47 research outputs found
Puncak Kejayaan Pendidikan Islam
Dalam lintasan sejarah Islam, Pendidikan Islam mengalami kejayaan dan kegemilangan yang sangat pesat, tumbuh subur lembaga–lembaga pendidikan Islam, eksisnya majelis–majelis yang membahas berbagai ilmu pengetahuan, munculnya ulama– ulama dan ilmuwan–ilmuwan yang terintegrasi dalam dirinya sebagai seorang ilmuwan sekaligus sebagai seorang ulama,ter integrasi ilmu umum dengan ilmu agama. Banyak faktor yang menyebabkan hal tersebut yaitu faktor dari dalam ajaran Islam itu sendiri yang mendorong manusia untuk menuntut ilmu, adanya usaha–usaha penterjemahan Ilmu pengetahuan ke dalam bahasa Arab, pemerintah atau khalifah mempunyai perhatian yang besar terhadap kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan dan tersedianya fasilitas-fasilitas yang mendukung
The Balinese Unicode Text Processing
In principal, the computer only recognizes numbers as the representation of a character. Therefore, there are many encoding systems to allocate these numbers although not all characters are covered. In Europe, every single language even needs more than one encoding system. Hence, a new encoding system known as Unicode has been established to overcome this problem. Unicode provides unique id for each different characters which does not depend on platform, program, and language. Unicode standard has been applied in a number of industries, such as Apple, HP, IBM, JustSystem, Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Sun, Sybase, and Unisys. In addition, language standards and modern information exchanges such as XML, Java, ECMA Script (JavaScript), LDAP, CORBA 3.0, and WML make use of Unicode as an official tool for implementing ISO/IEC 10646. There are four things to do according to Balinese script: the algorithm of transliteration, searching, sorting, and word boundary analysis (spell checking). To verify the truth of algorithm, some applications are made. These applications can run on Linux/Windows OS platform using J2SDK 1.5 and J2ME WTK2 library. The input and output of the algorithm/application are character sequence that is obtained from keyboard punch and external file. This research produces a module or a library which is able to process the Balinese text based on Unicode standard. The output of this research is the ability, skill, and mastering of 1. Unicode standard (21-bit) as a substitution to ASCII (7-bit) and ISO8859-1 (8-bit) as the former default character set in many applications. 2. The Balinese Unicode text processing algorithm. 3. An experience of working with and learning from an international team that consists of the foremost experts in the area: Michael Everson (Ireland), Peter Constable (Microsoft US), I Made Suatjana, and Ida Bagus Adi Sudewa
Cayenne pepper (Capsicum frutescens L.) is very prospective and potential in an effort to improve the standard of living farmers. Market demand for chili is quite high, ranging from traditional markets to supermarkets. The problem of productivity of cayenne fruit both in quality and quantity is disrupted due to the attack of antracnose caused by Colletotricum sp. One effort to control antracnose is to control organically.
The implementation of this study began in January 2019 until april 2019. This research was conducted in the rice fields of rejomulyo village, Kota subdistrict, kediri city. The altitude of ± 55 mdpl, has an alluvium soil structure, gray-brown alluvial soil type and soil pH 5-6. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RBD) which was repeated 4 times and consisted of 7 treatments : A (Inorganic), B (organic ZPT 20 ml/plant), C (micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml), D (manure 40 g/plant), E (organic ZPT 20 ml/plant + micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml) , F (organic ZPT 20 ml/plant + manure 40 g/plant) and G (micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml + 40 g/plant).
The results showed that threatment A (inorganic) (281,46 g) was efective for increasing the quatity of cayenne (Capsicum frutescens L.) in addition, treatment D (mature 40 g/plant) (82%), E (organic ZPT 20 ml/plant + micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml) (82%) and G (micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml + 40 g/plant) (82%) is effective to inhibit the disease intensity (%) of antracnose. However, treatment E (organic ZPT 20 ml/plant + micorrhiza 105 cfu/ml) was most effective in controlling antracnose disease and increasing the production of the number of cayenne fruit (Capsicum frutescens L.)
