110 research outputs found
Arkansas Bulletin of Water Research - Issue 2018
The Arkansas Bulletin of Water Research is a publication of the Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC). This bulletin is produced in an effort to share water research relevant to Arkansas water stakeholders in an easily searchable and aesthetically engaging way. This is the second publication of the bulletin and will be published annually. The submission of a paper to this bulletin is appropriate for topics at all related to water resources, by anyone conducting water research or investigations. This includes but is not limited to university researchers, consulting firms, watershed groups, and other agencies. Prospective authors should read the âIntroduction to the Arkanasas Bulletin of Water Researchâ contained within this publication and should refer to the AWRC website for additional infromation.
Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Upper White River Basin: 2015 October through 2018 September
The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (ANRC) identified two priority hydrologic unit code (HUC) 8 watersheds, the Upper White River Basin (UWRB; HUC 11010001) and the Upper Illinois River Watershed (UIRW; 11110103), in northwest Arkansas. Nonpoint source (NPS) pollution is a concern in these watersheds, such as excess nutrients from agriculture and sediment from changes in land uses. Several NPS pollution projects have been funded by ANRC, including streambank restoration on Sager Creek and best management practices (BMP) to control urban sediment in Fayetteville. The purpose of this project was to collect water samples at 15 sites in the UWRB and UIRW to estimate constituent loads and understand how water quality has been changing in these priority watersheds over time
Constituent Loads and Trends in the Upper Illinois River Watershed and Upper White River Basin
Water chemistry can greatly influence the quality of surface waters and affect the ability for streams and rivers to meet their designated use(s). In Arkansas, many streams and rivers were placed on the 2008 303(d) list of impaired water bodies due to excess levels of nutrients, chlorides, sulfates, and sediments (ADEQ, 2008). These constituents continue to be listed as the potential cause for waterâquality impairments through the most recent draft 303(d) list (ADEQ, 2014). The Arkansas NonâPoint Source (NPS) Management Program wants to reduce pollâ utant loading from the landscape and improve water quality, where funding for projects is targeted to priority watersheds throughout the State
Constituent Load Estimation in the Lower Ouachita-Smackover Watershed
Water quality was monitored at 21 sites in the Lower OuachitaâSmackover Watershed from 2013 November through 2014 September. The U.S. Geological Survey maintains discharge monitoring stations at two of these sites, Moro Creek (USGS 07362500) and Smackover Creek (USGS 07362100), which were sampled during base flow and storm event conditions, whereas the other sites were only sampled during baseflow. The Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) estimated constituent loads for nitrateâN (NOâââN), total nitrogen (TN), soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP), total phosphorus (TP) and total suspended solids (TSS) using the U.S. Geological Survey LOADEST software. LOADEST creates regression models between constituent concentrations and discharge, as well as time. The resulting models were applied to daily discharge throughout calendar years 2013 and 2014 to estimate loads. Annual and monthly loads and flow volumes for each site are summarized in this report
Laboratory Quality Control Report: Why is it Important?
The Arkansas Water Resources Center (AWRC) maintains a fee-based water quality lab that is certified through the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ). The AWRC Water Quality Lab analyzes water samples for a variety of constituents, using standard methods for the analysis of water samples (APHA 2012). Whether you have one or several water samples tested, the lab generates a report of values for each parameter that you have analyzed, which is provided to the client. Included with every water quality report is a Lab Quality Control (QC) report for each of the parameters analyzed within the package. The Lab QC report provides important information about the performance of the methods used to test your water sample(s)
Dissolved Oxygen Monitoring in Kings River and Leatherwood Creek
The Clean Water Act (CWA) establishes the basic structure used to regulate water quality. Under the CWA, States are required to assess water bodies relative to waterâquality standards and designated beneficial uses and then to submit lists of impaired bodies every other year to the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). In 2015, at least 4,800 water bodies were listed as impaired by dissolved oxygen across the US (USEPA, 2015). Aquatic species like fish and macroinvertebrates depend on adequate dissolved oxygen for survival. Low dissolved oxygen can lead to fish kills, reduced aquatic diversity, and nuisance smells from anaerobic conditions â ultimately, low dissolved oxygen concentrations result in water bodies not being able to meet the aquatic life designated use
Water Quality Trends across Select 319 Monitoring Sites in Northwest Arkansas
Northwest Arkansas contains two 319 priority watersheds that the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission has identified as being impacted by point source and nonpoint source pollution (i.e., phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment). This project specifically focused on determining water quality trends at select sites within the Illinois River (HUC# 11110103) and Beaver Reservoir (HUC# 11010001) priority watersheds, including Ballard Creek, Osage Creek, Illinois River, White River, West Fork White River and the Kings River where sufficient constituent data were available. Water quality trends were analyzed using flowâadjusted constituent concentrations of phosphorus, nitrogen, sediment, sulfate and chloride, and parametric and nonâparametric statistical techniques to determine if constituent concentrations were increasing, decreasing or not significantly changing over time. Overall, flowâadjusted concentrations of phosphorus and sediment have been decreasing across these watersheds based upon both statistical approaches. The decrease in phosphorus was likely the most important observation, because most water quality concerns in this region have focused on elevated phosphorus concentrations in these transboundary watersheds. These trends can be used along with other watershed information to improve the knowledge of how past, current, and future management decisions have influenced the watershed
Stream Water Quality to Support HUC 12 Prioritization in the Lake Wister Watershed, Oklahoma: August 2017 through May 2019
Nonpoint source pollution associated with human land use (agriculture and urbanization) is one of the leading causes of impairment to waterways in the United States (EPA 2000). The primary pollutants associated with agricultural and urban land use are sediment and nutrients which enter nearby streams during rain events and are then carried downstream. These sediments and nutrients may result in water quality issues in the downstream water bodies like increased algal growth or decreased water clarity (e.g. Smith et al., 1999). Best management practices (BMPs) are often used to mitigate the effects of nonpoint source pollution in the watershed. Practices such as riparian buffers installed along the edge of field and conservation tillage (e.g., no-till, spring-till, and cover crops) slow overland flow, reducing erosion and nutrient loss from the landscape (Schoumans et al. 2014). Installing BMPs throughout the entire watershed would have the greatest effect at reducing nonpoint source pollution; however, this is not socially or economically feasible. Targeting critical source areas or priority watersheds for BMPs installation, optimizes the benefits while reducing the overall (Sharpley et al. 2000)
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