171 research outputs found
Computing the distance between quantum channels: Usefulness of the Fano representation
The diamond norm measures the distance between two quantum channels. From an
operational vewpoint, this norm measures how well we can distinguish between
two channels by applying them to input states of arbitrarily large dimensions.
In this paper, we show that the diamond norm can be conveniently and in a
physically transparent way computed by means of a Monte-Carlo algorithm based
on the Fano representation of quantum states and quantum operations. The
effectiveness of this algorithm is illustrated for several single-qubit quantum
channels.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Entanglement, randomness and chaos
Entanglement is not only the most intriguing feature of quantum mechanics,
but also a key resource in quantum information science. The entanglement
content of random pure quantum states is almost maximal; such states find
applications in various quantum information protocols. The preparation of a
random state or, equivalently, the implementation of a random unitary operator,
requires a number of elementary one- and two-qubit gates that is exponential in
the number n_q of qubits, thus becoming rapidly unfeasible when increasing n_q.
On the other hand, pseudo-random states approximating to the desired accuracy
the entanglement properties of true random states may be generated efficiently,
that is, polynomially in n_q. In particular, quantum chaotic maps are efficient
generators of multipartite entanglement among the qubits, close to that
expected for random states. This review discusses several aspects of the
relationship between entanglement, randomness and chaos. In particular, I will
focus on the following items: (i) the robustness of the entanglement generated
by quantum chaotic maps when taking into account the unavoidable noise sources
affecting a quantum computer; (ii) the detection of the entanglement of
high-dimensional (mixtures of) random states, an issue also related to the
question of the emergence of classicality in coarse grained quantum chaotic
dynamics; (iii) the decoherence induced by the coupling of a system to a
chaotic environment, that is, by the entanglement established between the
system and the environment.Comment: Review paper, 40 pages, 7 figures, added reference
A bird's eye view of quantum computers
Quantum computers are discussed in the general framework of computation, the
laws of physics and the foundations of quantum mechanics.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur
Optimal purification of a generic n-qudit state
We propose a quantum algorithm for the purification of a generic mixed state
of a -qudit system by using an ancillary -qudit system. The
algorithm is optimal in that (i) the number of ancillary qudits cannot be
reduced, (ii) the number of parameters which determine the purification state
exactly equals the number of degrees of freedom of , and (iii)
is easily determined from the density matrix . Moreover, we
introduce a quantum circuit in which the quantum gates are unitary
transformations acting on a -qudit system. These transformations are
determined by parameters that can be tuned to generate, once the ancillary
qudits are disregarded, any given mixed -qudit state.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, remarks adde
Exotic States in the Dynamical Casimir Effect
We consider the interaction of a qubit with a single mode of the quantized
electromagnetic field and show that, in the ultrastrong coupling regime and
when the qubit-field interaction is switched on abruptly, the dynamical Casimir
effect leads to the generation of a variety of exotic states of the field,
which cannot be simply described as squeezed states. Such effect also appears
when initially both the qubit and the field are in their ground state. The
non-classicality of the obtained exotic states is characterized by means of a
parameter based on the volume of the negative part of the Wigner function. A
transition to non-classical states is observed by changing either the
interaction strength or the interaction time. The observed phenomena appear as
a general feature of nonadiabatic quantum gates, so that the dynamical Casimir
effect can be the origin of a fundamental upper limit to the maximum speed of
quantum computation and communication protocols.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
How complex is the quantum motion?
In classical mechanics the complexity of a dynamical system is characterized
by the rate of local exponential instability which effaces the memory of
initial conditions and leads to practical irreversibility. In striking
contrast, quantum mechanics appears to exhibit strong memory of the initial
state. Here we introduce a notion of complexity for a quantum system and relate
it to its stability and reversibility properties.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, new figure adde
Non-perturbative interpretation of the Bloch vector's path beyond rotating wave approximation
The Bloch vector's path of a two-level system exposed to a monochromatic
field exhibits, in the regime of strong coupling, complex corkscrew
trajectories. By considering the infinitesimal evolution of the two-level
system when the field is treated as a classical object, we show that the Bloch
vector's rotation speed oscillates between zero and twice the rotation speed
predicted by the rotating wave approximation. Cusps appear when the rotation
speed vanishes. We prove analytically that in correspondence to cusps the
curvature of the Bloch vector's path diverges. On the other hand, numerical
data show that the curvature is very large even for a quantum field in the deep
quantum regime with mean number of photons . We finally
compute numerically the typical error size in a quantum gate when the terms
beyond rotating wave approximation are neglected.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Classical versus quantum errors in quantum computation of dynamical systems
We analyze the stability of a quantum algorithm simulating the quantum
dynamics of a system with different regimes, ranging from global chaos to
integrability. We compare, in these different regimes, the behavior of the
fidelity of quantum motion when the system's parameters are perturbed or when
there are unitary errors in the quantum gates implementing the quantum
algorithm. While the first kind of errors has a classical limit, the second one
has no classical analogue. It is shown that, whereas in the first case
(``classical errors'') the decay of fidelity is very sensitive to the dynamical
regime, in the second case (``quantum errors'') it is almost independent of the
dynamical behavior of the simulated system. Therefore, the rich variety of
behaviors found in the study of the stability of quantum motion under
``classical'' perturbations has no correspondence in the fidelity of quantum
computation under its natural perturbations. In particular, in this latter case
it is not possible to recover the semiclassical regime in which the fidelity
decays with a rate given by the classical Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure
Quantum Poincare' recurrences in microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms
We study the time dependence of the ionization probability of Rydberg atoms
driven by a microwave field. The quantum survival probability follows the
classical one up to the Heisenberg time and then decays inversely proportional
to time, due to tunneling and localization effects. We provide parameter values
which should allow one to observe such decay in laboratory experiments.
Relations to the noise are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of the Conference
"Atoms, molecules and quantum dots in laser fields: fundamental processes",
Pisa, June 200
Dynamical Casimir Effect in Quantum Information Processing
We demonstrate, in the regime of ultrastrong matter-field coupling, the
strong connection between the dynamical Casimir effect (DCE) and the
performance of quantum information protocols. Our results are illustrated by
means of a realistic quantum communication channel and show that the DCE is a
fundamental limit for quantum computation and communication and that novel
schemes are required to implement ultrafast and reliable quantum gates.
Strategies to partially counteract the DCE are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure
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