directors and the ranks and the workers. A conflict of interest is very likely to occur between them because naturally indeed the goals of both parties can be opposites. The purpose of writing this paper is to present the results of research in the Sederhana Restaurant group, which forms a concept of company management supported by profit sharing accounting based on mato system (hereinafter abbreviated as mato system) which can increase goal congruence among stakeholders in the company. The research uses a case study approach to understand the reality of goal congruence. Researchers visited the field, held discussions with the founders of the company, the board of directors, branch leaders, and employees. The Sederhana Restaurant (Sa) Jakarta research site, which is focused on one of the main branches in Rawamangun. The results of the interview were analyzed and resulted in the conclusion that the mato system is able to bridge and align the goals of the founders of the company with the Directors, Branch Leaders, and their workers so as to encourage a high level of goal congruence.
Keywords: conflict of interest. Goal congruence, case studies, mato system
This article aims to discuss the nature of miserliness in the view of the Koran and Hadith. This research uses descriptive analytical method with a qualitative approach within the scope of field research (Library Research). Allah denounces miserliness and asserts that his wealth surpasses all his creatures. Miserly among su'u al-adab (Bad Adab) to Allah which must be avoided because it violates Allah's commands and the breadth of His sustenance to humans. The Qur'an denounces and threatens miserly people, including: 1) Making his way into trouble easy, 2) His wealth will be hung around his neck on the Day of Resurrection, 3) People who are lulled by the tricks of Satan, 4) Characteristics of a hypocrite, 5) Characteristics of a wicked person. The hadith also discusses miserly behavior including: 1) The Prophet's prayer to be far from being stingy. 2) The prayer of destruction from the angel of god against the treasure of the miser that is stored. 3) Miserliness is the cause of the destruction of the former. 4) The miser is far from heaven and close to hell. 5) Miserly people are shunned by fellow humans. 6) Miserliness is a sign of imperfect faith. 7) A miser will not enter heaven. 8. Miserliness is the worst of traits. The Qur'an and hadith provide guidance so that humans are farthest from being stingy by realizing that wealth is an ornament of the world that Allah has entrusted to humans to spend properly because this treasure will be sucked away. So let people prepare for their suction in the hereafter.Artikel ini bertujuan membahas sifat kikir dalam pandangan alquran dan hadis. Penelitian ini mengunakan metode diskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan kualitatif dalam lingkup penelitian lapangan (Library Research). Allah mengecam sifat kikir dan menegaskan kekayaannya melampaui seluruh makhluknya. Kikir diantara su’u al-adab (Buruk Adab) kepada Allah yang mesti dihindari karena melanggar perintah Allah dan meragukan kelapangan rizki-Nya kepada manusia. Alquran mencela dan mengancaman orang kikir diantaranya: 1) Dimudahkan jalannya ke dalam kesulitan, 2) Digantungkan hartanya di leher pada hari kiamat, 3) Orang yang terlena tipu daya syaithan, 4) Ciri orang munafik, 5) Ciri orang fasik. Hadis juga mengulas perilaku kikir diantaranya: 1) Doa nabi agar terjauh dari sifat kikir. 2) Doa kebinasaan dari malaikat Allah terhadap harta orang kikir yang disimpan. 3) Kikir adalah sebab hancurnya orang orang terdahulu. 4) Orang kikir jauh dari dari surga dan dekat dengan neraka. 5) Orang kikir dijauhi oleh sesama manusia. 6) Kikir adalah tanda tidak sempurnanya iman. 7) Orang kikir tidak akan masuk surga. 8) kikir adalah seburuk-buruknya sifat. Alquran dan hadis memberi panduan agar manusia terjauh dari sifat kikir dengan menyadari bahwa harta adalah perhiasan dunia yang Allah titipkan kepada manusia untuk dibelanjakan sesuai dengan semestinya karena harta ini akan dihisap. Maka hendaklah manusia mempersiapkan hisapnya di akhirat
Sistem Kompensasi Pns Berbasis Kinerja
-Human resource occupies a strategic position within an organization , because the human resources directly involved in the management process from the planning stage to the evaluation , therefore the policy in the field of human resources should be directed at improving the welfare of justice , in accordance with the proportion and responsibility of each employee . In achieving the objectives of the organization , human resource potential must be maximized , the achievement of organizational goals depends not only on facilities and pre means but rather depends on the performance of its human resources
Urgensi Sistem Pengendalian Intern Bagi Instansi Pemerintah
Abstak: Secara umum, Pengendalian Intern merupakan bagian dari masing-masing sistem yang dipergunakan sebagai prosedur dan pedoman pelaksanaan operasional Perusahaan atau organisasi tertentu. Sedangkan Sistem Pengendalian Intern merupakan kumpulan dari pengendalian intern yang terintegrasi, berhubungan dan saling mendukung satu dengan yang lainnya. Menurut PP No. 60 tahun 2008 yang dimaksud dengan Sistem Pengendalian Intern adalah proses yang integral pada tindakan dan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara terus menerus oleh pimpinan dan seluruh pegawai untuk memberikan keyakinan memadai atas tercapainya tujuan organisasi melalui kegiatan yang efektif dan efisien, keandalan pelaporan keuangan, pengamanan aset negara, dan ketaatan terhadap peraturan Perundang-undangan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja baik secara sendiri-sendiri maupun secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman.
