30 research outputs found
Seventy years old woman with pancreatic cancer (yellow arrow).
<p>In A (axial T2-W HASTE) the lesion shows (red arrow) hyperintense signal; in B (axial T1-W in phase) and C (axial T1-W out phase) it appears hypointense (red arrow). During contrast study (D, arterial phase, E, portal phase, F, hepatospecific phase) on MR, there is no evidence of the lesion so as on arterial (G) and portal (H) phase on CT study. DWI sequences: In I <i>b</i>50 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in L <i>b</i>800 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in M ADC map. The tumor (red arrow) shows restricted diffusion.</p
Recommendations for PCR/sequencing analysis.
<p>Recommendations for PCR/sequencing analysis.</p
Seventy-three years old woman with breast cancer.
<p>A, MIP image. Common hepatic duct is not evident (yellow arrow) and, this is due to a hilar lymph node (yellow arrow) detect in B (axial T2-W HASTE). In b it is also evident the presence (red arrow) of peribiliary tissue as a hyperintense mass extending to the bifurcations of both right and left hepatic ducts. In C (axial T1-W in phase) and D (axial T1-W out phase) the lesion appears as hypointense. After contrast medium (E, arterial, F, portal, G, equilibrium phase) the lesion is not clearly evident so as in arterial phase (H) and portal (I) phase on CT study. DWI sequences: in L <i>b</i>50 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in M <i>b</i>800 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in N ADC map. The tumor (red arrow) shows restricted diffusion.</p
Sensitivity of the main methods used for KRAS genotyping in Italy.
<p>*lower level of mutant DNA that can be detected, expressed as % of total DNA.</p
Additional file 1: Table S1. of p53, cathepsin D, Bcl-2 are joint prognostic indicators of breast cancer metastatic spreading
Parameters utilized for assessing the risk of relapse. (XLSX 48Â kb
Additional file 4: Table S4A. of p53, cathepsin D, Bcl-2 are joint prognostic indicators of breast cancer metastatic spreading
p53 structure and main mutation sites. Table S4B. Ha-Ras structure and main mutation sites. Table S4C. TP53 and Ha-RAS amplification primers. (XLSX 472Â kb
Additional file 2: Table S2A. of p53, cathepsin D, Bcl-2 are joint prognostic indicators of breast cancer metastatic spreading
IHC analysis of consensus parameters of relapsed versus control BC cases. Table S2B. Invasion and cell cycle/apoptosis parameters of relapsed versus control BC cases. (XLSX 150Â kb
Fifty years old man with rectal cancer.
<p>In A (T2-W HASTE coronal plane) and B (T2-W HASTE axial plane), the lesion (arrow) appears as a single periductal hyperintense mass extending to the bifurcations of both right and left hepatic ducts. In C (axial T1-W in phase) and D (axial T1-W out phase) the lesion (arrow) show hypointense signal. During arterial (E), portal (F), equilibrium (G) phase of contrast study the lesion has a progressive contrast enhancement while during hepatobiliary phase (H), is hypointense. DWI sequences: In I <i>b</i>0 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in L <i>b</i>50 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in M <i>b</i>400 s/mm<sup>2</sup>, in N <i>b</i>800 s/mm<sup>2</sup> and in O ADC map. The tumor shows restricted diffusion.</p