3,932 research outputs found

    Well-posedness of 1-D compressible Euler-Poisson equations with physical vacuum

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    This paper is concerned with the 1-D compressible Euler-Poisson equations with moving physical vacuum boundary condition. It is usually used to describe the motion of a self-gravitating inviscid gaseous star. The local well-posedness of classical solutions is established in the case of the adiabatic index 1<γ<31<\gamma<3.Comment: 28 page

    Gear wear process monitoring using acoustic signals

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    Airborne acoustic signals contain valuable information from machines and can be detected remotely for condition monitoring. However, the signal is often seriously contaminated by various noises from the environment as well as nearby machines. This paper presents an acoustic based method of monitoring a two stage helical gearbox, a common power transmission system used in various industries. A single microphone is employed to measure the acoustics of the gearbox under-going a run-to-failure test. To suppress the background noise and interferences from nearby ma-chines a modulation signal bispectrum (MSB) analysis is applied to the signal. It is shown that the analysis allows the meshing frequency components and the associated shaft modulating components to be captured more accurately to set up a clear monitoring trend to indicate the tooth wear of the gears under test. The results demonstrate that acoustic signals in conjunction with efficient signal processing methods provide an effective monitoring of the gear transmission process

    Beyond Higgs Couplings: Probing the Higgs with Angular Observables at Future e+ee^+ e^- Colliders

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    We study angular observables in the e+eZH+bbˉe^+e^-\to Z H\to \ell^+ \ell^-\,b\bar{b} channel at future circular e+ee^+ e^- colliders such as CEPC and FCC-ee. Taking into account the impact of realistic cut acceptance and detector effects, we forecast the precision of six angular asymmetries at CEPC (FCC-ee) with center-of-mass energy s=\sqrt{s} = 240 GeV and 5 (30) ab1{\rm ab}^{-1} integrated luminosity. We then determine the projected sensitivity to a range of operators relevant for the Higgs-strahlung process in the dimension-6 Higgs EFT. Our results show that angular observables provide complementary sensitivity to rate measurements when constraining various tensor structures arising from new physics. We further find that angular asymmetries provide a novel means of both probing BSM corrections to the HZγH Z \gamma coupling and constraining the "blind spot" in indirect limits on supersymmetric scalar top partners.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures. v2: references added, matches published version in JHE

    A simplified dynamic model of the T700 turboshaft engine

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    A simplified open-loop dynamic model of the T700 turboshaft engine, valid within the normal operating range of the engine, is developed. This model is obtained by linking linear state space models obtained at different engine operating points. Each linear model is developed from a detailed nonlinear engine simulation using a multivariable system identification and realization method. The simplified model may be used with a model-based real time diagnostic scheme for fault detection and diagnostics, as well as for open loop engine dynamics studies and closed loop control analysis utilizing a user generated control law

    Optimal classical simulation of state-independent quantum contextuality

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    Simulating quantum contextuality with classical systems requires memory. A fundamental yet open question is what is the minimum memory needed and, therefore, the precise sense in which quantum systems outperform classical ones. Here, we make rigorous the notion of classically simulating quantum state-independent contextuality (QSIC) in the case of a single quantum system submitted to an infinite sequence of measurements randomly chosen from a finite QSIC set. We obtain the minimum memory needed to simulate arbitrary QSIC sets via classical systems under the assumption that the simulation should not contain any oracular information. In particular, we show that, while classically simulating two qubits tested with the Peres-Mermin set requires log2244.585\log_2 24 \approx 4.585 bits, simulating a single qutrit tested with the Yu-Oh set requires, at least, 5.7405.740 bits.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Classification of Symmetry-Protected Phases for Interacting Fermions in Two Dimensions

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    Recently, it has been shown that two-dimensional bosonic symmetry-protected topological(SPT) phases with on-site unitary symmetry GG can be completely classified by the group cohomology class H3(G,U(1))H^3(G, \mathrm{U}(1)). Later, group super-cohomology class was proposed as a partial classification for SPT phases of interacting fermions. In this work, we revisit this problem based on the mathematical framework of GG-extension of unitary braided tensor category(UBTC) theory. We first reproduce the partial classifications given by group super-cohomology, then we show that with an additional H1(G,Z2)H^1(G, \mathbb{Z}_2) structure, a complete classification of SPT phases for two-dimensional interacting fermion systems for a total symmetry group G×Z2fG\times\mathbb{Z}_2^f can be achieved. We also discuss the classification of interacting fermionic SPT phases protected by time-reversal symmetry.Comment: references added; published versio

    A Novel Method to Improve the Resolution of Envelope Spectrum for Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on a Wireless Sensor Node

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    In this paper, an accurate envelope analysis algorithm is developed for a wireless sensor node. Since envelope signals employed in condition monitoring often have narrow frequency bandwidth, the proposed algorithm down-samples and cascades the analyzed envelope signals to construct a relatively long one. Thus, a relatively higher frequency resolution can be obtained by calculating the spectrum of the cascaded signal. In addition, a 50 % overlapping scheme is applied to avoid the distortions caused by Hilbert transform based envelope calculation. The proposed method is implemented on a wireless sensor node and tested successfully for detecting an outer race fault of a rolling bearing. The results show that the frequency resolution of the envelope spectrum is improved by 8 times while the data transmission remains at a low rate