831 research outputs found

    Regulation, productivity, and growth : OECD evidence

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    The authors look at differences in the scope and depth of pro-competitive regulatory reforms and privatization policies as a possible source of cross-country dispersion in growth outcomes. They suggest that, despite extensive liberalization and privatization in the OECD area, the cross-country variation of regulatory settings has increased in recent years, lining up with the increasing dispersion in growth. The authors then investigate empirically the regulation-growth link using data that cover a large set of manufacturing and service industries in OECD countries over the past two decades and focusing on multifactor productivity (MFP), which plays a crucial role in GDP growth and accounts for a significant share of its cross-country variance. Regressing MFP on both economywide indicators of regulation and privatization and industry-level indicators of entry liberalization, the authors find evidence that reforms promoting private governance and competition (where these are viable) tend to boost productivity. In manufacturing the gains to be expected from lower entry barriers are greater the further a given country is from the technology leader. So, regulation limiting entry may hinder the adoption of existing technologies, possibly by reducing competitive pressures, technology spillovers, or the entry of new high technology firms. At the same time, both privatization and entry liberalization are estimated to have a positive impact on productivity in all sectors. These results offer an interpretation to the observed recent differences in growth patterns across OECD countries, in particular between large continental European economies and the United States. Strict product market regulations-and lack of regulatory reforms-are likely to underlie the relatively poorer productivity performance of some European countries, especially in those industries where Europe has accumulated a technology gap (such as information and communication technology-related industries). These results also offer useful insights for non-OECD countries. In particular, they point to the potential benefits of regulatory reforms and privatization, especially in those countries with large technology gaps and strict regulatory settings that curb incentives to adopt new technologies.Labor Policies,Public Health Promotion,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Governance Indicators,Environmental Economics&Policies,Economic Theory&Research,Health Monitoring&Evaluation,Health Economics&Finance

    Subjective and Objective Measures of the Extent of Governmental Regulations

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    In recent years, three different quantitative studies measuring the extent of regulation in OECD nations have appeared. One analysis is based on an extensive review and quantification of laws and regulations; the other two are based on opinion data of those familiar with these regulations. Despite their very different methodologies and coverage of particular types of governmental regulation, the results of the three studies are significantly correlated, even though they differ in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the three approaches are discussed.Regulatory Reform, Other Topics

    Does Anti-Competitive Regulation Matter for Productivity? Evidence from European Firms

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    Using firm-level data for a sample of European countries, we focus on the effects that product-market regulations have on firm-level TFP growth. We proxy regulatory burdens using the OECD indicators of sectoral non-manufacturing regulations. These allow accounting for both the direct effects of sectoral regulation on within-sector performance and the indirect effects of sectoral regulation on firms in other sectors through intersectoral input-output linkages. Our econometric specification of TFP is based on a "neo-Schumpeterian" empirical specification in which productivity improvements depend on growth at the global technological frontier and a catch up term. We assume that regulation can affect productivity growth both directly and by slowing down the rate of catch up. We find that product market regulations that curb competitive pressures tend to reduce the productivity performance of firms. The negative effect is particularly strong on firms characterised by an above-average productivity growth. Domestic regulations that affect all regulated firms in the same way seem to be more important than border regulations in this context.total factor productivity, firm-level data, product market regulation

    Regulation and Investment

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    One commonly held view about the difference between continental European countries and other OECD economies, especially the United States, is that the heavy regulation of Europe reduces its growth. Using newly assembled data on regulation in several sectors of many OECD countries, we provide substantial and robust evidence that various measures of regulation in the product market, concerning in particular entry barriers, are negatively related to investment. The implications of our analysis are clear: regulatory reforms, especially those that liberalize entry, are very likely to spur investment.

    New Insight in Copper-Ion Binding to Human Islet Amyloid: The Contribution of Metal-Complex Speciation To Reveal the Polypeptide Toxicity

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    Type-2 diabetes (T2D) is considered to be a potential threat on a global level. Recently, T2D has been listed as a misfolding disease, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Human islet amyloid polypeptide (hIAPP) is a molecule cosecreted in pancreatic β cells and represents the main constituent of an aggregated amyloid found in individuals affected by T2D. The trace-element serum level is significantly influenced during the development of diabetes. In particular, the dys-homeostasis of Cu2+ ions may adversely affect the course of the disease. Conflicting results have been reported on the protective role played by complex species formed by Cu2+ ions with hIAPP or its peptide fragments in vitro. The histidine (His) residue at position 18 represents the main binding site for the metal ion, but contrasting results have been reported on other residues involved in metal-ion coordination, in particular those toward the N or C terminus. Sequences that encompass regions 17–29 and 14–22 were used to discriminate between the two models of the hIAPP coordination mode. Due to poor solubility in water, poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatives were synthesized. A peptide fragment that encompasses the 17–29 region of rat amylin (rIAPP) in which the arginine residue at position 18 was substituted by a histidine residue was also obtained to assess that the PEG moiety does not alter the peptide secondary structure. The complex species formed by Cu2+ ions with Ac-PEG-hIAPP(17–29)-NH2, Ac-rIAPP(17–29)R18H-NH2, and Ac-PEG-hIAPP(14–22)-NH2 were studied by using potentiometric titrations coupled with spectroscopic methods (UV/Vis, circular dichroism, and EPR). The combined thermodynamic and spectroscopic approach allowed us to demonstrate that hIAPP is able to bind Cu2+ ions starting from the His18 imidazole nitrogen atom toward the N-terminus domain. The stability constants of copper(II) complexes with Ac-PEG-hIAPP(14–22)-NH2 were used to simulate the different experimental conditions under which aggregate formation and oxidative stress of hIAPP has been reported. Speciation unveils: 1) the protective role played by increased amounts of Cu2+ ions on the hIAPP fibrillary aggregation, 2) the effect of adventitious trace amounts of Cu2+ ions present in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS), and 3) a reducing fluorogenic probe on H2O2 production attributed to the polypeptide alone
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