332 research outputs found
Musical Expression on Wind Instruments: Perspectives from a Panel of Experts
Musical expression, or a performer’s interpretation of the aesthetic message intended by the composer, involves thoughtful manipulation of perceptual variables such as dynamics, tempo, articulation, and timbre. Musical expression is commonly associated with artistry and achievement in music, yet research on pedagogy for teaching musical expression to wind instrumentalists is limited. The purpose of this study is to use perspectives from professional wind instrumentalists and conductors to explore how musical expression on wind instruments is demonstrated and measured. The qualitative tradition of the Delphi method, with three rounds of data collection, provided the structure for answering the research questions. The importance of effectively communicating musical interpretation through performance was a recurring theme within the data collection as well as the literature review. Findings suggest that a performer’s abilities both to appropriately analyze the music and then to successfully communicate his or her interpretation of the music to a listener are critical for achieving artistry in musical expression. The study may provide valuable insight for a deeper understanding of pedagogical strategies needed for teaching musical expression to wind instrumentalists
Two Combinatorial Interpretations of Rascal Numbers
The main goal of this paper is to assign two combinatorial interpretations to
the elements of the Rascal Triangle defined by Angorro et al. The first
interpretation involves counting ascents in binary words, while the second
interpretation involves pattern avoidance in the ascent sequences studied by
Duncan and Steingr\'imsson, and related directly to a more recent paper by
Baxter and Pudwell
TB133: Experimental Stream Application of B.t.i. for Human Nuisance Black Fly Management in a Recreational Area
Biting and swarming black flies are abundant in Maine and can cause serious discomfort to humans, especially in recreational areas where their presence may substantially decrease satisfaction in outdoor activities. In 1985, 1986 and 1987 a series of experimental applications of B.t.i. was made on property owned by the Sugarloaf Mountain Corporation. The 198 5 study determined the persistenc e o f B.t.i. in stream and river water and the concentration necessary to achieve \u3e90% mortality in black fly larvae. It also indicated that B.t.i. had no detectable impact on non-target organisms. In 1986 and 1987 the objective was to determine if controlling the black fly larvae in streams within the Sugarloaf property would result in decreasing adult human nuisance flies to an acceptable level.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_techbulletin/1069/thumbnail.jp
QES-Fire: A dynamically coupled fast-response wildfire model
A microscale wildfire model, QES-Fire, that dynamically couples the fire front to microscale winds was developed using a simplified physics rate of spread (ROS) model, a kinematic plume-rise model and a mass-consistent wind solver. The model is three-dimensional and couples fire heat fluxes to the wind field while being more computationally efficient than other coupled models. The plume-rise model calculates a potential velocity field scaled by the ROS model\u27s fire heat flux. Distinct plumes are merged using a multiscale plume-merging methodology that can efficiently represent complex fire fronts. The plume velocity is then superimposed on the ambient winds and the wind solver enforces conservation of mass on the combined field, which is then fed into the ROS model and iterated on until convergence. QES-Fire\u27s ability to represent plume rise is evaluated by comparing its results with those from an atmospheric large-eddy simulation (LES) model. Additionally, the model is compared with data from the FireFlux II field experiment. QES-Fire agrees well with both the LES and field experiment data, with domain-integrated buoyancy fluxes differing by less than 17% between LES and QES-Fire and less than a 10% difference in the ROS between QES-Fire and FireFlux II data
Determination of the solid-liquid interfacial free energy along a coexistence line by Gibbs–Cahn integration
