12 research outputs found
Nonstandard Bethe Ansatz equations for open O(N) spin chains
The double row transfer matrix of the open O(N) spin chain is diagonalized
and the Bethe Ansatz equations are also derived by the algebraic Bethe Ansatz
method including the so far missing case when the residual symmetry is
O(2M+1)O(2N-2M-1). In this case the boundary breaks the "rank" of the
O(2N) symmetry leading to nonstandard Bethe Ansatz equations in which the
number of Bethe roots is less than as it was in the periodic case. Therefore
these cases are similar to soliton-nonpreserving reflections.Comment: 31 pages, 4 figures, numerical checks added to Appendix F, accepted
for publication in Nuclear Physics
New boundary monodromy matrices for classical sigma models
The 2d principal models without boundaries have symmetry. The
already known integrable boundaries have either or
symmetries, where is such a subgroup of for which is a symmetric
space while is the diagonal subgroup of . These boundary
conditions have a common feature: they do not contain free parameters. We have
found new integrable boundary conditions for which the remaining symmetry
groups are either or and they contain one free
parameter. The related boundary monodromy matrices are also described.Comment: 36 pages, the Poisson structure is develope
Algebraic Bethe Ansatz for O(2N) sigma models with integrable diagonal boundaries
The finite volume problem of O(2N) sigma models with integrable diagonal
boundaries on a finite interval is investigated. The double row transfer matrix
is diagonalized by Algebraic Bethe Ansatz. The boundary Bethe Yang equations
for the particle rapidities and the accompanying Bethe Ansatz equations are
derived.Comment: 32 pages Discussion of the crossing property of the double row
transfer matrix as well as its eigenvalue on the pseudovacuum included.
Version accepted for JHEP v3 Note added, typos correcte
Exact overlaps for all integrable two-site boundary states of symmetric spin chains
We find closed formulas for the overlaps of Bethe eigenstates of
symmetric spin chains and integrable boundary states. We
derive the general overlap formulas for
symmetric boundary states and give a
well-established conjecture for the symmetric case.
Combining these results with the previously derived
symmetric formula, now we have the overlap functions for all integrable
boundary states of the spin chains which are built from
two-site states. The calculations are independent from the representations of
the quantum space therefore our formulas can be applied for the and the
alternating spin chains which describe the scalar sectors of
super Yang-Mills and ABJM theories which are important
application areas of our results.Comment: 93 pages, added Section 5.4, typos correcte
Integrable crosscap states in spin chains
We study the integrable crosscap states of the integrable quantum spin chains
and we classify them for the symmetric models. We also give
a derivation for the exact overlaps between the integrable crosscap states and
the Bethe states. The first part of the derivation is to calculate sum formula
for the off-shell overlap. Using this formula we prove that the normalized
overlaps of the multi-particle states are ratios of the Gaudin-like
determinants. Furthermore we collect the integrable crosscap states which can
be relevant in the AdS/CFT correspondence.Comment: 37 pages, corrections for section 4. arXiv admin note: text overlap
with arXiv:2110.0796
Boundary state bootstrap and asymptotic overlaps in AdS/dCFT
We formulate and close the boundary state bootstrap for factorizing
K-matrices in AdS/CFT. We found that there are no boundary degrees of freedom
in the boundary bound states, merely the boundary parameters are shifted. We
use this family of boundary bound states to describe the D3-D5 system for
higher dimensional matrix product states and provide their asymptotic overlap
formulas. In doing so we generalize the nesting for overlaps of matrix product
states and Bethe states.Comment: 17 pages, some explanations and references adde
Boundary states, overlaps, nesting and bootstrapping AdS/dCFT
Integrable boundary states can be built up from pair annihilation amplitudes
called -matrices. These amplitudes are related to mirror reflections and
they both satisfy Yang Baxter equations, which can be twisted or untwisted. We
relate these two notions to each other and show how they are fixed by the
unbroken symmetries, which, together with the full symmetry, must form
symmetric pairs. We show that the twisted nature of the -matrix implies
specific selection rules for the overlaps. If the Bethe roots of the same type
are paired the overlap is called chiral, otherwise it is achiral and they
correspond to untwisted and twisted -matrices, respectively. We use these
findings to develop a nesting procedure for -matrices, which provides the
factorizing overlaps for higher rank algebras automatically. We apply these
methods for the calculation of the simplest asymptotic all-loop 1-point
functions in AdS/dCFT. In doing so we classify the solutions of the YBE for the
-matrices with centrally extended symmetry and
calculate the generic overlaps in terms of Bethe roots and ratio of Gaudin
determinants.Comment: minor correction
On integrable boundaries in the 2 dimensional -models
We make an attempt to map the integrable boundary conditions for 2
dimensional non-linear O(N) -models. We do it at various levels:
classically, by demanding the existence of infinitely many conserved local
charges and also by constructing the double row transfer matrix from the Lax
connection, which leads to the spectral curve formulation of the problem; at
the quantum level, we describe the solutions of the boundary Yang-Baxter
equation and derive the Bethe-Yang equations. We then show how to connect the
thermodynamic limit of the boundary Bethe-Yang equations to the spectral curve.Comment: Dedicated to the memory of Petr Kulish, 31 pages, 1 figure, v2:
conformality and integrability of the boundary conditions are distinguishe
Spin chain overlaps and the twisted Yangian
Using considerations based on the thermodynamical Bethe ansatz as well
representation theory of twisted Yangians we derive an exact expression for the
overlaps between the Bethe eigenstates of the spin chain and matrix
product states built from matrices whose commutators generate an irreducible
representation of . The latter play the role of boundary
states in a domain wall version of SYM theory which has
non-vanishing, symmetric vacuum expectation values on one side of a
co-dimension one wall. This theory, which constitutes a defect CFT, is known to
be dual to a D3-D7 probe brane system. We likewise show that the same
methodology makes it possible to prove an overlap formula, earlier presented
without proof, which is of relevance for the similar D3-D5 probe brane system.Comment: 47 page