135 research outputs found

    The Convergence Guarantees of a Non-convex Approach for Sparse Recovery

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    In the area of sparse recovery, numerous researches hint that non-convex penalties might induce better sparsity than convex ones, but up until now those corresponding non-convex algorithms lack convergence guarantees from the initial solution to the global optimum. This paper aims to provide performance guarantees of a non-convex approach for sparse recovery. Specifically, the concept of weak convexity is incorporated into a class of sparsity-inducing penalties to characterize the non-convexity. Borrowing the idea of the projected subgradient method, an algorithm is proposed to solve the non-convex optimization problem. In addition, a uniform approximate projection is adopted in the projection step to make this algorithm computationally tractable for large scale problems. The convergence analysis is provided in the noisy scenario. It is shown that if the non-convexity of the penalty is below a threshold (which is in inverse proportion to the distance between the initial solution and the sparse signal), the recovered solution has recovery error linear in both the step size and the noise term. Numerical simulations are implemented to test the performance of the proposed approach and verify the theoretical analysis.Comment: 33 pages, 7 figure

    Oracle-order Recovery Performance of Greedy Pursuits with Replacement against General Perturbations

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    Applying the theory of compressive sensing in practice always takes different kinds of perturbations into consideration. In this paper, the recovery performance of greedy pursuits with replacement for sparse recovery is analyzed when both the measurement vector and the sensing matrix are contaminated with additive perturbations. Specifically, greedy pursuits with replacement include three algorithms, compressive sampling matching pursuit (CoSaMP), subspace pursuit (SP), and iterative hard thresholding (IHT), where the support estimation is evaluated and updated in each iteration. Based on restricted isometry property, a unified form of the error bounds of these recovery algorithms is derived under general perturbations for compressible signals. The results reveal that the recovery performance is stable against both perturbations. In addition, these bounds are compared with that of oracle recovery--- least squares solution with the locations of some largest entries in magnitude known a priori. The comparison shows that the error bounds of these algorithms only differ in coefficients from the lower bound of oracle recovery for some certain signal and perturbations, as reveals that oracle-order recovery performance of greedy pursuits with replacement is guaranteed. Numerical simulations are performed to verify the conclusions.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 5 table

    A Distributed Tracking Algorithm for Reconstruction of Graph Signals

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    The rapid development of signal processing on graphs provides a new perspective for processing large-scale data associated with irregular domains. In many practical applications, it is necessary to handle massive data sets through complex networks, in which most nodes have limited computing power. Designing efficient distributed algorithms is critical for this task. This paper focuses on the distributed reconstruction of a time-varying bandlimited graph signal based on observations sampled at a subset of selected nodes. A distributed least square reconstruction (DLSR) algorithm is proposed to recover the unknown signal iteratively, by allowing neighboring nodes to communicate with one another and make fast updates. DLSR uses a decay scheme to annihilate the out-of-band energy occurring in the reconstruction process, which is inevitably caused by the transmission delay in distributed systems. Proof of convergence and error bounds for DLSR are provided in this paper, suggesting that the algorithm is able to track time-varying graph signals and perfectly reconstruct time-invariant signals. The DLSR algorithm is numerically experimented with synthetic data and real-world sensor network data, which verifies its ability in tracking slowly time-varying graph signals.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, journal pape
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