This is the publisher's version, also available electronically from http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/jcp/131/11/10.1063/1.3231693.We calculate the solid-liquid interfacial free energyγsl for the Lennard-Jones (LJ) system at several points along the pressure-temperature coexistence curve using molecular-dynamics simulation and Gibbs–Cahn integration. This method uses the excess interfacial energy(e) and stress (τ) along the coexistence curve to determine a differential equation for γsl as a function of temperature. Given the values of γsl for the (100), (110), and (111) LJ interfaces at the triple-point temperature (T∗=kT/ϵ=0.618), previously obtained using the cleaving method by Davidchack and Laird [J. Chem. Phys. 118, 7657 (2003)], this differential equation can be integrated to obtain γsl for these interfaces at higher coexistence temperatures. Our values for γsl calculated in this way at T∗=1.0 and 1.5 are in good agreement with those determined previously by cleaving, but were obtained with significantly less computational effort than required by either the cleaving method or the capillary fluctuation method of Hoyt, Asta, and Karma [Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 5530 (2001)]. In addition, the orientational anisotropy in the excess interfaceenergy, stress and entropy, calculated using the conventional Gibbs dividing surface, are seen to be significantly larger than the relatively small anisotropies in γsl itself
Examining increased flexibility in assessment formats
There have been calls in the literature for changes to assessment practices in higher education, to increase flexibility and give learners more control over the assessment process (Boud and Falchikov 2006; Nicol and MacFarlane-Dick 2006; Taras 2002). This article explores the possibilities of allowing student choice in the format used to present their work, as a starting point for changing assessment, based on recent studies and current examples of flexible assessment practice in Higher Education. The benefits of this flexible assessment format approach are highlighted, along with a discussion of classic assessment considerations such as validity, reliability and marking concerns. The role of technology in facilitating assessment method choice is considered, in terms of new opportunities for providing student choice in the way they evidence their learning and present their work. Considerations for implementing flexible assessment choices into the curriculum are presented, along with a call that further research into such practice is needed to develop a comprehensive set of practical recommendations and best practice for implementation of flexible assessment choice into the curriculum. The article should be of interest to curriculum developers and academics considering implementing changes to the assessment process to increase student ownership and control
Notch ligation by Delta1 inhibits peripheral immune responses to transplantation antigens by a CD8⁺ cell–dependent mechanism
Notch signaling plays a fundamental role in determining the outcome of differentiation processes in many tissues. Notch signaling has been implicated in T versus B cell lineage commitment, thymic differentiation, and bone marrow hematopoietic precursor renewal and differentiation. Notch receptors and their ligands are also expressed on the surface of mature lymphocytes and APCs, but the effects of Notch signaling in the peripheral immune system remain poorly defined. The aim of the studies reported here was to investigate the effects of signaling through the Notch receptor using a ligand of the Delta-like family. We show that Notch ligation in the mature immune system markedly decreases responses to transplantation antigens. Constitutive expression of Delta-like 1 on alloantigen-bearing cells renders them nonimmunogenic and able to induce specific unresponsiveness to a challenge with the same alloantigen, even in the form of a cardiac allograft. These effects could be reversed by depletion of CD8⁺ cells at the time of transplantation. Ligation of Notch on splenic CD8⁺ cells results in a dramatic decrease in IFN-γ with a concomitant enhancement of IL-10 production, suggesting that Notch signaling can alter the differentiation potential of CD8⁺ cells. These data implicate Notch signaling in regulation of peripheral immunity and suggest a novel approach for manipulating deleterious immune responses
Notch ligation by Delta1 inhibits peripheral immune responses to transplantation antigens by a CD8+ cell–dependent mechanism
Effects of Timber Harvest on Amphibian Populations: Understanding Mechanisms from Forest Experiments
Accompanying appendix may be accessed at: http://hdl.handle.net/10355/1365Harvesting timber is a common form of land use that has the potential to cause declines in amphibian populations. It is essential to understand the behavior and fate of individuals and the resulting consequences for vital rates (birth, death, immigration, emigration) under different forest management conditions.We report on experimental studies conducted in three regions of the United States to identify mechanisms of responses by pond-breeding amphibians to timber harvest treatments. Our studies demonstrate that life stages related to oviposition and larval performance in
the aquatic stage are sometimes affected positively by clearcutting, whereas effects on juvenile and adult terrestrial stages are mostly negative
Are Researchers in Academic Medicine Flourishing? A Survey of Midcareer Ph.D. and Physician Investigators
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