24 research outputs found
Analisis Spasial Arah Kiblat Kota Semarang
In conducting praying, moslems are required to facing Qibla in Masjidil Haram at City of Mecca. Measurement Qibla direction then becomes a problem when the location of a place far away from the Ka'ba because it can not be observed directly eyesight. The problems at the moment still occurs in Indonesian people especially in City of Semarang, so that in determining the direction of Qibla still found a practical way to set the direction of Qibla at west direction. Related to these problems, the need for calculation of the direction of Qibla is not just at west direction. But by a careful calculation, the calculation is also performed on the reference plane used as a reference for each field of reference (ellipsoid, sphere and flat) results in a different direction, in addition to the measurement of Qibla can also be done by observing the shadows when the Rasdhul Qibla event occurs where the sun is right above the Ka'ba. This measurement method aims to determine the pattern of the direction of Qibla in Semarang and how substantial accuracy in each field of reference at Rashdul Qibla events to the direction of Qibla. On the results of the analysis, obtained pattern Qibla direction in Semarang changed every 154.166 meters by 5 seconds enlarged towards the southwest with large changes at 5‘26”, from the value of the smallest direction of Qibla of 294° 20' 38"located in the Genuk district and the value Qibla of 294° 20' 4 " in the Mijen district.Whereas the calculation results at the reducted latitude spherical field of 294° 26' 26.69", the turning reduced ellipsoid fields of 294° 25' 4.16” and the flat fields of 292 ° 12 '8.61". The results of the horizontal plane has different Qibla direction away with two other references fields by 2° 11'7.38" on the sphere field and 2°14'18.08" against ellipsoid field. For Qibla direction result of Rashdul Qibla event observed at 294° 33' 39.22", from these results seen the method closest accuracy to the result of Rashdul Qibla is the reducted latitude spherical field with the difference value results at 0°7'12.31"
Aplikasi Peta Properti Kota Berbasis Mobile Gis Yang Terintegrasi Pada Google Map Pada Smartphone Android
Bidang properti sektor Perumahan merupakan salah satu bidang bisnis dan kebutuhan bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu kebutuhan pokok manusia. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi, integrasi teknologi mobile, GIS, dan GPS telah memungkinkan dikembangkan aplikasi mobile GIS yang interaktif. Dalam penelitian ini aplikasi peta properti berbasis Mobile GIS yang terintegrasi pada google Map pada Smartphone Android diharapkan dapat memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen akan properti di sektor Perumahan dengan berbagai kemudahan dan kecepatan pengguna dalam mencari dan mengidentifikasi properti yang diinginkan. Dengan bantuan Global Positioning System (GPS) yang berfungsi sebagai penunjuk lokasi, Location Based Service (LBS) yang menyediakan informasi berdasar letak geografis perangkat mobile, serta adanya fasilitas Google Map yang telah built in dalam handphone Android, maka aplikasi ini akan semakin mudah untuk digunakan. Aplikasi ini dibangun dengan FrameworkAndroidSDK, Java dan PHP sebagai bahasa pemrograman yang dikembangkan dengan software Eclipse, MySQL sebagai basis data,dan Google Map API. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi mobile pada handphone Android yang menyajikan informasi informasi terkait properti dijual di beberapa lokasi di Semarang yang disertai dengan peta dan arah kemudi. Informasi disajikan dalam beberapa kategori, yaitu kategori harga, luas tanah, dan luas bangunan
Analisis Perbandingan Fluktuasi Perubahan Volume Waduk Penjalin Dengan Metode Pemeruman Dan Pengukuran Elevasi Muka Air
Waduk Penjalin terletak di wilayah Kabupaten Brebes, Provinsi Jawa Tengah, dibangun sekitar tahun 1930 – 1934. Waduk Penjalin hanya dipergunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan air irigasi seluas 29.000 Ha. Sumber airnya selain dari Kali Pemali juga berasal dari air hujan yang jatuh di Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Waduk Penjalin dan yang jatuh langsung ke waduk. Curah hujan tahunan rata-rata di daerah ini berkisar antara 2.750 mm. Pemeliharaan Waduk Penjalin belum dilaksanakan secara serius oleh pengelola. Sejak dibangun tahun 1934 hingga sekarang, baru dilakukan dua kali pemeruman untuk mengontrol Perubahan Waduk Penjalin, sehingga Perubahan secara perodik tidak bisa dideteksi. Dengan kata lain, apabila terjadi Perubahan tidak bisa dilakukan tindak lanjut secara berkala. Volume efektif waduk pada awal mula beroperasi sebesar 9,5 juta. Setelah beroperasi selama 76 tahun diperkirakan volume Waduk Penjalin kurang dari 50%, terbukti dari volumenya sudah tidak dapat lagi mengairi irigasi seluas 29.000Ha
Analisis Fenomena Pulau Bahang (Urban Heat Island) Di Kota Semarang Berdasarkan Hubungan Antara Perubahan Tutupan Lahan Dengan Suhu Permukaan Menggunakan Citra Multi Temporal Landsat
