29 research outputs found

    Biological effect of modern bioactive materials used in direct and indirect capping; in vitro study

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    Objective. In this study, the biological effect of MTA Repair HP (Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Repair High Plasticity) and Biodentine have been tested on a stabilized fibroblast cell line NCTC clone 929. Materials and Methods. We assessed quantitative and qualitative parameters related to cytotoxic effect of the investigated products. The experimental period was 96 hours. Statistical analysis was performed with Kruskal-Wallis and Wilcoxon tests. Results. The detached cells test showed no statistically significant difference on cell culture for Biodentine and MTA Repair HP, while for the cellular density assay we found the same biological effect on the tested fibroblasts in the first 24 and 48 hours, but a significant different cellular response for the investigated pulp capping materials for the next 48 hours of the experiment. Conclusions. The results demonstrated that the materials presented a very low level of cytotoxicity. Biodentine showed in all parameters better biological effects than MTA Repair HP, expressed by lower and limited cellular damage and a higher cell density

    A new approach to balance dental fear and anxiety by using BachTM Flower Therapy

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    Treatments in dentistry currently consist of an interdisciplinary approach, including (but not necessarily limited to) the holistic perspective. The different fields of allopathic and complementary medicine are used together to ensure not only a high-quality restorative treatment, but also to provide patients with psychological and emotional support. This perspective also applies to dental anxiety, which consists of complex (emotional, vegetative and psychomotor) manifestations. One of the most well-known complementary therapies for reducing dental fear and anxiety is BachTM Flower Therapy. Even if the mechanism of action of this therapy is not yet scientifically documented, notable results have been and continue to be reported in the literature in several clinical studies on patients with dental diseases. It is indicated for both adults and children, in the latter when they go through major biological changes, such as primary and permanent dentition. As a conclusion, BachTM flower therapy is effective and complementary to dental treatments applied to patients, by reducing stress, anxiety, as well as creating a climate of peace, trust and confidence, both for the patient and the doctor. In addition, it is a relatively accessible and cheap form of care, with no significant adverse effects noted so far

    Primary endodontic infections - key issue in pathogenesis of chronic apical periodontitis

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    Primary root canal infection is a dynamic process. All species of oral microbiota have comparable abilities to establish in the root canals of necrotic teeth. The essential ecological factors in their biological selection are nutrient availability, anaerobic environment and bacterial interactions. In chronic apical periodontitis, all selected microflora residing in the long-term infected habitat of root canals system are synergistic, and each of them can play the role of an endodontic pathogen. Microorganisms living in the root canal system of pulpless teeth progressively reach through anatomical communications to the periodontal ligament where, sooner or later, they cause the inflammatory and immunological conflict between the infection and the host. The insight into the complexity of the root canal microbiota is improved by the current pyrosequencing and next-generation sequencing diagnostic techniques, which allow the identification of multispecies of the microbiome and their targeted treatment. The insight into the complexity of root canal microbiota is improved by present diagnostic techniques of pyrosequencing and next generation sequencing, which allow the identification of multispecies of the microbiome and their targeted treatment

    The causes of adhesive direct dental restorations failures

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    The modern dental caries adhesive direct restoration requires a working protocol that includes stages and techniques that must be strictly followed to ensure the correct morphological and functional reconstruction, as well as an increased longevity of the restoration and implicitly of the respective tooth in the oral cavity. Failures in achieving these goals are represented by the occurrence of recurrent caries, secondary or residual caries, coronary fractures, leading to pulpal and periodontal complications. They can be due to both incorrect therapeutic maneuvers and other causes, for which the dentist is not responsible, such as manufacturing defects of dental materials that are not visible during inspection or the patient's attitude towards oral hygiene

    SEM and EDS comparative studies about the homogeneity of some cements used for luting of posts

