14 research outputs found
Drastic Differences between the Local and the Average Structures of Sr<sub>2</sub>MSbO<sub>5.5</sub> (M = Ca, Sr, Ba) Oxygen-Deficient Double Perovskites
For many disordered materials, knowing their average
crystal structure is insufficient for explaining and predicting their
macroscopic properties. It has been found that a description of the
short-range atomic arrangements is needed to understand such materials.
In order to understand the conduction pathways in ionic conductors
which have random distributions of vacancies it is imperative to know
the local structures which are present. In this study the local structures
of three oxygen-deficient double perovskites, Sr<sub>2</sub>MSbO<sub>5.5</sub> (M = Ca, Sr, Ba), have been investigated by neutron pair
distribution function analysis. The ions in these compounds are all
found to have local coordination environments which are radically
different than those given by their average structures. While there
is no long-range ordering of the oxygen vacancies in these compounds,
a considerable amount of short-range order does exist. The conditions
which drive the short-range ordering are discussed as are the possible
mechanisms for achieving it. It is proposed that the SbO<sub>5</sub> polyhedra form distorted trigonal bipyramids by moving oxygen atoms
into interstitial positions. In the M = Sr compound 45° rotations
of SbO<sub>6</sub> octahedra are also present, which add additional
oxygen atoms into the interstitial sites. Large displacements of the
Ca<sup>2+</sup>, Sr<sup>2+</sup>, and Ba<sup>2+</sup> cations are
also present, the directions of which are correlated with the occupancies
of the interstitial oxygen sites. Reverse Monte Carlo modeling of
the pair distribution function data has provided the actual bond length
distributions for the cations
The Incommensurately Modulated Structures of the Perovskites NaCeMnWO<sub>6</sub> and NaPrMnWO<sub>6</sub>
The structures of the doubly ordered perovskites NaCeMnWO<sub>6</sub> and NaPrMnWO<sub>6</sub>, with rock salt ordering of the
Mn<sup>2+</sup> and W<sup>6+</sup> <i>B</i>-site cations
and layered ordering of the Na<sup>+</sup> and (Ce<sup>3+</sup>/Pr<sup>3+</sup>) <i>A</i>-site cations, have been studied by transmission
electron microscopy, electron diffraction, neutron and synchrotron
X-ray powder diffraction. Both compounds possess incommensurately
modulated crystal structures. In NaCeMnWO<sub>6</sub> the modulation
vector (with reference to the ideal <i>ABX</i><sub>3</sub> perovskite subcell) is <i>q</i> ≈ 0.067<i>a</i>* (∼58.7 Å) and in NaPrMnWO<sub>6</sub> <i>q</i> ≈ 0.046<i>a</i>* (∼85.3 Å).
In both compounds the superstructures are primarily the two-dimensional
chessboard type, although some crystals of NaCeMnWO<sub>6</sub> were
found with one-dimensional stripes. In some crystals of NaPrMnWO<sub>6</sub> there is a coexistence of chessboards and stripes. Modeling
of neutron diffraction data shows that octahedral tilting plays an
important role in the structural modulation
Additional file 5: of Genome-wide analysis of the auxin/indoleacetic acid (Aux/IAA) gene family in allotetraploid rapeseed (Brassica napus L.)
Multiple sequence alignment of Aux/IAA genes in B. napus. Four conserved domains are indicated with black boxes. LxLxLx and GWPPv/i motifs in domain I and II are highlighted with black lines. The second LxLxLx motif between domain I and II is indicated with red boxes. NLSs and βαα motif are represented by black solid rectangles. The PB1 domain features of a conserved lysine and the OPCA-like motif phosphorylation sites are emphasized by black arrows (Korasick et al., Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2014(111): 5427–5432). (PDF 9716 kb
Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Genome and transcriptome sequencing characterises the gene space of Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae)
Kmer coverage plot for optimized kmer of 26 used to estimate haploid genome size of 652 Mb (600–700 Mb). Coloured curves correspond to the complete statistical model including erroneous and genomic kmers (red), using a diploid model, heterozygous kmers with major peak at 14 (green) and homozygous kmers with subpeak at 7 (blue). (PDF 5 kb
Additional file 3: Figure S3. of Genome and transcriptome sequencing characterises the gene space of Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae)
RNA-seq read mapping to candidate genes for cyanogenesis in macadamia, including those encoding the cytochrome P450s CYP79 and CYP71, glycosyltransferase UGT85 and β-glucosidase. (PDF 535 kb
It is an introduction of CIFOR's research in Bulungan, Kalimantan with the Ministry of Forestry in Indonesia and ITTO. CIFOR's strategic research is focused on policy issues to enable more informed, productive, sustainable and equitable decisions about the management and use of forests. CIFOR works closely with ITTO and FORDA (the Forestry Research and Development Agency, Ministry of Forestry, Indonesia) as important strategic partners in the Bulungan model forest project phase 1, 1997-2001. The aim of the research is to carry out a systematic investigation of how to achieve forest sustainability for a 'large forest landscape' in the humid tropics, where diverse, rapidly changing and often conflicting land use demand exist. The specific objectives of the activities conducted with ITTO support are: 1) Assessment of the effect of reduced-impact logging (RIL) on biodiversity, conservation, ecology and socio-economics, 2) Assessment of rural development trends and future policy options including the effects of macro-level development activities on people dependent on the forest
Additional file 2: of Sequence variation and functional analysis of a FRIGIDA orthologue (BnaA3.FRI) in Brassica napus
Sequence variations and haplotypes of BnaA3.FRI in 30 B. napus. (XLSX 14Â kb
Additional file 9: of Sequence variation and functional analysis of a FRIGIDA orthologue (BnaA3.FRI) in Brassica napus
Variance of phenotype for flowering time of all the transgenic lines harboring different BnaA3.FRI haplotypes and Col-0. (A) The phenotype at flowering stage, (B) days to flowering; (C) rosette leaf numbers at bolting stage. Letters indicate significant differences according to t-test (α = 0.05) (TIFF 1290 kb