194 research outputs found
Fuzzy logic algorithm and analytic network process (ANP) for boarding houses searching recommendations
Finding a boarding house is usually done manually or by visiting the boarding house in person. Several choices of boarding houses make boarding house seekers have to make choices according to the desired criteria, so it takes quite a long time. A decision support system is a system that can be used to help make decisions based on existing criteria for determining several alternatives to be selected. The methods used in this research are the Analytic Network Process (ANP) and the Fuzzy Logic method. This study employed several criteria in providing recommendations, including distance, price, facilities, security, number of spaces, parking space and convenience. The weighting of these criteria used the fuzzy logic method based on the priority scale determined by the boarding house seekers. This system has provided a recommendation for boarding houses based on the results of the calculation process using the ANP method and weighting using fuzzy logic. The result of calculations shows that the highest value was obtained by Munawar kos (boarding house) with a value of 6.55% and followed by Diding kos with a value of 6.52%
IstikhdÄm Al-TharÄ«qah Al-TarkÄ«biyyah Li Tarqiyah MahÄrah Al-Qiraâah Wa Al-KitÄbah LadÄ TullÄb Al-Shaff Al-SÄbiâ Bi Al-Madrasah Al-Mutawassithah Pesantren Alhikmah 2 Cirebon
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol di SMP Pesantren Al-Hikmah 2 Cirebon sebelum dan sesudah pembelajaran, dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan metode Tarkibiyah dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa SMP Pesantren Al-Hikmah 2 Cirebon. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dan menggunakan metode quasi eksperimen dengan desain pretest posttest kelompok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Keterampilan membaca siswa sebelum pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen dan control menujukkan hasil rata-rata 42,96 masuk kategori cukup. Keterampilan menulis pada sebelum pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen dan control  masuk kategori âkurangâ dengan nilai rata-rata 37,78 (2) Keterampilan membaca siswa sesudah pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen dan control menunjukkan peningkatan hasil masuk kategori baik. Keterampilan menulis siswa sesudah pembelajaran pada kelas eksperimen menunjukkan peningkatan hasil dan masuk kategori baik. (3) Hasil nilai N-Gain (dalam persentase) pada keterampilan membaca dan keterampilan menulis siswa kelas eksperimen menunjukkan pembelajaran menggunakan metode Tarkibiyah âcukup efektifâ dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan keterampilan menulis siswa. Dengan demikian, maka terdapat pengaruh penggunaan metode Tarkibiyah dalam meningkatkan keterampilan membaca dan menulis siswa SMP Pesantren Al-Hikmah 2 Cirebon
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SFL in L2 Writing Teacher Education: A Case Study of an EFL Pre-service Teacher in Conceptualizing Grammar
SFL in L2 Writing Teacher Education: A Case STUDY of an EFL PRE-SERVICE Teacher IN CONCEPTUALIZING GRAMMAR
English education globally has been challenged by an increasing need for academic English practices to support access to content area knowledge and scholarly exchanges. However, EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers often lack the linguistic and pedagogical knowledge of how academic texts work to construct meanings in specific disciplines and how to design effective academic literacy instruction accessible to all students.
This study, therefore, is aimed at responding to the intensifying demand for academic literacy instruction in international contexts by investigating an EFL teacherâs participation in MATESOL program in North America informed in part by Hallidayâs SFL (Systemic Functional Linguistics) and Martinâs genre theory. The study focuses on exploring how this teacherâs conceptions of grammar shifted, if at all, over the courses in the teacher education program and how the teacherâs classroom practice during the first year in her career reflect, if at all, the perspective of language learning.
This study is informed by two main conceptions as the theoretical frameworks. First, Halliday and Martinâs social conception of language and language learning serves as the theoretical basis informing the pedagogical knowledge that the teacher develops. Second, a sociocultural approach to teachersâ knowledge development serves as a framework to understand how the teacher conceptualizes a more functional conception of language and language learning for academic literacy instruction in a sustained process of teacher learning with respect to the teacherâs whole lived experiences.
This study uses an ethnographic method of data collection and analysis. The data were collected from multiple sources including field notes, instructional materials, audio tapes, email exchanges, interviews, textbooks, and course assignments. Data collection focused on documenting this teacher in conceptualizing of grammar over her participation in the teacher education program and over one year of teaching experience upon completion of her MATESOL program. In analyzing these data, this study involved coding and categorizing processes to generate patterns of themes with reference to the research questions.
