11 research outputs found

    Το διαδίκτυο στην Κύπρο 2010, Τελική Έκθεση

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    Για την αναπαραγωγή αυτής της έκθεσης σε κάθε άλλη μορφή πέραν της χρήσης συνοπτικών αποσπασμάτων απαιτείται ρητή γραπτή άδεια από το World Internet Project Cyprus.Χρηματοδοτούμενη από το ΤΕΠΑΚ, το δεύτερο κύμα της έρευνας «The Cyprus World Internet Project» διεξάχθηκε κατά το διάστημα Μάιος- Ιούνιος 2010 μέσω προσωπικών συνεντεύξεων ενός δείγματος 1000 ατόμων από την Ελληνοκυπριακή και 600 ατόμων από την Τουρκοκυπριακή κοινότητα. Το πρώτο κύμα της έρευνας πραγματοποιήθηκε το 2008 και αφορούσε μόνο τους Ελληνοκύπριους.Τεχνολογικό Πανεπιστήμιο Κύπρο

    Internet use and political efficacy: the case of Cyprus

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    Although political efficacy is considered to be an important indicator of a well-functioning democracy, it is so far unclear whether it is being enhanced or undermined by internet use. This study seeks to understand the complex relationship between internet use and political efficacy, focusing on the unique case of Cyprus. It explores the effect of internet use, via digital updatedness, on users' perceptions about the impact of the internet on political efficacy and the role of sociocultural factors therein. Although the effect of internet use on internet-mediated political efficacy is found to be weak, the role of the sociocultural environment appears to be particularly important. Research findings are discussed and contextualised in terms of the distinct characteristics of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot political culture

    Scale-invariant quadratic gravity and inflation in the Palatini formalism

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    In the framework of classical scale invariance, we consider quadratic gravity in the Palatini formalism and investigate the inflationary predictions of the theory. Our model corresponds to a two-field scalar-tensor theory, which involves the Higgs field and an extra scalar field stemming from a gauge U(1)(X) extension of the Standard Model, which contains an extra gauge boson and three right-handed neutrinos. Both scalar fields couple nonminimally to gravity and induce the Planck scale dynamically, once they develop vacuum expectation values. By means of the Gildener-Weinberg approach, we describe the inflationary dynamics in terms of a single scalar degree of freedom along the flat direction of the tree-level potential. The one-loop effective potential in the Einstein frame exhibits plateaus on both sides of the minimum and thus the model can accommodate both small and large field inflation. The inflationary predictions of the model are found to comply with the latest bounds set by the Planck collaboration for a wide range of parameters and the effect of the quadratic in curvature terms is to reduce the value of the tensor-to-scalar ratio

    Factors Affecting Response Rates of the Web Survey with Teachers

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    Although web survey has been a popular method of data collection in the academic community, it presents meagre response rates, which primarily affect the validity of the results as well as the reliability of the outcomes. Surveys worldwide that study the response rate only of teachers have not been found in the relevant literature. In this survey, with a sample of 263 Greek teachers, we investigate possible factors that explain teachers’ intention to participate in web surveys that are conducted by online questionnaires indicating, therefore, the factors that probably influence the response rate of web surveys. Our findings support those factors such as (a) authority, (b) incentives, (c) survey structure/form, (d) ethical issues, (e) reminders and pre-notifications, and (f) survey time received, which seem to explain the teachers’ intention to participate in web surveys with questionnaires. Based on the findings, methodology implications and limitations for researchers are discussed

    Factors Affecting Response Rates of the Web Survey with Teachers

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    Although web survey has been a popular method of data collection in the academic community, it presents meagre response rates, which primarily affect the validity of the results as well as the reliability of the outcomes. Surveys worldwide that study the response rate only of teachers have not been found in the relevant literature. In this survey, with a sample of 263 Greek teachers, we investigate possible factors that explain teachers’ intention to participate in web surveys that are conducted by online questionnaires indicating, therefore, the factors that probably influence the response rate of web surveys. Our findings support those factors such as (a) authority, (b) incentives, (c) survey structure/form, (d) ethical issues, (e) reminders and pre-notifications, and (f) survey time received, which seem to explain the teachers’ intention to participate in web surveys with questionnaires. Based on the findings, methodology implications and limitations for researchers are discussed

    The Internet in Cyprus 2009, Final Report

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    Reprinting of this report in any form other than brief excerpts requires the express written permission of the World Internet Project Cyprus.The Cyprus World Internet Project survey was conducted in late 2008. A sample of 1000 Cypriots were interviewed regarding their use of and attitudes to the Internet