60,810 research outputs found
Positron cooling and annihilation in noble gases
Understanding the dynamics of positron cooling in gases, including the
fraction of positrons surviving to thermalisation, is critical for accurate
interpretation of positron lifetime spectra, for the development of efficient
positron cooling in traps and accumulators, and for a cryogenically cooled,
ultra-high-energy-resolution, trap-based positron beam. Here, positron cooling
and annihilation in noble gases is simulated using accurate scattering and
annihilation cross sections calculated \emph{ab initio} with many-body theory.
It is shown that a strikingly small fraction of positrons survive to
thermalisation: 0.1 in He, 0 in Ne (due to cooling effectively
stalling in the relatively deep momentum-transfer cross-section minimum),
0.15 in Ar, 0.05 in Kr and 0.01 in Xe. For Xe, the
time-varying annihilation rate is shown to be highly
sensitive to the depletion of the distribution due to annihilation,
conclusively explaining the long-standing discrepancy between gas-cell and
trap-based measurements in Xe. The \emph{ab initio} calculations enable the
first simultaneous probing of the energy dependence of the the scattering cross
section and annihilation rate. Overall, the use of the accurate atomic data
gives in close agreement with experiment for all
noble gases except Ne, the experiment for which is proffered to have suffered
from incomplete knowledge of the fraction of positrons surviving to
thermalisation and/or the presence of impurities.Comment: Supplementary videos of positron cooling in He, Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe at
http://www.am.qub.ac.uk/users/dgreen09/coolingvideos.html ; This version
contains additional References, is significantly reduced in size and has
improved tex
Probing positron cooling in noble gases via annihilation spectra
spectra for positron annihilation in noble-gas atoms are calculated
using many-body theory for positron momenta up to the positronium-formation
threshold. This data is used, together with time-evolving positron-momentum
distributions determined in [arXiv:1706.01434 (2017)], to calculate the
time-varying spectra produced during positron cooling in noble gases.
The -spectra and their and shape parameters are
shown to be sensitive probes of the time evolution of the positron momentum
distribution, and thus provide a means of studying positron cooling that is
complementary to positron lifetime spectroscopy.Comment: This version contains minor update to references, otherwise unchange
-ray spectra and enhancement factors for positron annihilation spectra with core-electrons
Many-body theory is developed to calculate the -spectra for positron
annihilation with valence and core electrons in the noble gas atoms. A proper
inclusion of correlation effects and core annihilation provides for an accurate
description of the measured spectra [Iwata \textit{et al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett.
{\bf 79}, 39 (1997)]. The theory enables us to calculate the enhancement
factors , which describe the effect of electron-positron
correlations for annihilation on individual electron orbitals . We find
that the enhancement factors scale with the orbital ionization energy
(in electron-volt), as ,
where ~eV, ~eV and .Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure
Linear sawtooth voltage-wave generator employing transistor timing circuit having capacitor-zener diode combination feedback Patent
Linear sawtooth voltage wave generator with transistor timing circuit having capacitor and zener diode feedback loop
Preliminary estimates of vertical momentum flux
Preliminary results of themomentum flux and flux divergence during a transient episode, as a jet stream moved over the radar are given. The zonal and meridional momentum flux and flux divergences displayed remarkable continuity with altitude in time, increasing in intensity as lee waves and other gravity-wave activity developed while the jet stream approached. The momentum flux values observed compare favorably with aircraft measurements made over similar topography, at least during the early part of the day. The accelerations due to the momentum flux divergence seem rather large at first glance, especially for the late part of the day. However, there may be compensating forces due to effects not considered here, such as transverse circulations or, scales of motion to small to be resolved by these data
SIMLA: Simulating laser-particle interactions via classical and quantum electrodynamics
We present the Fortran code SIMLA, which is designed for the study of charged
particle dynamics in laser and other background fields. This can be done
classically via the Landau-Lifshitz equation, or alternatively, via the
simulation of photon emission events determined by strong-field
quantum-electrodynamics amplitudes and implemented using Monte-Carlo type
routines. Multiple laser fields can be included in the simulation and the
propagation direction, beam shape (plane wave, focussed paraxial, constant
crossed, or constant magnetic), and time envelope of each can be independently
specified.Comment: Submitted to Comp. Phys. Comm. The associated computer program and
corresponding manual will be made available on the CPC librar
Transverse spreading of electrons in high-intensity laser fields
We show that for collisions of electrons with a high-intensity laser,
discrete photon emissions introduce a transverse beam spread which is distinct
from that due to classical (or beam shape) effects. Via numerical simulations,
we show that this quantum induced transverse momentum gain of the electron is
manifest in collisions with a realistic laser pulse of intensity within reach
of current technology, and we propose it as a measurable signature of
strong-field quantum electrodynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physical Review
Many-body theory for positronium-atom interactions
A many-body-theory approach has been developed to study positronium-atom
interactions. As first applications, we calculate the elastic scattering and
momentum-transfer cross sections and the pickoff annihilation rate
for Ps collisions with He and Ne. The cross section for He is
in agreement with previous coupled-state calculations, and the
momentum-transfer cross section for Ne agrees with available experimental data.
is found to be 0.13 and 0.26 for He and Ne, respectively, in
excellent agreement with the measured values.Comment: Accepted by Phys. Rev. Lett. (V2 contains update to text and Figs. 3
and 5. V3 contains further discussion on the calculation of pickoff
annihilation rates.
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