64 research outputs found

    Noise-robust quantum sensing via optimal multi-probe spectroscopy

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    The dynamics of quantum systems are unavoidably influenced by their environment and in turn observing a quantum system (probe) can allow one to measure its environment: Measurements and controlled manipulation of the probe such as dynamical decoupling sequences as an extension of the Ramsey interference measurement allow to spectrally resolve a noise field coupled to the probe. Here, we introduce fast and robust estimation strategies for the characterization of the spectral properties of classical and quantum dephasing environments. These strategies are based on filter function orthogonalization, optimal control filters maximizing the relevant Fisher Information and multi-qubit entanglement. We investigate and quantify the robustness of the schemes under different types of noise such as finite-precision measurements, dephasing of the probe, spectral leakage and slow temporal fluctuations of the spectrum.Comment: 13 pages, 14 figure

    Irreversibility mitigation in unital non-Markovian quantum evolutions

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    The relation between thermodynamic entropy production and non-Markovian evolutions is a matter of current research. Here, we study the behavior of the stochastic entropy production in open quantum systems undergoing unital non-Markovian dynamics. In particular, for the family of Pauli channels we show that in some specific time intervals both the average entropy production and the variance can decrease, provided that the quantum dynamics fails to be positive divisible, i.e. it is essentially non-Markovian. Although the dynamics of the system is overall irreversible, our result may be interpreted as a transient tendency towards reversibility, described as a delta-peaked distribution of entropy production around zero. Finally, we also provide analytical bounds on the parameters in the generator giving rise to the quantum system dynamics, so as to ensure irreversibility mitigation of the corresponding non-Markovian evolution

    Machine learning approach for quantum non-Markovian noise classification

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    In this paper, machine learning and artificial neural network models are proposed for quantum noise classification in stochastic quantum dynamics. For this purpose, we train and then validate support vector machine, multi-layer perceptron and recurrent neural network, models with different complexity and accuracy, to solve supervised binary classification problems. By exploiting the quantum random walk formalism, we demonstrate the high efficacy of such tools in classifying noisy quantum dynamics using data sets collected in a single realisation of the quantum system evolution. In addition, we also show that for a successful classification one just needs to measure, in a sequence of discrete time instants, the probabilities that the analysed quantum system is in one of the allowed positions or energy configurations, without any external driving. Thus, neither measurements of quantum coherences nor sequences of control pulses are required. Since in principle the training of the machine learning models can be performed a-priori on synthetic data, our approach is expected to find direct application in a vast number of experimental schemes and also for the noise benchmarking of the already available noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Stochastic entropy production: Fluctuation relation and irreversibility mitigation in non-unital quantum dynamics

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    In this work, we study the stochastic entropy production in open quantum systems whose time evolution is described by a class of non-unital quantum maps. In particular, as in [Phys. Rev. E 92, 032129 (2015)], we consider Kraus operators that can be related to a nonequilibrium potential. This class accounts for both thermalization and equilibration to a non-thermal state. Unlike unital quantum maps, non-unitality is responsible for an unbalance of the forward and backward dynamics of the open quantum system under scrutiny. Here, concentrating on observables that commute with the invariant state of the evolution, we show how the non-equilibrium potential enters the statistics of the stochastic entropy production. In particular, we prove a fluctuation relation for the latter and we find a convenient way of expressing its average solely in terms of relative entropies. Then, the theoretical results are applied to the thermalization of a qubit with non-Markovian transient, and the phenomenon of irreversibility mitigation, introduced in [Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033250 (2020)], is analyzed in this context.Comment: 17 pages, v2 close to published versio

    Noise fingerprints in quantum computers: Machine learning software tools

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    In this paper we present the high-level functionalities of a quantum-classical machine learning software, whose purpose is to learn the main features (the fingerprint) of quantum noise sources affecting a quantum device, as a quantum computer. Specifically, the software architecture is designed to classify successfully (more than 99% of accuracy) the noise fingerprints in different quantum devices with similar technical specifications, or distinct time-dependences of a noise fingerprint in single quantum machines.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure
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