Keywords : micorrhiza, effectiveness of Colletotricum sp. cayenne pepper, manure, Organic ZP
In teaching English to elementary school, teachers deal that young learners are different from adult learners‘. Young learner tend to be active and enjoy with attractive learning proses in a class. The teachers could use instructional media to make their students have interest in teaching and learning process. The importance of using media is considered to enhance the quality of learning. Using appropriate media is needed to help and involve the students actively to acquire new concepts, ideas, skills and language competence. The teachers should be able to use instructional media to create effective learning and increase the students‟ motivation to learn. In teaching, the teachers may implement different instructional media and it depends on the learning materials. The teachers implement instructional media appropriate and related with the learning materials in order to make the learning material can be received well by the students and make easier the students‟ understanding in learning process.
The objective of this research: (i) to find out kinds of instructional media used by the teacher (ii) to describe the use of instructional media in teaching English for young learner by the teacher (iii) to find out the problems are faced by the teacher in using instructional media in teaching English for young learner.
This is a descriptive qualitative research. The data of this research is instructional media used by English teachers. The data source is the teacher in teaching English at the fifth grade of MI Miftahul Islamiyah Jimbaran Kayen Pati. It is conducted in two meetings.
To analyze the data, the writer transcribes to identify kinds of instructional media and the problems in selecting and using instructional media, describe the implementation of instructional media, and make the conclusion. The result of this research shows that kinds of instructional media that is are used by the teachers are real object, book, students’ worksheet, picture, and board. In the implementation of instructional media, the teacher used printed text or worksheet and real object as the apperception. In whilst teaching, board and printed text or pictures were as media to explain the material and give assignment.
At the end of this research, the writer suggests that the teacher should need more time in preparing instructional media before teaching in order to have instructional media more optimal and effective. The teacher is expected to use creatively instructional media in order to build meaningful teaching and learning process
Pegon juga menjadi sebuah metode pendidikan yang unik, bukti bahwa Arab pegon merupakan sebuah metode yang dipakai oleh para ulama, yang menerangkan tentang masalah keagamaan. Penempatan kitab At-Takhrij dijadikan solusi dalam upayanya mempertahankan cara klasik yang diterapkan pada muatan lokal BTP (Baca Tulis Pegon). Untuk memaknai kitab kuno, yang masih menjadi pegangan oleh guru di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara. Seperti memberi (menulis, dan membaca) makna gandul pada kitab kuning. Skripsi ini membahas tentang penerapan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada muatan lokal Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Studi ini dimaksudkan untuk menjawab permasalahan : (1) Bagaimana penerapan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada muatan lokal Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. (2) Apa yang menjadi pendukung dan penghambat dalam menerapkan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada mata pelajaran Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018. Metode yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini, yaitu pendekatan penelitian yang dipakai adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan yaitureduksi data, penyajian data, verifikasi. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Penerapan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada muatan lokal Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara melalui beberapa tahapan, yaitu tahapan sebelum pengajaran, tahapan pengajaran dan tahapan sesudah pengajaran. (2) Faktor pendukung dalam menerapkan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada mata pelajaran Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara yaitu adanya semangat yang tinggi dari anak-anak untuk mengikuti pembelajaran BTP, kesabaran guru dan siswa dalam proses belajar mengajar baca tulis Pegon, dan lokasi dekat dengan masjid. Sedangkan faktor penghambat dalam menerapkan pembelajaran kitab At-Takhrij pada mata pelajaran Baca Tulis Pegon (BTP) di MI NU Roudlatul Mubtadiin Kaliaman Kembang Jepara yaitu kurangnya anak-anak yang ngaji dirumah sehingga mengalami kesulitan jika di madrasah, dan juga kurangnya pemerataan siswa dalam memahami pelajaran kitab at-Takhrij