This study is expected to contribute to an effort of preparing teachers with the expertise of teaching academic literacy and development in international contexts by considering how local contexts shape their pedagogical knowledge development
Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pengangguran Dan Angka Harapan Hidup (AHH) Terhadap Kemiskinan Di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat Tahun 2010-2018: Kemiskinan saat ini menjadi salah satu masalah yang sulit untuk diatasi oleh banyak daerah, dan tidak terkecuali di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Provinsi yang memiliki 14 Kabupaten/Kota ini, menjadi salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki penduduk miskin cukup banyak, dengan persentase kemiskinan mencapai 8,06%. Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh pertumbuhan ekonomi, pengangguran, dan angka harapan hidup (AHH) terhadap kemiskinan di Kalimantan Barat. Sedangkan metode penelitian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah regresi berganda untuk menganalisis data panel, maka diperoleh hasil penelitian sebagai berikut: 1. Bahwa secara parsial, variabel Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Pengangguran tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Kalimantan Barat. 2. Untuk variabel Angka Harapan Hidup (AHH) berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Kalimantan Barat. 3. Namun demikian jika diuji secara simultan, ketiga variabel tersebut memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemiskinan di Kalimantan Barat.Kata kunci: Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, Pengangguran, Angka Harapan Hidup dan Kemiskina
Regenerasi alami semai mangrove di areal terdegradasi Taman Nasional Kutai: Natural regeneration of mangrove seedlings in degraded area of Kutai National Park
Natural regeneration of seedlings in mangrove forest is an important part of the secondary succession process. This research aimed to analyze the natural regeneration that occured in degraded areas of Kutai National Park, particularly in Bontang and Sangkima. Data collected was the presence of natural mangrove seedlings and measurement of environmental parameter i.e. soil and sea water. Vegetation inventory was conducted establishing plots placed intentionally (purposive sampling) at rehabilitation plot area of Bontang (0,98 ha) and Sangkima (1,04 ha). Composite soil samples were taken from five points in the plots at two different soil depths: 0-30 cm and 31-61 cm. Water samples of 200 ml were collected from the plots. The results of this study showed that at both locations six species of mangrove seedling were found. Bontang area consist of Acrostichum aureum, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Rhizophora apiculata and also Ceriops tagal species. Meanwhile, in Sangkima area species was identified as: Sonneratia alba, Rhizophora apiculata, and Rhizophora mucronata. Distribution of seedlings mangrove at Bontang area has strong positive correlation with environmental parameter of soil texture (silt and clay), soil chemical (CEC, N, C, Na, Ca), tides, and water chemical (salinity, NO3 and COD). In other hand, seedlings distribution in the Sangkima area have strong positive correlation with environmental parameters of soil texture (sand) and water chemicals (Mg, Al, pH, COD, BOD, DO, and TSS). In order to speed up of the restoration in degraded areas of Kutai National Park mangrove forest, it was need attention to suitability aspects of each species based on the environmental conditions of each site
Perbandingan Algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids Dalam Penclusteran Data Penjualan PT. United Teknologi Integrasi
Pencatatan transaksi penjualan dalam sebuah perusahaan merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk dilakukan. Dengan pencatatan transaksi penjualan setiap harinya perusahaan dapat mengetahui peningkatan tingkat penjualan barang. Data transaksi penjualan berisi data barang yang telah terjual, jumlah barang, nama barang, harga barang serta nama pelanggan yang melakukan pembelian barang. Data penjualan ini dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu perusahaan dalam meningkatkan penjualan perusahaan. Penelitian ini memanfaatkan teknik data mining yaitu clustering data dengan algoritma K-Means dan K-Medoids pada data penjualan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan clustering data penjualan, data yang diambil dimulai dari tahun 2018 â 2020 di PT United Teknologi Integrasi. Data diambil dari tahun 2018 dikarenakan sistem pencatatan yang diterapkan di perusahaan ini mulai digunakan pada sejak tahun 2018. Penentuan clustering ditentukan dengan menggunakan metode elbow yang menunujukan hasil cluster yang paling optimal dibentuk adalah sebanyak tiga cluster, yaitu produk yang terjual paling laris, laris dan kurang laris. Dari hasil tersebut dimanfaatkan untuk memberikan promosi yang lebih banyak kepada produk yang ada pada cluster kurang laris untuk dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Kemudian dilakukan perbandingan hasil clustering algoritma dengan uji kualitas cluster menggunakan metode Silhouette Index yang menghasilkan nilai maksimum Index 0.404 pada algoritma K-Means sedangkan 0.376 pada algoritma K-Medoid
