106 research outputs found

    Forms and currents on the analytification of an algebraic variety (after Chambert-Loir and Ducros)

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    Chambert-Loir and Ducros have recently introduced real differential forms and currents on Berkovich spaces. In these notes, we survey this new theory and we will compare it with tropical algebraic geometry.Comment: 25 pages, notes for my survey talk given at the Simons Symposium in St. John from 1.4-5.4.2013. In the second version, a sign error in the definition of the integral is corrected and the exposition in section 7 is slightly change

    The Bogomolov conjecture for totally degenerate abelian varieties

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    We prove the Bogomolov conjecture for an abelian variety A over a function field which is totally degenerate at a place v. We adapt Zhang's proof of the number field case replacing the complex analytic tools by tropical analytic geometry. A key step is the tropical equidistribution theorem for A at the totally degenerate place. As an application, we obtain finiteness of torsion points with coordinates in the maximal unramified algebraic extension over v.Comment: 21 pages; submitted. Minor errors corrected, applications in Section 6 adde

    Local heights of toric varieties over non-archimedean fields

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    We generalize results about local heights previously proved in the case of discrete absolute values to arbitrary non-archimedean absolute values of rank 1. First, this is done for the induction formula of Chambert-Loir and Thuillier. Then we prove the formula of Burgos--Philippon--Sombra for the toric local height of a proper normal toric variety in this more general setting. We apply the corresponding formula for Moriwaki's global heights over a finitely generated field to a fibration which is generically toric. We illustrate the last result in a natural example where non-discrete non-archimedean absolute values really matter.Comment: 67 pages. v2: Assumption in Theorem 2.5.8 corrected to support function; other minor change

    Non-archimedean canonical measures on abelian varieties

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    For a closed d-dimensional subvariety X of an abelian variety A and a canonically metrized line bundle L on A, Chambert-Loir has introduced measures c1(L∣X)∧dc_1(L|_X)^{\wedge d} on the Berkovich analytic space associated to A with respect to the discrete valuation of the ground field. In this paper, we give an explicit description of these canonical measures in terms of convex geometry. We use a generalization of the tropicalization related to the Raynaud extension of A and Mumford's construction. The results have applications to the equidistribution of small points.Comment: Thorough revision according to the comments of the referee. To appear in Compositi

    Tropical Skeletons

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    In this paper, we study the interplay between tropical and analytic geometry for closed subschemes of toric varieties. Let KK be a complete non-Archimedean field, and let XX be a closed subscheme of a toric variety over KK. We define the tropical skeleton of XX as the subset of the associated Berkovich space XanX^{\rm an} which collects all Shilov boundary points in the fibers of the Kajiwara--Payne tropicalization map. We develop polyhedral criteria for limit points to belong to the tropical skeleton, and for the tropical skeleton to be closed. We apply the limit point criteria to the question of continuity of the canonical section of the tropicalization map on the multiplicity-one locus. This map is known to be continuous on all torus orbits; we prove criteria for continuity when crossing torus orbits. When XX is sch\"on and defined over a discretely valued field, we show that the tropical skeleton coincides with a skeleton of a strictly semistable pair, and is naturally isomorphic to the parameterizing complex of Helm--Katz.Comment: 42 pages. The introduction was rewritten. Corollary 8.15 was renamed to Theorem 8.1

    Skeletons and tropicalizations

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    Let KK be a complete, algebraically closed non-archimedean field with ring of integers K∘K^\circ and let XX be a KK-variety. We associate to the data of a strictly semistable K∘K^\circ-model X\mathscr X of XX plus a suitable horizontal divisor HH a skeleton S(X,H)S(\mathscr X,H) in the analytification of XX. This generalizes Berkovich's original construction by admitting unbounded faces in the directions of the components of H. It also generalizes constructions by Tyomkin and Baker--Payne--Rabinoff from curves to higher dimensions. Every such skeleton has an integral polyhedral structure. We show that the valuation of a non-zero rational function is piecewise linear on S(X,H)S(\mathscr X, H). For such functions we define slopes along codimension one faces and prove a slope formula expressing a balancing condition on the skeleton. Moreover, we obtain a multiplicity formula for skeletons and tropicalizations in the spirit of a well-known result by Sturmfels--Tevelev. We show a faithful tropicalization result saying roughly that every skeleton can be seen in a suitable tropicalization. We also prove a general result about existence and uniqueness of a continuous section to the tropicalization map on the locus of tropical multiplicity one.Comment: 44 pages, 2 figures. Version 3: minor errors corrected; Remark 3.14 expanded. Final version, to appear in Advances in Mathematic
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