Effects of Population Density and Host Availability on the Migration Process of Brown Planthopper Fed Using Susceptible and Resistant Rice Varieties
Brown planthopper, Nilaparvata lugens Stal. (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is an important pest of rice. This pest can cause hopperburn and field failure. This research aimed to determine the effects of population density and host availability on migration of N. lugens. The criteria used to justify the effects of host availability and population density on migration of N. lugens were based the hardness and tannin tests of the rice stems, fecundity of N. lugens, and the life cycle of N. lugens. The research was conducted under the temperature of 29.42°C with relative humidity of 61% and Light 12: Dark 12 times, using ten pairs of N. lugens brachypterous (F0 constant) and then was added with five male adults on fifth days after the first infestation (F0 changed). The varieties used were IR64, as a resistant variety, and Ketan Lusi, as a susceptible variety. The results showed that the adding of the macropterous males did not affect the number of macropterous, because of that has been preplanned by the F0. Therefore, the percentage of existing macropterous was 51−52%. INTISARI Wereng Batang Cokelat (WBC) merupakan salah satu hama tanaman padi yang sangat penting. Kerusakan parah dapat menyebabkan hopperburn dan puso (gagal panen). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan populasi dan tanaman inang sebagai tempat migrasi WBC. Parameter yang dikaji untuk mengetahui pengaruh kepadatan populasi WBC dan tanaman inang tempat migrasi WBC berdasarkan tingkat kekerasan dan kandungan tanin batang tanaman padi, fekunditas WBC, dan siklus hidup WBC. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada temperatur 29.42˚C dengan kelembapan relatif 61% dan durasi siang hari 12 jam: durasi malam hari 12 jam. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan menggunakan 10 pasang imago WBC brakhiptera (F0 konstan), kemudian dilakukan penambahan 5 ekor imago jantan pada hari kelima setelah infestasi awal (F0 diubah). Varietas padi yang digunakan yaitu padi varietas IR64 sebagai varietas tahan dan ketan Lusi sebagai varietas rentan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penambahan imago jantan makroptera tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah keturunan makroptera yang dihasilkan, karena imago (F0) telah merencanakan terlebih dahulu keturunan yang akan dihasilkan. Oleh karena itu, persentase terbentuk keturunan imago makroptera berkisar antara 51−52%
Mentoring dan Sosialisasi Teknologi Pengemasan Olahan Nanas di Desa Babadan Kecamatan Ngancar Kabupaten Kediri
Tanaman nanas yang banyak ditanam di kecamatan Ngancar, kabupaten Kediri merupakan produk unggulan petani. Penanganan pasca panen dan teknologi pengemasan buah nanas masih jarang dilakukan oleh petani nanas di desa Babadan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mendorong minat dan kemampuan dalam melakukan usaha bisnis nanas segar dan olahan yang bermutu yang dikemas baik agar aman dan menarik. Kegiatan pengabdian dilakukan dengan cara penyuluhan tentang penanganan pasca panen dan teknologi pengemasan olahan nanas, dan pendampingan kepada kelompok PKK. Pelatihan dihadiri 20 orang dari desa Babadan, selama 2 hari mulai tanggal 20 sampai 21 Agustus 2021 berlokasi di balai desa Babadan mulai pukul 10.00 sampai 12.00. Peserta pelatihan didampingi dan didukung oleh anggota pengurus koperasi pertanian Langgeng Mulyo dan bapak kepala desa Babadan untuk mewujudkan usaha agribisnis. Hasil kegiatan menunjukan adanya respon positif dari peserta untuk mengembangkan menjadi UKM pengolahan nanas dengan dukungan akademisi, pemerintah, pihak swasta serta bank yang siap memberi kredit usaha bisnis nanas. Kerjasama dengan akademisi dilakukan dengan pusat kajian inkubator bisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam Kadiri, Kediri
