5 research outputs found

    A numerical study on water wetting associated with the internal corrosion of oil pipelines

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    Long distance pipelines are considered as the vein of the oil and gas industry on land and offshore. A well often produces water along with crude oil. The presence of water as well as dissolved gases such as CO2 and H2S introduces a serious menace of internal corrosion. It is well known that the distribution of water and oil inside the pipeline has a great influence on the corrosion rate. As a matter of fact, internal corrosion occurs when a free layer of water comes in contact with the pipe. Hence, predicting the distribution of water inside the pipe and identifying the continuous phase that directly wet the wall is of foremost importance when dealing with internal corrosion of oil pipelines. The accurate prediction of the distribution of water significantly increases the accuracy of corrosion prediction as well as the confidence regarding the integrity of the pipelines. In spite of all the great efforts toward studying different influential factors associated with the internal corrosion of steel pipelines, a large gap of knowledge is observed in predicting the water wetting. The objective of the present study is to employ a tuned two-fluid model by taking advantage of computational fluid dynamics, that is capable of predicting the distribution of water and the type of wetting (water wetting/oil wetting) at the bottom of the pipe. Furthermore, the effect of different parameters such as pipe diameter, oil density, oil viscosity and interfacial tension on the transition from water wetting to oil wetting is studied

    Numerical study of erosion in critical components of subsea pipeline: tees vs bends

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    Elbows are a vulnerable part of piping systems in erosive environments. Traditionally, plugged tees are used instead of elbows when the erosion rate is high. However, the advantage of plugged tees over elbows in large-scale pipelines is unclear. A comprehensive computational fluid dynamics study was carried out to predict the erosion rate in plugged tees and elbows. A numerical method was first used for aluminium elbows and tees with available experimental data through which the accuracy of the numerical solution was verified. After validating the model, numerical modelling was used to compare the erosion rates of plugged tees and elbows in varying geometrical conditions, ranging from 0.0254 to 0.6 m diameter carbon steel pipes transmitting multiphase gas/sand flow. The effects of internal flow velocity and sand particle size on erosion rates were also investigated. The numerical results revealed that the erosion ratio between plugged tees and elbows strongly depends on the internal diameter of the pipe, the flow velocity and particle size. Hence, the influence of these parameters should be considered for proper selection of the fittings to be used. Finally, numerical modelling of erosion in two subsea jumpers outfitted with standard elbows and plugged tees was presented

    Phosphorus forms of the surface sediment in the Iranian coast of the southern Caspian Sea

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    Sediments from the southern Caspian Sea, located in Iranian coast were examined on the basis of P-fractionation (five forms of phosphorus) by a sequential extraction scheme. Ninety-six surface sediment samples (for each season with triplicate) were collected from eight sampling transects in 10 and 100 m depths during summer and winter in 2010-2011. The result indicated that the most abundant forms of phosphorus were calcium bound phosphorus. Relative abundance of other forms of phosphorus follow the order: organic-P>Fe-P>Al-P>Absorbed-P. The loosely absorbed phosphorus represented <1% of the sedimentary inorganic phosphorus, while the Fe/Al phosphorus ranged 5–6%.The calcium bound phosphorus showed considerable contribution (88%) to the sedimentary inorganic P-loads

    A Comparison of Thrombolytic Therapy and Primary Angioplasty in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    Background and Objective: The standard treatment for patients with acute myocardial infarction is to reestablish blood flow in the blocked vessels, which is possible through angioplasty and thrombolytic therapy. However, even in developed countries, some patients still do not undergo coronary interventional therapy due to difficulties in accessing centers capable of performing primary angioplasty and the lack of prepared angiography departments, which can lead to undesirable consequences. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare the therapeutic outcomes of primary angioplasty and thrombolytic therapy. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 291 patients with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) referred to medical centers under the auspices of Babol University of Medical Sciences. Patients undergoing Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) (n=213) or thrombolytic therapy (n=78) were evaluated and compared in terms of demographic and clinical information at the time of referral, mortality rate, major cardiovascular events, need for repeat PCI, and need for readmission. Findings: The mean age of the patients was 60.55±11.90 years and 72% of the patients were male. Repeat single-vessel PCI was 11% (6 cases) in the Primary Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PPCI) group and 23% (7 cases) in the thrombolytic therapy group. Readmission due to chest pain and shortness of breath was 30% (59 cases) in the PPCI group and 39% (38 cases) in the thrombolytic therapy group. The odds of mortality in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy compared to PCI were 1.38 times (p=0.56, OR=1.38), which was not significant. Furthermore, the odds of mortality decreased significantly with increasing EF (p=0.001, OR=14.64). Ejection Fraction (EF) and Functional Class (FC) were not significantly different between the two groups. The average time interval from onset of pain to hospital admission and thrombolytic therapy was 276±147 and 33±5 minutes, respectively, and in the PCI group it was 323±169 and 37±6 minutes, respectively. The odds of recurrent myocardial infarction (MI) in patients treated with thrombolytic therapy were 1.53 times higher than in patients treated with PPCI (OR=1.53, p=0.54), which was not significant. Conclusion: According to the results of this study, treatment outcomes in both groups were better if the patient had visited the hospital within a short time from the onset of pain. The rate of recurrent MI and single vessel MI did not differ between the two groups