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    Objectives. The aim of the study was to evaluate comparatively by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrophotometry (EDS) the physical and chemical homogeneity of some luting materials used for cementation of three types of posts. Materials and method. We selected 12 irretrievable monoradicular teeth extracted in our dental offices. After extraction, all teeth were prepared for cementation with 4 different cements (NANOCORE DUAL, CEMBEST, PANAVIA SA and CEMENT-ONE) of three types of posts: prefabricated titanium post, FibreKleer 4x fiberglass post (Pentron) and post cast from NiCrMo alloy. Afterwards, the samples were embedded in resin and prepared metallographically for examination with the Phenom ProX scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive spectrophotometer with X Rays. Results. SEM studies provide valuable ultrastructural information regarding the degree of filling with luting materials. The four studied cements do not present an inhomogeneous composition in the EDS analysis, not having significantly increased values between the 2 analyzed points for each of the 12 samples taken in the study. Conclusions. Among the four luting materials studied comparatively, PANAVIA SA seems to best fill the existing spaces between posts and the limits of dental preparations, being closely followed by CEMENT-One and CEMBEST. In last place is NANOCORE DUAL, which presents discontinuities in the mass of material and at the border with the preparations


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    The aim of this study is to identify the restoration methods used by dentists in Romania and to relate them to the development of coronal or mixed fractures. Matherials and methods. 400 panoramic radiographies made between 2012 and 2017 were analized by an endodontics specialist. Teeth with endodontic treatment were identified and analized, their restoration method was noted and the fractures were detected. Results and discussions. The restoration methods prefered by the dentist in Romania are: dental bridges (35.72%), individual crowns (33.25%), fillings (28.64%) and a low percentage of onlays and other types of restorations. Fractures occur in less than 20% of the teeth, most of them from the lateral region. The main reasons for the appearance of fractures are: massive coronal direct restorations, bulky direct metallic posts that reduced the resistance of the roots, abutments and loosening of crowns. Conclusions. Endodontic treatments are more necessary in lateral teeth, direct fillings being the restoration method that led to the development of most of the fractures. Individual crowns have the lowest failure rates, while teeth without posts fractured twice as much as teeth that have them

    Burning mouth syndrome. A case report from diagnosis to cure

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    Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disease of the oral mucosa characterized by persistent oral pain and no clinical lesions or abnormal biological investigations. This paper reports one case of BMS and discusses the main features of this disease's clinical and therapeutical management. A 60 years old female patient had burning sensation on the left lateral border of the tongue for 2.5 years. Local and systemic investigations found no abnormalities. The therapy included local and general medication and the symptoms were remitted. This case report highlights the heterogeneity of BMS, the associated comorbidities, and the evolution of symptoms from diagnosis to cure


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    The place of medical legislation in the university curriculum remains somehow uncertain and should be identified more clearly. A more robust knowledge base on the law is needed to enable medical students to develop sufficient legal competence to manage the challenges of future practice. Further research is needed to identify the most effective methods of teaching, learning and assessing legal knowledge and skills, during and after the completion of initial medical education. An in-depth analysis of resources shows that there is no robust evidence base that evaluates the impact in different curricular structures of the efficient methods in developing the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors needed in medical practice of student. Moreover, only a limited number of studies refer to the results and effectiveness of teaching and learning the elements of medical legislation


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    Root canal preparation is an important process in endodontic therapy. Root canals can be shaped in continuous motion by rotary instruments using a crown-down technique and a single lenght technique (simultaneous technique) as well. Most rotary systems require a crown-down approach to minimize torsional loads and to reduce the risk of instrument fracture. The most known of these are ProTaper Universal and ProTaper Gold (Dentsply Sirona). On the other hand, there are also on the market rotary systems that shape the canal in a single lenght technique. These are ProTaper Next (Dentsply Sirona) and Mtwo (VDW). These instruments are used without early coronal enlargement and are lead up to the working length without apical pressure. This work has the aim to compare the ability of two techniques to prepare uniform tapered the root canals and to maintain the original shape of curved canals during preparation


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    The root canal irrigation going along with instrumentation is a mandatory attitude in current endodontic practice. To increase the evacuation efficacy of dental pulp remnants, dentin debris and bacterial biofilms from root canals and lateral irregularities including canal isthmuses, various procedures of irrigants activation were conceived. If not yet quite satisfactory, among various techniques of irrigant activation currently used the passive ultrasonic activation proved to be more efficient to achieving cleaning and disinfection of root canal isthmuses