Subyek penelitian ini adalah seluruh guru otomotif di SMK Negeri 2 Depok dan SMK Negeri 1 Seyegan yang berjumlah 28 guru. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian ex-post facto. Metode pengambilan data menggunakan angket model skala Likert untuk variabel Kompetensi Profesional Guru, Motivasi Kerja dan Disiplin Kerja, sedangkan variabel Kinerja Guru menggunakan metode kuesioner, dan dokumentasi dari Kepala Sekolah. Teknik analisis data yang dipakai untuk menguji hipotesis adalah dengan teknik analisis regresi.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung Ftabel (17,141 > 4,22); kontribusi disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 39,73%; (4) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru otomotif SMK Negeri se-Kabupaten Sleman yang dibuktikan dengan Fhitung > Ftabel (5,832 > 3,01); kontribusi kompetensi profesional guru, motivasi kerja dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama terhadap kinerja guru sebesar 42,16%
Analysis of Bacterial Loads in Houston Indoor Air.
House dust is a complex matrix containing organic and inorganic content with a good percentage of microorganisms. Microorganism’s growth and survival in dust depends on available moisture level. Microbial origin in dust depends on sources other than dust. On average people spend approximately 90% of their time in indoor environment. Therefore, they are continuously exposed to microbes in dust. Based on the size and volume of dust particles the microbes get access to human lungs via airways. Based on previous research; culture dependent studies indicate that Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium are in abundance is house dust along with 20 other fungal genera. While bacterial flora in house dust is dominated by gram positive bacteria such as Staphylococcus, Corynebacterium, and Lactococcus etc. Culture-independent studies demonstrate that higher diversity of fungal and bacterial species, approximately 500-1000 species is prevalent in house dust. Microbial abundance in house dust can exceed up to 109 cells/g dust, depending on techniques employed, different environmental conditions and type of indoor environment, among other factors. In current study filter dust samples were collected from ten households from Houston by volunteers by following the devised protocol and assessed for diversity and bacterial abundance in indoor air. Samples were transported and stored in labs before processing. Samples were processed by following two techniques i.e. Cut sample technique and Serial dilution. The bacterial colonies were grown on three different media i.e. Luria-Bertani , Eosin Methylene blue and MacConkey agar. The pure colonies were counted with serial dilution technique . The next step was bacterial identification. Microbes were identified using Morphological characteristics, Gram staining, Oxidase, Catalase test and Biolog technique. Ten bacterial strains were identified by using Biolog technique on the basis of their metabolic potential. All bacteria isolated and identified were found to be Gram positive in nature. Bacillus cereus was selected as an organism of interest because of its pathogenicity against humans. Therefore, ATTC strain of B. cereus was obtained and growth kinetics and biofilm production was compared to investigate the survival potential of surrogate bacteria when exposed to lead challenge (0.5ppm,10ppm, 25ppm and 100ppm). The statistical analysis indicated higher growth rate and biofilm production of B.cereus isolated from indoor filter dust sample when exposed to different concentrations of lead (Pb) in comparison to an ATTC strain of B.cereus
LEVI's Factory Outlet Phenomenon in Indonesia
This Final project (Research) is about Levi’s factory outlet in Indonesia which further abbreviated as LOS (Levi's Outlet Store). Factory outlet is a retail store in which manufacturers sell their products directly to the public as consumers. Factory outlets function is to increase sales and reduce inventory piling up in warehouses. The purpose of this study is to determine how much influence the Levi's outlet store on the phenomenon of factory outlets in Indonesia and to determine how much 7PS influence sale at Levi's outlet store. The research was conducted in LOS Bekasi (Bekasi Square), LOS Pejaten Village, LOS Plaza Cibubur and LOS Bogor using purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling is the selection of the sample is based on certain characteristics that are considered nothing to do with the characteristics of the population. Based on data collected from 400 respondents Levi's outlet store that has been deployed in LOS Bekasi (Jakarta Square), LOS Housing Village, LOS Plaza Cibubur and LOS Bogor then can be drawn some conclusions, that is the existence of Levi's outlet store in Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) is one of the many FO growing in Indonesia and has a very large market opportunity. Now, Levi's products are become a lifestyle (trend) in the most of the Indonesian people and the existence of LOS provide convenience to customers to find the product Levi's product they like Keywords: Levi's Outlet Store,7PS, Factory Outlets, Indonesia customer
