6 research outputs found

    Effects of 17 beta-estradiol on cellular and molecular atherogenic events in animal models

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    Estrogens may protect against coronary artery disease (CAD) as women have less CAD than age-matched men, and postmenopausal women on estrogen have less CAD than those without replacement therapy. To elucidate potential benefits of 17 beta-estradiol on atherogenesis, female swine and hamsters were treated to yield three groups: (1) ovariectomized (ovex), (2) ovariectomized with estradiol replacement (ovex + estradiol), and (3) sexually intact. Postoperatively, animals were switched from a low fat to a high fat diet for measurement of acute estradiol effects in swine and chronic effects in hamsters. Swine monocyte and platelet adhesion to porcine aortic endothelial cells (PAEC) were measured as well as mononuclear cell degradation of low density lipoprotein (LDL) during the low fat diet and after 4, 8, and 12 weeks of high fat feeding. Antioxidant content, fatty acid composition, and resistance to oxidation of swine LDL were measured after 14 weeks of experimental diet. In hamsters, aortic lesion area was assessed histologically and ultrastructurally after 4, 9, and 18 months of hormonal treatment. Both animal models became hyperlipidemic on high fat diets. Estradiol did not significantly alter circulating lipid levels. Monocyte adhesion to PAEC was elevated only at 4 weeks of high fat feeding in the ovex + estradiol group while platelet adhesion was unaltered throughout the study. Mononuclear cell degradation of LDL was primarily receptor-mediated and not associated with plasma estradiol levels. Estradiol increased resistance of LDL to oxidation by increasing lag time and decreasing conjugated diene propagation rate. Oxidative resistance was associated with conservation of alpha-tocopherol in LDL from animals with estradiol. Hamster aortic lesion area was less in ovex + estradiol than in ovex animals, although statistically significant only at 4 months of high fat feeding. Lesions were primarily lipid-enriched with no involvement of smooth muscle cells. Older animals, independent of estradiol status, developed lesions characterized by extracellular matrix proliferation punctuated by lipid. Although all animals became hyperlipidemic, total cholesterol to high density cholesterol ratios were approximately 2.0 in all treatment groups throughout the study. Estradiol directly or indirectly altered some of the determinants of atherogenesis potentially reducing the risk for CAD

    Light Field and Water Clarity Simulation of Natural Environments in Laboratory Conditions

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    Simulation of natural oceanic conditions in a laboratory setting is a challenging task, especially when that environment can be miles away. We present an attempt to replicate the solar radiation expected at different latitudes with varying water clarity conditions up to 30 m in depth using a 2.5 m deep engineering tank at the University of New Hampshire. The goals of the study were: 1) to configure an underwater light source that produced an irradiance spectrum similar to natural daylight with the sun at zenith and at 60° under clear atmospheric conditions, and 2) to monitor water clarity as a function of depth. Irradiance was measured using a spectra-radiometer with a cosine receiver to analyze the output spectrum of submersed lamps as a function of distance. In addition, an underwater reflection method was developed to measure the diffuse attenuation coefficient in real time. Two water clarity types were characterized, clear waters representing deep, open-ocean conditions, and murky waters representing littoral environments. Results showed good correlation between the irradiance measured at 400 nm to 600 nm and the natural daylight spectrum at 3 m from the light source. This can be considered the water surface conditions reference. Using these methodologies in a controlled laboratory setting, we are able to replicate illumination and water conditions to study the physical, chemical and biological processes on natural and man-made objects and/or systems in simulated, varied geographic locations and environments

    Radiometric and Photometeric Determinations of Simulated Shallow-Water Environment

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    Optical remote sensing is increasingly becoming a preferred economic alternative to the traditional in situ observations and physical sampling for mapping and monitoring habitats. Submersed habitats, such as eelgrass and corals, are especially challenging for field work. Even for remote-sensing work, a priori knowledge of environmental factors is required for highly accurate analysis. Background illumination and water clarity are two key factors that affect the optical remote-sensing imagery, which may vary widely with season, time of year, geographic location, or water depth. This article presents efforts to simulate natural oceanic conditions in a laboratory setting. Solar radiation predicted at different latitudes under varying water clarity conditions and depth were replicated using a 2.5 m deep wave tank at the University of New Hampshire. The goals of the study were: (1) to simulate illumination and water clarity conditions that approximate coastal and oceanic waters, and (2) to quantify the impact of the simulated illumination and water clarity conditions at different depths on the apparent colours that can be observed from an aerial platform. The empirical radiometric measurements included irradiance, radiance, and remote-sensing reflectance from an underwater array of light sources. The results of the study show good correlation (r 2 = 0.89–0.93) between the natural daylight spectrum at the water surface and the irradiance measurements between 350 nm and 590 nm, at 3.5 m from the light array. The colours of the clear and murky water types were photometrically calculated from the radiometric measurements and validated using underwater video imagery. Using this methodology, illumination and water clarity can be replicated under controlled laboratory conditions and used to assist in studying the physical, chemical, and biological processes in habitats, at varied geographic locations and differing environments

    Comparative molecular properties of swine and human very low density lipoproteins—Apoproteins E and C

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    1. By means of 2-dimensional gradient-gel electrophoresis, the very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) apoproteins E and C profiles from human and swine plasma were studied.2. The molecular properties (isoelectric point and molecular weight) of the VLDL apoproteins and their isoforms were determined and showed many similarities between species.3. It also appears evident that a previously unrecognized apoprotein (C-III) and several associated isoforms may exist in swine; however, it\u27s mobility on 2-dimensional gradient gels is very similar to APO C-II

    Low-Dose a-Tocopherol Improves and HighDose a-Tocopherol Worsens Endothelial Vasodilator Function in Cholesterol-Fed Rabbits

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    Abnormalities in endothelium-dependent arterial relaxation develop early in atherosclerosis and may, in part, result from the effects of modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) on agonistmediated endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) release and EDRF degradation. a-Tocopherol (AT) is the main lipidsoluble antioxidant in human plasma and lipoproteins, therefore, we investigated the effects of AT on endothelium-dependent arterial relaxation in male New Zealand White rabbits fed diets containing (a) no additive (controls), (b) 1 % cholesterol (cholesterol group), or 1 % cholesterol with either (c) 1,000 IU/kg chow AT (low-dose AT group) or (d) 10,000 IU/kg chow AT (high-dose AT group). After 28 d, we assayed endothelial function and LDL susceptibility to ex vivo copper-mediated oxidation. Acetylcholine- and A23187-mediated endothelium-dependen