51,457 research outputs found

    Potential Predictors that Influence Women to Undergo Cosmetic Surgery

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    There may be relationships among collectivism, self-esteem, and religiousness in relation to individual acceptance of cosmetic surgery. This present study hypothesized that both self-esteem and religiousness would be negatively correlated with individual acceptance of cosmetic surgery. It was also hypothesized that an individual with higher levels of collectivism would be more likely to show higher levels of acceptance of cosmetic surgery. A multiple regression analysis expected self-esteem, collectivism, and religiousness to be the significant predictors of the acceptance of cosmetic surgery. Questionnaire data were collected from 565 female college students from a Christian university in the southeastern United States. Based on data analyses, it was found that self-esteem and collectivism showed no significant relationships with the acceptance of cosmetic surgery. However, religiousness presented a negative correlation with the acceptance of cosmetic surgery. Moreover, religiousness was revealed to be a significant predictor of the acceptance of cosmetic surgery based on the multiple regression data analysis

    The Approximate Capacity of the MIMO Relay Channel

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    Capacity bounds are studied for the multiple-antenna complex Gaussian relay channel with t1 transmitting antennas at the sender, r2 receiving and t2 transmitting antennas at the relay, and r3 receiving antennas at the receiver. It is shown that the partial decode-forward coding scheme achieves within min(t1,r2) bits from the cutset bound and at least one half of the cutset bound, establishing a good approximate expression of the capacity. A similar additive gap of min(t1 + t2, r3) + r2 bits is shown to be achieved by the compress-forward coding scheme.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    The B−LB-L Scotogenic Models for Dirac Neutrino Masses

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    We construct the one-loop and two-loop scotogenic models for Dirac neutrino mass generation in the context of U(1)B−LU(1)_{B-L} extensions of standard model. It is indicated that the total number of intermediate fermion singlets is uniquely fixed by anomaly free condition and the new particles may have exotic B−LB-L charges so that the direct SM Yukawa mass term νˉLνRϕ0‾\bar{\nu}_L\nu_R\overline{\phi^0} and the Majorana mass term (mN/2)νRC‾νR(m_N/2)\overline{\nu_R^C}\nu_R are naturally forbidden. After the spontaneous breaking of U(1)B−LU(1)_{B-L} symmetry, the discrete Z2Z_{2} or Z3Z_{3} symmetry appears as the residual symmetry and give rise to the stability of intermediated fields as DM candidate. Phenomenological aspects of lepton flavor violation, DM, leptogenesis and LHC signatures are discussed.Comment: 18 pages, 16 figure

    Edge mode based graphene nanomechanical resonators for high-sensitivity mass sensor

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    We perform both molecular dynamics simulations and theoretical analysis to study the sensitivity of the graphene nanomechanical resonator based mass sensors, which are actuated following the global extended mode or the localized edge mode. We find that the mass detection sensitivity corresponding to the edge mode is about three times higher than that corresponding to the extended mode. Our analytic derivations reveal that the enhancement of the sensitivity originates in the reduction of the effective mass for the edge mode due to its localizing feature
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