Mahalanobis Fuzzy C-Means Clustering with Spatial Information for Image Segmentation
Algoritma segmentasi Fuzzy C-Means dapat diimplementasikan pada segmentasi citra berdasarkan jarak mahalanobis; Namun, metode ini hanya perlu mempertimbangkan situasi ruang warna, bukan sistem ketetanggaan citra. itu adalah efek proses deteksi tepi yang tidak berjalan dengan baik dan menghasilkan akurasi yang kurang dalam hasil segmentasi. Pada artikel ini, kami mengusulkan metode baru untuk segmentasi citra dengan Mahalanobis fuzzy C-means Spatial information (MFCMS). Metode yang diusulkan menggabungkan ruang fitur dan citra informasi lingkungan (informasi spasial) untuk meningkatkan akurasi hasil segmentasi pada citra. MFCMS terdiri dari dua Langkah, modul histogram threshold untuk langkah pertama dan modul MFCMS untuk langkah kedua. Modul Threshold Histogram digunakan untuk mendapatkan kondisi inisialisasi MFCMS untuk centroid cluster dan jumlah centroid. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan bahwa metode ini memberikan kinerja segmentasi yang lebih baik daripada kesalahan klasifikasi (ME) dan kesalahan area latar depan relatif (RAE) masing-masing sebesar 1,61 dan 3,48
Metode Pembelajaran Metode Inquiry dan Gaya Belajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris
The aims of this study were to find out (1) to test the differences between the Inquiry Method and the conventional method on English Learning Outcomes, (2) To test the differences in learning styles on English Learning Outcomes, and (3) To test the effect of the interaction between the Inquiry Method and the Inquiry Method conventional and learning styles on English Learning Outcomes. This quantitative research uses the experimental method. The data analysis technique in this study was a two-way analysis of variance test using SPSS 25. The research design used was a 2x3 factorial design. Based on the results of the data analysis are: (1) Application of the Inquiry Method and Convention Method with a significance value of less than α <0.05, namely 0.000, so that it can be explained that there are differences in the English Learning Outcomes of class VII students of SMPN 48 Surabaya who are taught using Inquiry and Direct Instruction Methods, (2) Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Styles of students with a significance value of less than α <0.05, namely 0.000, meaning that there are differences in the English Learning Outcomes of class VII students of SMPN 48 Surabaya, and (3 ) the inquiry interaction method and the convention method with a significant value less than α <0.05, namely 0.001, so that there is an interaction between the inquiry method and the convention method and the Audio, Visual and Kinesthetic Learning Styles on the English Learning Outcomes of Class VII students of SMPN 48 Surabaya. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that using the Inquiry Method and Learning Styles could improve English Learning Outcomes. The implication of this research is that the Inquiry Method can be used as a way to improve English learning outcomes
Emerging voice: Exploring the process of teacher-studentsâ dialogic interaction in mobile instant messaging (MIM) to construct voice in argumentative writing
Despite the growing body of literature on the role of Mobile Instant Messaging (MIM) in supporting educational practice, little comprehensive understanding could be gained on how to scrutinize dialogue between teacher and students in MIM for the sake of studentsâ meaning-making. Thus, this study explored the process of teacher-students dialogic interaction in a MIM group as a viable pedagogical activity in fostering studentsâ establishment of voice in argumentative writing. Particularly, it focused on the construction of Engagement resources (Martin White, 2005) as the realization of voice in the studentsâ writing. To reach the objectives, a qualitative case study with multiple data sources were employed, i.e., the records of instant messaging conversation, studentsâ argumentative text, interview, and observation. The findings revealed that the teacher-studentsâ discussions in the instant messaging space were enjoyable activities that could support the studentsâ awareness of Engagement resources because they allowed the discovery of repertoires through reasoning, problem-solving, and peer learning. Furthermore, although there were various uptakes of Engagement resources in the studentsâ text, most students showed progressive achievements in applying the sources effectively in their writing
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