256 research outputs found
Theory of warm ionized gases: equation of state and kinetic Schottky anomaly
Based on accurate Lennard-Jones type interaction potentials, we derive a
closed set of state equations for the description of warm atomic gases in the
presence of ionization processes. The specific heat is predicted to exhibit
peaks in correspondence to single and multiple ionizations. Such kinetic
analogue in atomic gases of the Schottky anomaly in solids is enhanced at
intermediate and low atomic densities. The case of adiabatic compression of
noble gases is analyzed in detail and the implications on sonoluminescence are
discussed. In particular, the predicted plasma electron density in a
sonoluminescent bubble turns out to be in good agreement with the value
measured in recent experiments.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, replaced with published versio
Quantum localization and bound state formation in Bose-Einstein condensates
We discuss the possibility of exponential quantum localization in systems of
ultracold bosonic atoms with repulsive interactions in open optical lattices
without disorder. We show that exponential localization occurs in the maximally
excited state of the lowest energy band. We establish the conditions under
which the presence of the upper energy bands can be neglected, determine the
successive stages and the quantum phase boundaries at which localization
occurs, and discuss schemes to detect it experimentally by visibility
measurements. The discussed mechanism is a particular type of quantum
localization that is intuitively understood in terms of the interplay between
nonlinearity and a bounded energy spectrum.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
Modular Entanglement
We introduce and discuss the concept of modular entanglement. This is the
entanglement that is established between the end points of modular systems
composed by sets of interacting moduli of arbitrarily fixed size. We show that
end-to-end modular entanglement scales in the thermodynamic limit and rapidly
saturates with the number of constituent moduli. We clarify the mechanisms
underlying the onset of entanglement between distant and non-interacting
quantum systems and its optimization for applications to quantum repeaters and
entanglement distribution and sharing.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure
Probing Quantum Frustrated Systems via Factorization of the Ground State
The existence of definite orders in frustrated quantum systems is related
rigorously to the occurrence of fully factorized ground states below a
threshold value of the frustration. Ground-state separability thus provides a
natural measure of frustration: strongly frustrated systems are those that
cannot accommodate for classical-like solutions. The exact form of the
factorized ground states and the critical frustration are determined for
various classes of nonexactly solvable spin models with different spatial
ranges of the interactions. For weak frustration, the existence of
disentangling transitions determines the range of applicability of mean-field
descriptions in biological and physical problems such as stochastic gene
expression and the stability of long-period modulated structures.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Replaced with published versio
Long-distance entanglement and quantum teleportation in coupled cavity arrays
We introduce quantum spin models whose ground states allow for sizeable
entanglement between distant spins. We discuss how spin models with global
end-to-end entanglement realize quantum teleportation channels with optimal
compromise between scalability and resilience to thermal decoherence, and can
be implemented straightforwardly in suitably engineered arrays of coupled
optical cavities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev. A (Rapid Communication
Entanglement Complexity in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics, Thermalization and Localization
Entanglement is usually quantified by von Neumann entropy, but its properties
are much more complex than what can be expressed with a single number. We show
that the three distinct dynamical phases known as thermalization, Anderson
localization, and many-body localization are marked by different patterns of
the spectrum of the reduced density matrix for a state evolved after a quantum
quench. While the entanglement spectrum displays Poisson statistics for the
case of Anderson localization, it displays universal Wigner-Dyson statistics
for both the cases of many-body localization and thermalization, albeit the
universal distribution is asymptotically reached within very different time
scales in these two cases. We further show that the complexity of entanglement,
revealed by the possibility of disentangling the state through a
Metropolis-like algorithm, is signaled by whether the entanglement spectrum
level spacing is Poisson or Wigner-Dyson distributed.Comment: Minor revision
Geometric characterization of separability and entanglement in pure Gaussian states by single-mode unitary operations
We present a geometric approach to the characterization of separability and
entanglement in pure Gaussian states of an arbitrary number of modes. The
analysis is performed adapting to continuous variables a formalism based on
single subsystem unitary transformations that has been recently introduced to
characterize separability and entanglement in pure states of qubits and qutrits
[arXiv:0706.1561]. In analogy with the finite-dimensional case, we demonstrate
that the bipartite entanglement of a multimode pure Gaussian state
can be quantified by the minimum squared Euclidean distance between the state
itself and the set of states obtained by transforming it via suitable local
symplectic (unitary) operations. This minimum distance, corresponding to a,
uniquely determined, extremal local operation, defines a novel entanglement
monotone equivalent to the entropy of entanglement, and amenable to direct
experimental measurement with linear optical schemes.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Discussion expanded, to appear in PR
Revealing neutrino nature and violation with decoherence effects
We study decoherence effects on mixing among three generations of neutrinos.
We show that in presence of a non--diagonal dissipation matrix, both Dirac and
Majorana neutrinos can violate the symmetry and the oscillation formulae
depend on the parametrization of the mixing matrix. We reveal the
violation in the transitions preserving the flavor, for a certain form of the
dissipator. In particular, the violation affects all the transitions in
the case of Majorana neutrinos, unlike Dirac neutrinos which still preserve the
symmetry in one of the transitions flavor preserving. This theoretical
result shows that decoherence effects, if exist for neutrinos, could allow to
determine the neutrino nature and to test fundamental symmetries of physics.
Next long baseline experiments could allow such an analysis. We relate our
study with experiments by using the characteristic parameters and the
constraints on the elements of the dissipation matrix of current experiments.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure
Adiabatic quantum simulation with a segmented ion trap: Application to long-distance entanglement in quantum spin systems
We investigate theoretically systems of ions in segmented linear Paul traps for the quantum simulation of quantum spin models with tunable interactions. The scheme is entirely general and can be applied to the realization of arbitrary spin-spin interactions. As a specific application we discuss in detail the quantum simulation of models that exhibit long-distance entanglement in the ground state. We show how tailoring of the axial trapping potential allows for generating spin-spin coupling patterns that are suitable to create long-distance entanglement. We discuss how suitable sequences of microwave pulses can implement Trotter expansions and realize various kinds of effective spin-spin interactions. The corresponding Hamiltonians can be varied on adjustable time scales, thereby allowing the controlled adiabatic preparation of their ground states
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