Utilization of organic fertilizer aims to increase soil fertility and efforts to improve the balance of the corn plant ecosystem. One source of organic fertilizer is black grass jelly waste, both solid and liquid. Black grasss jelly waste is available in excess because factories that produce black grass jelly have not utilized the waste as an alternative to organic fertilizer. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of organic fertilizer from black grass jelly waste both solid and liquid on the abundance of insects and their natural enemies. This research started from September to December 2021. It took place at the Integrated Field Laboratory, Kadiri Islamic University, in Rejomulyo Village, Kediri City, with a pH of 7, daily temperature and humidity (±28.3°C and 72.2%) with rainfall 45 mm/month. Variable observations of downy mildew disease sentitivity index and insect diversity. The results showed that the effect of grass jelly fertilizer had an effect on the level of resistance to downy mildew attacks. In all the insects found were 47 families consisting of 6 orders. On diversity has a moderate value. In terms of evenness and species richness, it was found that all the results had high scores. So that the treatment of solid and liquid fertilizers against insect diversity is very good
Padi merupakan salah satu komoditas utama yang digunakan sebagai makanan pokok seluruh masyarakat di Negara Indonesia bahkan dunia. Upaya peningkatan produksi padi menghadapi tantangan yang semakin berat. Salah satu hama yang menjadi faktor kerusakan terbesar pada hasil tanaman padi adalah serangan wereng batang coklat (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.). Salah satu alternatif yang bisa digunakan untuk pengendalian hama wereng batang coklat yang lebih ramah lingkungan menggunakan teknik Pengelolaan Hama Terpadu (PHT) dengan rekayasa  lingkungan menggunakan tanaman refugia. Tanaman refugia yang dapat digunakan yaitu tanaman kemangi, tanaman kubis bunga dan tanaman seledri. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh tanaman refugia terhadap keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan musuh alami WBC pada tanaman padi serta hasil panen bobot 100 butir gabah. Penelitian ini dimulai pada September sampai Desember 2019. Bertempat di Laboratorium Lapang Terpadu, Universitas Islam Kadiri, di Desa Rejomulyo, Kecamatan Kota Kediri, dengan kedaan topografi berada pada ketinggian 67 mdpl, dengan rerata suhu dan kelembapan harian (35˚C dan 50 %), Kecepatan angin 3,6 m/s (13,03 km/jam), memiliki jenis tanah lempung berpasir, pH ± 6,2 dan curah hujan 3,5 mm/bulan. Dengan variabel pengamatan yang dilakukan yaitu keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan musuh alami WBC, serta berat 100 butir gabah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penggunaan tanaman refugia berpengaruh nyata terhadap kemerataan populasi musuh alami WBC yaitu famili formicidae dan carabidae pada budidaya tanaman padi dengan tanaman kemangi sebagai tanaman refugia namun hasil panen bobot 100 butir gabah tidak berpengaruh nyata.Rice is one of the main commodities used as a staple food for all people in Indonesia and even the world. Efforts to increase rice production face increasingly formidable challenges. One of the pests that is the biggest factor of damage to rice yields is the brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) (WBC). One alternative that can be used to control brown planthopper pests that is environmentally friendly is using integrated pest management techniques (IPM) with enviromental engineering using refugia plants. Refugia plants that can be used are basil plants, flower cabbage plants and celery plants. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of refugia on the diversity and abundan ce of WBC natural enemies in rice and yields of 100 grains of grain weight. This research was started from september to december 2019. Located in an integrated field laboratory, Kadiri Islamic University , in Rejomulyo Village, Kediri City District, with the topography at an altitude of 67 meters above sea level, with daily average temperature and humidity (35˚C and 50 %), wint speed 3,6 m/s(13,03 km/hour), has a type of sandy clay soil, pH ± 6,2 and rainfall 3,5 mm/month. With the observed variables, namely the diversity and abundance of natural enemies of WBC, and the weight of 100 grains of grain. The results showed that the use of refugia plants had a significant effect on the evenness of the population of WBC natural enemies, namely the formicidae and carabidae families in the cultivation of rice plants with basil as a refugia plant but the grain had no significant effect.
Keywords: Nilaparvata lugens, Natural Enemies, Refugia Plants, Rice Plant