This article attempts to address the attitudes of Muslims in West Aceh toward non-Muslims and vice versa, as well as the community's social life within the framework of Islamic moderation principles from the mufassir's point of view. This study employs an ethnographic methodology and qualitative research techniques. This study combines field research that uses West Aceh as a research location with literature studies that serve as a reference source for moderation. The mufassir's measuring sticks for religious moderation are Wasathiyyah (taking the middle ground), Ta'dil (fair), Tawazun (balanced), Tasamuh (tolerance), and Shura (Deliberation). According to the study's findings, religious moderation has been effective in the West Aceh region. People interact with one another in educational, social, buying, and selling situations while assisting one another without distinction of race or religion.Artikel ini bertujuan membahas pandangan umat muslim Aceh Barat terhadap non-muslim dan juga sebaliknya serta kehidupan sosial masyarakat dalam konteks nilai-nilai moderasi beragama dalam sudut pandang para mufassir. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnografi. Studi ini menggabungkan antara kajian kepustakaan yang menjadi sumber referensi moderasi dan kajian lapangan yang menjadikan Aceh Barat sebagai lokasi penelitian. Adapun indikator moderasi beragama yang menjadi nilai ukur dalam pandangan para mufassir adalah: Wasathiyyah (Mengambil jalan tengah), Ta’dil (Adil), Tawazun (Seimbang), Tasamuh (Toleransi) dan Syura (Musyawarah). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa moderasi beragama telah berjalan dengan baik di daerah Aceh Barat. Masyarakat berbaur antar satu dengan yang lain dalam pendidikan, sosial, interaksi jual beli, tolong menolong antar sesama tanpa membedakan suku dan agama
Tindak pidana merupakan perbuatan yang dilarang oleh suatu aturan hukum yang mempunyai sanksi pidana. Kekerasan merupakan semua bentuk perilaku yang dilakukan oleh seseorang terhadap orang lain sehingga menyebabkan efek negatif secara fisik maupun psikologis pada orang yang menjadi sasarannya.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : Mendiskripsikan pengaturan tindak pidana kekerasan seksual terhadap anak yang terjadi di wilayah hukum kepolisian resort tegal. Mengkaji upaya pencegahan tindak pidana kekerasan seksual terhadap anak di wilayah hukum kepolisian resort tegal.
Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan kepustakaan “library research” pendekatan dalam penelitian ini adalah normatif. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan peraturan perundang-undangan untuk data primer, serta penelusuran secara kovensional dan “online” untuk data sekunder. dan di analisis dengan metode data kualitatif.
Hasil penelitian ini kekerasan seksual dalam hukum postif di atur dalam Undang-undang Nomor 35 tahun 2014 atas perubahan Undang-undang Nomor 23 tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak. Undang-undang Nomor 17 Tahun 2016 Tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak. Upaya kepolisian resort tegal menggunakan upaya preventif dan represif, dengan melakukan upaya preventif penyuluhan dan sosialisasi kepada masyarkat dan menjamin rasa aman bagi anak, sedangkan upaya represif Perlindungan represif yang dilakukan dalam melaksanakan bentuk pelayanan terhadap anak yang menjadi korban kekerasan seksual, bertujuan untuk memberikan dan menjamin keselamatan fisik dan psikis korban sebagai pelapor atau saksi korban.
Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini diharapkan akan menjadi bahan informasi
dan masukan bagi mahasiswa, akademisi, praktisi, dan semua yang membutuhkan di lingkungan Fakultas Hukum Universitas Pancasakti Tegal
Kata Kunci : Kekerasan Seksual, Perlindungan anak, Penegakan huku
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