Semarang City is the capital of Central Java province and become the fifth largest city in Indonesia. Semarang City has a strategic position which was located in the middle of Java Island. Due to its strategic location, urbanization improvements are fast and continuous in Semarang. As the urbanization are risen, it also have transition on land cover from vegetation area to built-up area. The development process which coincided with acretion of population would affect the land sizes which need to support daily activity and affect the temperature which produce urban heat island phenomenon.This study aims to know whether land cover characteristic urban area are related with land surface temperature which is higher or lower. Urban heat island was analyzed using the approach of remote sensing data through multiple extractions, such as supervised classification, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) and LST (Land Surface Temperature). Data processing are using Landsat 7 satellite image in 2006, Landsat 5 in 2011, and Landsat 8 in 2016. Processing result are in the form of surface temperature distribution correlated with vegetation index value and land cover changes using simple regression test.The results show that land cover changes and vegetation index have correlation with surface temperature. The results of simple regression test between surface temperature with built up area changes obtained the value of the coefficient determination (R2) of 95%. Simple regression test results between vegetation changes with land surface temperature obtained the value of the coefficient determination (R2) of 81%. Temperature in the downtown area and the suburbs area in Semarang have a difference ± 1-2o C. Urban heat island occurred in Semarang was evidenced by the average surface temperature which decreases from the downtown area to the suburbs
Analisis Ketersediaan Ruang Terbuka Hijau (Rth) Berdasarkan Kebutuhan Oksigen (Studi Kasus : Kota Salatiga)
Green function in a green open space (RTH) cities as 'lungs' of the city, is one of the aspects of the functioning of recycling, the gas carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2). More than this, there are still a lot of open space functions including aesthetic functions that are useful as a source of public recreation, actively or passively, which is embodied in the system of green corridors as a means of controlling the spatial or land in a city green space system. In this study, using the High Resolution image from Google Earth recording June 5, 2012, Salatiga Land Use Map, Road Network Map, and River Network Map of Salatiga. In addition, we use non-spatial data such as population data, number of livestock, and the number of motor vehicles Salatiga. The method used was digitized on screen. The results of digitization is to facilitate the image interpretation, especially of green space and other oxygen-producing vegetation. RTH types examined in this fieldwork is the urban forest, green lanes, cemetery, river banks, protected areas and open space underneath Privat. Salatiga has 910,58 Ha of green open space which consists of 72,37 Ha of Forest City, the Green Line 4.09, 53,19 Ha Cemetery, River Border 259,51 Ha, 104,81 Ha protection area underneath, and 423,08 Ha RTH Private. In addition, this study also interpret non vegetation oxygen-producing green open space consisting of Dryland Agriculture area of 2779,43 hectares, 327,26 hectares of Plantation and Agricultural Wetlands 895,52 Ha.In this study, using the High Resolution image from Google Earth recording June 5, 2012, Salatiga Land Use Map, Road Network Map, and River Network Map of Salatiga. In addition, we use non-spatial data such as population data, number of livestock, and the number of motor vehicles Based on population, Salatiga city need green open space in wide 372,174 ha. So that when viewed from the RTH has wide 910,58 Ha has met. However, when viewed from oxygen needed, Salatiga require 3452,174 hectares of green open space. Thus, there is wide open space that have not met the needs oxygen. However, when coupled with non RTH vegetation producing oxygen, oxygen-wide into 4912,79 Ha. Thus, there has been widespread meet the minimum oxygen supply
Analisis Geospasial Persebaran TPS Dan TPA Di Kabupaten Batang Menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis
Informasi mengenai sarana kebersihan berupa TPS dan TPA sangat diperlukan guna menunjang sistem pengelolaan kebersihan di Kabupaten Batang. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa Kabupaten Batang memiliki 1 buah TPA dan 86 buah TPS. Daerah pelayanan dalam kota memiliki 78 buah TPS dengan total kapasitas 409,57 m3, sedangkan daerah pelayanan luar kota memiliki 8 buah TPS dengan total kapasitas 248,25 m3. Volume sampah yang masuk ke TPA yaitu 122 m3/hari dari dalam kota dan 23 m3/hari dari luar kota. Dari data tersebut diketahui bahwa TPS telah memenuhi daya tampung. Sementara itu dalam kesesuaian penempatan lokasi TPS, diketahui bahwa seluruh TPS di Kabupaten Batang telah sesuai dengan sedikit rekomendasi perbaikan untuk beberapa TPS seperti peletakan TPS agar tidak di badan jalan.Sementara itu keberadaan TPA Randukuning Kabupaten Batang sampai saat ini masih digunakan. Masa pelayanan sebenarnya yaitu hanya sampai tahun 2005, tetapi karena perlakuan khusus sampai saat ini masih digunakan sebagai tempat penampungan akhir sampah. Sebagai alternatif dilakukan pemilihan lokasi TPA Rekomendasi dengan memanfaatkan Sistem Informasi Geografis. Penentuan lokasi dilakukan melalui tahapan regional, penyisih, dan penilaian menggunakan SNI 193241-1994. Dari hasil pengolahan data diperoleh lokasi layak zona TPA seluas 1.423,11 Ha yang tersebar di beberapa wilayah Kabupaten Batang. Dari zona layak tersebut terpilih 3 lokasi yang dianggap paling layak yaitu berada di Desa Candiareng Kecamatan Warungasem, Desa Kalibalik Kecamatan Banyuputih, dan Desa Banaran Kecamatan Banyuputih