2,718 research outputs found
Solvable model for spatiotemporal chaos
We show that the dynamical behavior of a coupled map lattice where the individual maps are Bernoulli shift maps can be solved analytically for integer couplings. We calculate the invariant density of the system and show that it displays a nontrivial spatial behavior. We also introduce and calculate a generalized spatiotemporal correlation function
Dynamics of Coupled Maps with a Conservation Law
A particularly simple model belonging to a wide class of coupled maps which
obey a local conservation law is studied. The phase structure of the system and
the types of the phase transitions are determined. It is argued that the
structure of the phase diagram is robust with respect to mild violations of the
conservation law. Critical exponents possibly determining a new universality
class are calculated for a set of independent order parameters. Numerical
evidence is produced suggesting that the singularity in the density of Lyapunov
exponents at is a reflection of the singularity in the density of
Fourier modes (a ``Van Hove'' singularity) and disappears if the conservation
law is broken. Applicability of the Lyapunov dimension to the description of
spatiotemporal chaos in a system with a conservation law is discussed.Comment: To be published in CHAOS #7 (31 page, 16 figures
Pinning control of spatiotemporal chaos
Linear control theory is used to develop an improved localized control scheme for spatially extended chaotic systems, which is applied to a coupled map lattice as an example. The optimal arrangement of the control sites is shown to depend on the symmetry properties of the system, while their minimal density depends on the strength of noise in the system. The method is shown to work in any region of parameter space and requires a significantly smaller number of controllers compared to the method proposed earlier by Hu and Qu [Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 68 (1994)]. A nonlinear generalization of the method for a 1D lattice is also presented
Controlling Physical Systems with Symmetries
Symmetry properties of the evolution equation and the state to be controlled
are shown to determine the basic features of the linear control of unstable
orbits. In particular, the selection of control parameters and their minimal
number are determined by the irreducible representations of the symmetry group
of the linearization about the orbit to be controlled. We use the general
results to demonstrate the effect of symmetry on the control of two sample
physical systems: a coupled map lattice and a particle in a symmetric
potential.Comment: 6 page
The temperature dependence of the isothermal bulk modulus at 1 bar pressure
It is well established that the product of the volume coefficient of thermal
expansion and the bulk modulus is nearly constant at temperatures higher than
the Debye temperature. Using this approximation allows predicting the values of
the bulk modulus. The derived analytical solution for the temperature
dependence of the isothermal bulk modulus has been applied to ten substances.
The good correlations to the experiments indicate that the expression may be
useful for substances for which bulk modulus data are lacking
Learning fluid physics from highly turbulent data using sparse physics-informed discovery of empirical relations (SPIDER)
We show how a complete mathematical description of a complicated physical
phenomenon can be learned from observational data via a hybrid approach
combining three simple and general ingredients: physical assumptions of
smoothness, locality, and symmetry, a weak formulation of differential
equations, and sparse regression. To illustrate this, we extract a system of
governing equations describing flows of incompressible Newtonian fluids -- the
Navier-Stokes equation, the continuity equation, and the boundary conditions --
from numerical data describing a highly turbulent channel flow in three
dimensions. These relations have the familiar form of partial differential
equations, which are easily interpretable and readily provide information about
the relative importance of different physical effects as well as insight into
the quality of the data, serving as a useful diagnostic tool. The approach
described here is remarkably robust, yielding accurate results for very high
noise levels, and should thus be well-suited to experimental data
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