13 research outputs found

    Football network (115 nodes/12 classes).

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    <p>The transform matrix (<b>A</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>B</b>) obtained by ELC, the transform matrix (<b>C</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>D</b>) obtained by LC. (<b>E–G</b>) Communities and corresponding values of Extended Quality of modularity (EQ), Partition Density (PD), In-Group-Proportion (IGP), Communities Number (CN), Cover Rate (CR) and number of Uncovered Nodes (UN) obtained by ELC, LC and CPM. *the red and bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value of each evaluation on the dataset for the three methods.</p

    Dolphin network (62 nodes/2 classes).

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    <p>The transform matrix <b>(A)</b> and the dendrogram (<b>B)</b> obtained by ELC, the transform matrix <b>(C)</b> and the dendrogram <b>(D)</b> obtained by LC. <b>(E-G)</b> Communities and corresponding values of Extended Quality of modularity (EQ), Partition Density (PD), In-Group-Proportion (IGP), Communities Number (CN), Cover Rate (CR) and number of Uncovered Nodes (UN) obtained by ELC, LC and CPM. *the red and bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value of each evaluation on the dataset for the three methods.</p

    Comparison with three methods on five real-world networks by cover rate and uncovered nodes.

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    *<p>the bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value of each evaluation on the dataset for three methods.</p>**<p>CR: Cover Rate; UN: number of Uncovered Nodes.</p

    Karate network (34 nodes/2 classes).

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    <p>The transform matrix (<b>A</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>B</b>) obtained by ELC, the transform matrix (<b>C</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>D</b>) obtained by LC. (<b>E–G</b>) Communities and corresponding values of Extended Quality of modularity (EQ), Partition Density (PD), In-Group-Proportion (IGP), Communities Number (CN), Cover Rate (CR) and number of Uncovered Nodes (UN) obtained by ELC, LC and CPM. *the red and bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value of each evaluation on the dataset for the three methods.</p

    A selected artificial network set with different node average degrees and <b><i>p<sub>inside</sub></i></b><b> values.</b>

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    <p>A selected artificial network set with different node average degrees and <b><i>p<sub>inside</sub></i></b><b> values.</b></p

    Y2H network (1647 nodes/3 sources).

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    <p>The transform matrix (<b>A</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>B</b>) obtained by ELC, the transform matrix (<b>C</b>) and the dendrogram (<b>D</b>) obtained by LC. (<b>E–G</b>) Communities and corresponding values of Extended Quality of modularity (EQ), Partition Density (PD), In-Group-Proportion (IGP), Communities Number (CN), Cover Rate (CR) and number of Uncovered Nodes (UN) obtained by ELC, LC and CPM. *the red and bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value of each evaluation on the dataset for the three methods.</p

    A simple network for ELC and LC calculation.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) A simple network example mentioned in Ahn’s paper (2010). (<b>B</b>) The transform matrix and (<b>C</b>) The dendrogram obtained by ELC on (A)’s example networks. (<b>D</b>) The transform matrix and (<b>E</b>) the dendrogram obtained by LC on (A)’s example networks.</p

    Y2H network for GO enrichment analysis.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Y2H network’s community numbers and GO enrichment values obtained by ELC, LC and CPM. Axis x is log10 community numbers and axis y is –log10 p-values of all modules GO enrichment for biological process, molecular functions and cellular component. The average communities size found by ELC are much higher than LC and CPM by GO categories at smaller p-value level, especially when p-values are lower than E-8. (<b>B</b>) Y2H network’s statistics on nodes number of communities by ELC, LC and CPM.</p

    ELC performance on different artificial datasets conditions.

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    *<p>the bold data marked with an asterisk (*) is the best value with the same location in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066005#pone-0066005-t002" target="_blank">Tables 2</a>–<a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0066005#pone-0066005-t004" target="_blank">4</a>.</p>**<p>EQ: Extended Quality of modularity; IGP: In-Group-Proportion; PD: Partition Density; CN: Communities Number.</p><p>To avoid accidental influence of single artificial network, all types of evaluation values are average values of 10 networks in each condition.</p