35 research outputs found

    Intercorelation of Turbidty with Primary Productivity and Nutrient in the Water East Sungaitohor of Sub-district of East Tebingtinggi, District of Kepulauan Meranti, Province of Riau

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    The objective of the research is to find out water quality condition in most coastal water in East Sungaitohor especially turbidity and its effect toward water primary productivity and its nutrient. This research has been conducted in Sungaitohor waters, district of Kepulauan Meranti. The methods used is purposive sampling. Sampling has been conducted on March 4th, 2017 and nitrate, phospate analysis and turbidity conducted in Marine Chemistry Laboratory and phytoplankton identification has been conducted in Marine Biology in March 10th, 2017. The result shows that the range of turbidity in the waters around 32,07-190 NTU, nitrate consentration is about 2,325-2,4291 mg/L and phospate consentration around -0,5 – 5 mgC/m2/day. Corelation between turbidity and primary productivity, phitoplankton, nitrate, and phospate respectively shows very weak, moderate, moderate, and weak

    The Mapping of Shoreline Change Bengkulu City Water\u27s

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    A mapping of shorlines change was conducted used by landsat 5 TM, 7 and 8 ETM+. The aim of this reseacrh was to made shorelines change map and to analyze the rate of shorelines change. The method used in this research was survey method. Image data obtained in September 2001, May 2006, May 2011 and January 2016 were analyzed in the SIG Laboratory, Fakulty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Riau University. Based on data analyzed, field study was conducted in May 2016 at Bengkulu City Water\u27s.The result of the study showed that the average accretion 3,6 meter/year was happen in Bengkulu city. The highest tide was found in station 2 (0,6 – 0,85 meter) and the lowest tide was found in station 3. Current velocity in the highest tide 0,3 meter/second and the lowest tide 0,32 meter/second. The turbidity of marine water 0,336 NTU - 4,08 NTU. The slope of the beach in Bengkulu city > 0 – 2 % with depth range 4 – 6 meter.Key word\u27s : Shorline cange, mapping, Bengkulu City Water\u27s

    Tidal Dynamics and Climate Change in Coastal Waters of Pangkalan Sesai Village, West Dumai District, Riau Province

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    The research was conducted from December 2014 to February 2015, in the coastal waters of Dumai, Riau Province. The research aimed to determine the tidal dynamics in relation to climate change. The research used survey method by performing 4 times periodically sampling. The result of measurement was then compared to Hydro-oceanographic Service Data.The results showed that tidal pattern in coastal waters of Dumai during a period of 3 months was classified into Mixed Semi-Diurnal Tides which occured 2 low tides and 2 high tides for 24 hours. Observations I-IV showed the tidal patterns were different because of different patterns of surface currents. Data of tidal pattern were compared to data obtained from Hydro-oceanographic data 3 years earlier showed a difference. Judging from the results of research that has been made known that there has been a rise in sea level if compared to data obtained from Hydro-oceanographic data 3 and 1 year before, namely an increase ranging between 19.5 to 22 cm. While the comparison of the data with the previous 2 years decreased, with a value of 45.5 cm. This means sea level in the study area has increased for 3 and 1 year. It was predicted that the existence of climate change has the effect of tidal conditions in these waters

    The Relations Between Concentration of Nitrate and Phosphate to Abundance of Planktonic Diatom in Sakera Coast Waters of Bintan Regency of Kepulauan Riau Province

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    The research was conducted in February 2017 at Sakera coast Bintan regency of Kepulauan Riau Province,with the aims to determine the concentration of Nitrate and Phosphate in water, abundance of planktonic diatom and, the relationship between the concentration of Nitrate and Phosphate with abundance of planktonic diatom.The research methods used a was survey method. Each station consists of three sampling points. The results showed that the concentration of Nitrate ranged from 0.179-0.240 mg / L, whereas Phosphate concentration ranged from 0.175-0.194 mg/ L. The planktonic diatom found in the waters of Sakera coast consists of 2 ordo and 9 genus . The most dominant species were Isthmia sp, Chaetoceros sp and Nitzschia sp.The highest abundance was at station 4 which was a residential area (5540 ind /L), while the lowest was at station 1 which was the oil refining area (3488 ind / L). The relationship between concentration of Nitrate with diatom abundances has weak positive correlation, while the relationship between concentration of Phosphate with diatom abundances has weak negative correlation

    The Study of the Selection of Fishing Ground Based on Sea Surface Temperature and Klorofil-a in the Asahan Ocean Waters by Using Satellite Images Aqua Modis

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    The study was conducted in October 2015 in Asahan waters NorthSumatera. The aim of this research is to know the fishing ground in Asahanwaters based on conditions of sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-aabundance by using Satellite Images Aqua Modis. Methods used in this researchis survey method and a visual analysis Aqua Satellite Images Modis. The resultsof the analysis by the sea surface temperatures in the Asahan waters tending tolow that is in the range highest was in June namely 32,42°C -32,7°C. From theobservation the average concentration chlorophyll-a Asahan waters 2014maximum in January with an average 4,246013 mg/m3, and the lowest in Julyreached 0.913913 mg/m3. The higher sea surface temperatures henceconcentration chlorophyll-a progressively lower. In the restive of fishing groundof Asahan waters performed on highest 30,15°C -30,38°C with the lowest in therange of SST 29,68°C-29,91°C and the highest of klorofil-a 2,70164-3,0763 mg/m3 with the lowest in the range of 1,57761-1,95228 mg /m3